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Program for 2018 World Meeting of Families Features Homosexual Imagery & Themes

In a report last week at Ireland’s The Independent, we learned that Bishop Brendan Leahy of Limerick wants those involved in same-sex “marriages” to attend the World Meeting of Families in Ireland next year. “We’ve had the referendum in favour of same-sex marriage,” Leahy said, “and a lot of people voted in that referendum and all are equally welcome to join in this celebration of family.” Taking the issue further, he insisted that “Everyone must be made feel welcome next year.”

But his comments didn’t stand alone. According to the Irish website Gay Community News (GCN), the parish program produced in preparation for the event the features a “Pro LGBT+ Message”:

“While the Church upholds the ideal of marriage as a permanent commitment between a man and a woman, other unions exist which provide mutual support to the couple,” the program, entitled Amoris: Let’s talk Family! Let’s be Family!, reads.

“Pope Francis encourages us never to exclude but to accompany these couples also, with love, care and support.”

According to GCN, “This message is accompanied by an image of two women (with their heads cropped out) embracing each other on page twenty-four of the program.” The image in the brochure is as follows:

Adding insult to injury, GCN has featured their report, entitled “Irish Bishops Welcome Same-Sex Families at Catholic Conference”, as their front page cover story. The headline appears under a stock photo of two women preparing to kiss at their “wedding” while holding a sign saying “We are family!”. (Directly adjacent to the image is a piece of artwork too vulgar for us to display on 1P5):

Screenshot of the cover story on the Irish website, “Gay Community News”

Internet sleuths have already discovered the full image that was cropped in the World Meeting of Families Program, and it has been making the rounds on social media along with the accompanying quote:

This is not the first time the World Meeting of Families — an overtly Catholic event — has invited same-sex couples. In 2015, then-Bishop Vincenzo Paglia, then Pontifical Family Council President (now head of the Pontifical Academy for Life and the Pope John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family) said, when asked if homosexual couples could come to the event, “Everyone can come, nobody is excluded. And if anyone feels excluded, I’ll leave the 99 little sheep and go and get him.” That same year, the Lepanto Institute revealed “that the president of the World Meeting of Families had donated thousands of dollars to political candidates that thoroughly support abortion and same-sex ‘marriage'” — a report which earned them a surprising rebuke from Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput.

It was also in 2015 that Ireland voted “overwhelmingly” to legalize same-sex marriage. The Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, said before the referendum that it was not his policy “to tell others how to vote.” Exactly one year and one day later, the Vatican announced that Ireland would be the location for the 2018 World Meeting of Families. In his presentation of the theme for the meeting, “The Gospel of the family, joy for the world,” Paglia indicated that the post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris Laeitita would be the “charter” for the meeting. “Amoris Laetitia,” said Paglia, “requires not a simple update of family pastoral ministry, but much more: a new way of living the Church, a new way of achieving the love that gladdens the life of the people of God, of families and of society itself. In this sense the Dublin meeting assumes a special nature compared to the other World Meetings.” Paglia also reminded Europeans that Francis had only recently “forcefully exhorted” them to “rediscover their humanistic vocation.”

In his own comments about the 2018 meeting, Archbishop Martin of Dublin said that Amoris Laetitia demanded “not a simple updating of family pastoral care, but much more — a new way of living the church, a new way of fulfilling that love that renders the life of the people of God, of families and of society happy.”

He also indicated that there was significance in the meeting being held in Ireland, which was being “marked by a delicate moment of transition”. Martin emphasized that the meeting would focus not only on the “Christian ideal” of marriage and family, but also serve as encouragement for those “who can’t achieve the Christian ideal”.

He emphasized that the meeting would be about “inclusivity”, in accordance with the pastoral approach of Pope Francis and the post-synodal exhortation.

268 thoughts on “Program for 2018 World Meeting of Families Features Homosexual Imagery & Themes”

  1. Why only limited to couples? Don’t “other unions” exist of more than two that provide mutual support? Would an other union of three or four be excluded and unaccompanied? Just wondering.

  2. The issue that sucks is not that there are heretics that exist and lead in the Church. That has been the case since the Circumcision party in the New Testament. What is appalling is the lack of actual and true fight from supposed conservative and orthodox Bishops and Cardinals. Even the supposed orthodox apologists from Catholic Answers and EWTN are showing their true colors by going against the deposit of faith as they have painted themselves into a corner with their ultramontanism.

