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Pope’s New Encyclical Follows Spirit of Laudato Si: It Recycles The Same Old Themes

We’ve entered one of those moments again where there’s a a flurry of activity in the Church, and hardly enough time to analyze it in depth. To top it off, I’m feeling like I’m coming down with something and running on far too little sleep, so rather than trying to coax my brain into something…

Cardinal Müller: U.S. Election Will Determine Future of Democracy & Human Rights for Decades

In recent days, we’ve seen multiple pieces of political commentary from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who has stated that, in his view, President Trump has a “decisive” mission “in the epochal confrontation that has been unfolding in recent months.” Viganò in fact went so far as to wax apocalyptic when he said: If Trump loses…

Archbishop Viganò: President Trump Has a “Decisive Mission” in the Current “Epochal Confrontation”

INTERVIEW BY FRANCESCO BOEZI WITH ARCHBISHOP CARLO MARIA VIGANÒ 28 September 2020, Saint Wenceslaus, Duke and Martyr Archbishop Viganò, why did you write a letter in favor of President Trump? On August 14, 2011, Pope Benedict XVI let me know that it was his conviction that at that moment my providential position was the Nunciature…

1P5 Podcast Ep. #71 – 1st Presidential Debate, Cardinal Zen Ignored, & Idolizing the Church

On this episode of the podcast, Steve monologues again, this time diving into the first American Presidential debate, then pivoting to Pope Francis snubbing Cardinal Zen of Hong Kong as the Vatican’s INSANE Ostpolitik with Beijing continues, and finally looking at the question: is it possible to make an idol of the Catholic Church? Big…

Put Not Your Trust in Princes: A Review of Austin Ruse’s “The Catholic Case For Trump”

The Catholic Case for Trump Author: Austin Ruse Publisher: Regnery 208 Pages $12.99 Kindle; $20.99 Hardcover Some Catholic critics of Donald Trump argue that the president’s Catholic supporters are compromising the Faith.  Trump’s stance on border control means he is not really pro-life, so the account goes, and for all his pandering to the religious…

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