The Long Term Ramifications of Dignitas Infinita?
That God’s Majesty seems to be offended here will perhaps become clearer when we analyse the aftermath of this document.
That God’s Majesty seems to be offended here will perhaps become clearer when we analyse the aftermath of this document.
We live at a time when Rome could credibly abuse its power and authority over the bishops of the whole world. It is now believable that a time might come in which orthodox bishops are removed without legal procedure and clearly for the wrong reasons. Moreover, precisely the orthodoxy of the bishops could become the…
Last month, on November 6, the great Vaticanist Sandro Magister published an interesting analysis about the prologue Cardinal Mueller wrote to Rocco Buttiglione’s book, Risposte amichevoli ai critici di Amoris Laetitia (Ares, 10 November 2017). There Magister shows the following: [T]he cardinal … envisions – explicitly – only one case of possible access to communion…
In light of the Filial Correction and its aftermath, we are witnessing how faithful Christians who have always adhered to the Church teachings are being accused of contradicting themselves. It is alleged that not adhering to the wildest interpretations of Amoris Laetitia and other papal or episcopal statements contradicts Catholic obedience. In the light of…
Abortion was recently legalized in Chile by the votes of the “Christian” “Democratic” politicians. This is an issue about which all Chilean Catholics should reflect. I will attempt here to place it in perspective. In 2009, there was a horrible battle at the Academy for Life between the president of the academy, Archbishop Rino Fisichella,…
Recently, Vatican secretary of state Pietro Cardinal Parolin defended the Vatican’s diplomacy, right after OnePeterFive published a piece on the course of that diplomacy in Colombia and Venezuela. We must suppose that Cardinal Parolin has good intentions. For this reason, and because he is leading the pope in what I judge as a clearly wrong…
Image credit: Alberto Rodriguez Editor’s Note: The following testimony was sent to us by Dr. Carlos Augusto Casanova Guerra, Professor of the University of St. Thomas in Chile and signatory of the document sent by 45 Catholic scholars to the College of Cardinals concerning the possible heretical readings of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia. Professor Casanova is a native…