    St. Athanasius, ora pro nobis.

      • I will eat crow. I am more upset at EWTN for not being more outright like Lifesitenews regarding the issues at hand, but truthfully they are more balanced than Crux regarding both sides of AL and the Filial Correctio.

        • EWTN has a well-deserved (by and large) reputation for orthodoxy. The station’s collapse at the moment consists not so much of going against the Deposit of the Faith, but of failing to protect it. The EWTN message relies heavily on visual imagery; as Anthony Blanche once remarked to Charles Ryder about Sebastian Flyte, we can’t claim that its strong suit is intellectual argumentation, much as we love it. The problem lies, therefore, in the station’s obsequious and selective intermingling of positive Bergoglian images alongside authentically Catholic ones, giving the impression that all is well, and there’s nothing to see here, when nothing could be further from the truth. How about playing some angelic-sounding music, showing some rays of light coming down from Heaven, and a picture of Pope Francis embracing archabortionist Emma Bonino, or greeting his “married” homosexual friends, or hobnobbing with murderous atheistic dictators for a change? Such images abound, because Bergoglio is avid about producing and promoting them, being a big believer that “the meeting is the message ” (which says what, exactly, about his studied refusal to have anything to do with Cardinal Burke et al.?). Yet the producers at EWTN, completely freely, avoid representing Pope Francis for who he really is, instead taking the bait he leaves out for them (meaning, pictures of him with doves and women in chapel veils) so that the self-deceived can find a way of serving his heretical purposes as well. Not all sins are of commission. EWTN is just as culpable for refusing to defend the Deposit of the Faith as it would be for attacking it.

          • “not so much of going against the Deposit of the Faith, but of failing to protect it.”

            This represent Classic Modern Catholic Leadership TO THE HILT.

            Like standing around discussing the joys of chastity while your mother is raped right in front of you.



          • I’m afraid your friends had a very defective concept on what it means to be Catholic. To leave the Holy Eucharist, Body,Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ Our Lord because of a toad squatting on the Chair of Peter is nuts.

          • Very well put, and I especially like the fact that in charity you used the best possible word you could to describe Pope Martin Luther “Freddy Mercury” Saladin.

          • I don’t know where you live, but you have American pentecostals literalists like my inlaws ALL WRONG. They are absolute literalists, who therefore accept a simple unadorned transubstantiation, always do communion every single service, not this vague “presence” crap our US Conference of Bishops push now – which is what American mainstream Protestants like Luther and the Episcopalians push – a vague squishy “presence” in the “ceremony” of the Eucharist. The attacks from evangelical inlaws is exacly about our disrepect and disbelief in the Eucharist. They can read the diocesan website disavowing transubstantiation as well as I can….. You seem to think that the mainstream Protestants and Pentecostals are more or less the same – nothing could be farther from the truth. They also have more reverence and images of Mary than the bare, post-modern Novus Ordo chuch in town does, which looks like the rec room of a gated Floridian retirement community. I get the feeling you live in Europe?

      • It’s not that, it’s the lack of fight.

        Catholics have forgotten how to fight.

        It is painful to watch Catholics…laymen and otherwise…be confronted by Protestantism, etc. No Scripture background, can’t argue the points. Don’t know what to do or say. What used to be said isn’t quite right anymore. Everybody’s right. There are no losers. All get a gold star. The works.

        In the Tradition, we have seen STREAMS of anathemas and condemnations when same were demanded. Now? It’s like watching a 1 year old defend himself against a 4 year old bully. It is painful to watch. You can see the poor thing is getting trounced, and you can see he’s trying his best, but his best is pathetic.

        Go over to New Advent and read the articles. It’s like all’s well in Peoria, although I admit things have gotten so bad even they can’t ALWAYS “pretend” anymore. But it is still rife with “Let’s Pretend”.

