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Archbishop Eamon Martin Walks Back Use of Pro-Abortion Rhetoric in Remarks on Irish Vote

The Catholic world is still reeling from Ireland’s precipitous fall into darkness. First, there was the gay “marriage” vote in 2015. Then, there was the election of Ireland’s first homosexual prime minister, Leo Varadkar, in 2017. This month came the overwhelming referendum vote to remove protection of the unborn from the Irish Constitution, at a…

Ireland Chooses Death

Editor’s note: it is not our usual policy to print an entire press release in full, but rarely have we seen one so expertly hit the mark. Our thanks to the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts and their executive director C.J. Doyle for this devastating analysis of the Irish vote to legalize abortion. On Friday,…

Chile Legalizes Abortion, Catholic Bishops Retreat

Abortion was recently legalized in Chile by the votes of the “Christian” “Democratic” politicians. This is an issue about which all Chilean Catholics should reflect. I will attempt here to place it in perspective. In 2009, there was a horrible battle at the Academy for Life between the president of the academy, Archbishop Rino Fisichella,…

A Cause for Cautious Optimism: US Abortions Are Down 12%

From LiveActionNews: A survey released Sunday by the Associated Press (AP) shows that abortion rates are dropping nationwide: the overall decrease was roughly 12 percent. The survey shows in states with significant pro-life legislation, such as Indiana, Missouri, Ohio and Oklahoma, the drop is closer to 15 percent; however, pro-life states were not alone. The report notes that…

What’s Going on at the USCCB? More trouble at CCHD and CRS

As a publisher of a Catholic website, I receive lots of information that may be of interest to readers. Lately, that has included press releases about the activities of USCCB-related organizations like the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). The CCHD has been under scrutiny by pro-life Catholics for about as long as I can remember.…

Legislating Morality: The Church-State Conflict That Isn’t

During a recent dinner conversation, a Jewish friend asked me, with sincere politeness, if I agreed with the Church’s attempts to “impose its morality” on a pluralistic society when it comes to abortion and other hot-button issues. She, like other American secularists, — I say “other” because, although my friend is Jewish, the Reform denomination…

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