        No, we NEED, desperately NEED, lines drawn up, sides taken and a war fought in the open inside the Catholic Church with a final battle and a decision, OR ELSE…


        • I agree with you in this. It’s indeed lack of courage. Which is lack of Faith actually.
          And that came, among other things, mostly from many wrongly teachers (clergy and theologians and their teachings and books from which they have ‘learned’ how to be a Catholics). What all can be summarized under one word, – IIVC.
          I mean,… to be a Catholic and even believe that EENS not any more is true?! Or to be a Catholic and must preach how almost any other religion is just fine, and enough for salvation!? … And on and on and on…
          No wonder, that they CANNOT have a courage to fight. Because they don’t know for sure, for what exactly they should fight!
          PS. There is no need for any fight to be equal with everybody in (of) this world. Right?

      • Even the EWTN priests seem support progressive agenda. They also supported the lockdowns and the Demonic restrictions such as wearing the demonic masks.

  3. If THIS does not wake the hell up of anyone in ” authority”…..than nothing will; not female priests, blessings for homosexual unions…… Francis knows the ramifications of his A.L.

    Poor children………my heart is full of agony right now, as I imagine, any other mother who posts here will be.
    They are just children, so many of them. Have pity on them……..someone in authority!!! Have pity on them and
    renounce this pope and his ways and all his minions! Protect the innocent.

    I am ashamed to say that I am Catholic. We should all be ashamed.

      • Every Irish Bishop must be recorded as a heretic and an antichrist unless he publicly affirms the irreformable teaching of the Church that homosexual acts and same-sex “marriage” are gravely evil.

        • I think he’s the main mover in the thing, it’s not like he’s being dragged there unwillingly….. This is what Chaos Frank likes – more chaos – Hagan Lio and alll….. (which btw really means something more than “make a mess”, but rather “to raise Hell”) Chaos Frank likes Raising Hell – he says it’s his slogan even.

      • Have you noticed that Francis has given some really nice, orthodox Catholic homilies recently? This often happens just before some really outrageous piece of scandal comes down the newswires. I believe he plays up the “Catholic Pope” image deliberately at these times, in order to lull the pewsitters back to sleep. It’s all part of the act.

        • I’ve noticed that in the past, too.

          I wonder if he blasted abortion right before he called Bonino “One of Italy’s Greats”.

        • My friend, That’s EXACTLY what I have been telling myself. This is the ploy he is waging. He is smart. He said before that he KNOWS what he is doing. He is using the perennial stratagem of MIXING TRUTH with FALSEHOOD, the good with the bad, so that he become AMBIGUOUS and thereby CONFUSE the UNWARY, the gullible. This way the poor souls cannot decide on where he stands PRECISELY. Weren’t the VAT. II documents written in this INTENDED AMBIGUITY ? It’s like saying ‘NO’ here and then ‘YES’ there in the same sentence ! But, there is ONE SURE THING which UNCOVERS the REAL intention of any person, that is : ‘ Focus on what one DOES much more than on what one SAYS’. Jesus says, ” From their fruits(RESULTS) you shall know them”. And the FRUITS or RESULTS come from ACTIONS not WORDS.

      • cs,
        I hear and completely feel your frustration, anger and concerns. I agree totally. Things cannot continue on this way much longer. This Pope is single-handedly creating confusion and chaos in the whole Church and he is on the side of the Father Martins in the Church because he appointed Father Martin and many others like him. Those of us who understand this can only continue to stay strong, not listen to this dangerous pope, speak up and be heard and speak the truth of the Magisterium. This meeting truly is a farce as you said and it is not Catholic. We cannot leave our one, true, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church because there is nowhere else to go and Christ will not let the gates of hell prevail although we know there will be many sorrows and battles to endure in the coming years as we are witnessing now on a daily basis. God Bless you. You are strong. Pam

        • Whatever strength I have, I draw upon the Lord and pray for this strength each day.
          And there are many posters on this site who have a profound fidelity to the Church and great knowledge of so many things related. It is truly a blessing.

          I agree upon all you said Pamela Palmer. We will not leave Her……..that would mean leaving Christ!

          Let us pray for unity among the faithful, and try very hard to be patient with our prelates who under such enormous agony right now, i.e Cardinal Burke, Bishop Schneider, Cardinal Sarah.

          Thank you for your supportive words…..glad to see you posting here…….. your words are truly of goodness.

    • In case anyone needs reminding, not all of the island of Ireland allows “gay marriage”.

      Despite the very best efforts of the so-called Catholic Parties (and the UK Government) , the “Protestant” Parties have stood fast against its implementation in their part of the UK on the island of Ireland.

      Yesterday I spent some time writing a longish comment with some numbers in response to an attack on Austrian Catholicism. It’s on the page about the letter supporting Pope Francis should anyone want to read it. I deliberately haven’t referred to it as a defence of Austrian Catholicism as it isn’t. It is an attempt to explain why it may seem so bad.

      Exactly the same attacks could be made on Irish Catholicism and I could write pretty much the same response. Including certainly the paragraph on leadership which I added afterwards but is important. If you want to be a leader in a country with a majority of one religion, what better way than to become a leader of that religion. Doesn’t really matter what it is!!!

      It is disingenuous to attack Austrian Catholicism. Equally wrong to attack Irish Catholicism.

      It’s not the Austrians or even the Irish who are at fault. As LSN will tell you there are enormous problems in your country too (whichever it is and whoever you are, and not just you cs, I just have chosen to reply to your excellent comment).

      The problem is in the whole world. It is only magnified where there are more “Catholics”.

      • The protestant parties are supported by many pro-life catholics and also catholics against gay marriage by voting for them. D.U.P. are the only party in N.Ireland to actively stand against abortion and gay marriage. S.D.L.P. (a nationalist party) have given in to pressure on gay marriage.

        • Yes I know that there are a number of good Catholics voting DUP, and have pointed that on numerous occasions. It’s good to know. Somewhat brave of them to openly admit it.

          Shocking though that the SDLP have been blown away by Sinn Féin though. Or is that because SDLP have lost votes to DUP and SF have stood still?

          On the face of it, the Catholics in NI who haven’t gone to DUP have really lost it.

      • I understand and I am not targeting Ireland here.

        I care nothing ABOUT which country is more or less Catholic.

        For any bishop or cardinal, be he from USA or Italy, or a Catholic priest blogger from USA, or Denmark or Africa, not to condemn this is beyond negligent………it is evil!
        Never a fan of these ” World Youth Days”, too much mischief to be made.

        This is not about Ireland………this is about a great apostasy throughout our entire Church.
        God be with the good and faithful Catholics in every region of this world.

        • No I know you weren’t. I commented on how good your post was.

          I could have put it in as an entirely separate comment but thought that it actually went well with yours.

          It had been suggested elsewhere and by others that Austria was particularly bad and then the very next day is this report on Ireland.

          It seemed an appropriate comparison as those two countries had until recently remained more Catholic than most. Some (e.g. U.K.) had gone Protestant, some (e.g. France) more secular/ atheist.

          I agreed with you entirely that as Catholics we should be embarrassed no matter where we come from.

          To EVERYONE, certainly everyone in the west.

          Don’t pick on Austria. Don’t pick on Ireland. Your country is just as bad.

          • Nobody thinks Ireland is “worse”. It’s actually that such a Catholic country has fallen is the issue – shows the extent of the destruction.

          • I’m late to the argument, but I haven’t read a single statement by anyone singing the praises of American or {take your pick of nations’} renditions of the Catholic faith.

            That it is Ireland I think is a shock to many Americans because they fall back in their minds on the comfortably ignorant thought that “At least the Micks haven’t caved”.

            When in reality, the whole Church has been polluted by Protestantism.

            Hang in there, James. None of us are beating up on Ireland.

            {Well, we are, but not to the exclusion of everybody else…ESPECIALLY THOSE KRAUTS!! lol}

          • Rod, when you converted, surely they taught you that the Church is the spotless Bride, not the Babylon whore?

            The Church cannot be polluted by heresy. Those who publicly profess heresy are automatically excluded from membership without any declaration.

            This is the principle upon which the visiblity of the Church is founded. The Church has no public heretics in her fold. Not one!

            The organisation that is “polluted by Protestantism” is therefore not the Catholic Church, and its prelates and head cannot hold office in the true Church, the Congregation of the Faithful.

          • Yes, but they automatically cease to be members of the Church when they publicly profess heresy.

            A public adulterer is objectively in the state of mortal sin, but remains a dead member of the Church provided he still outwardly professes the true Faith. A Catholic in the state of grace is a living member.

            But a public heretic ceases to be a member of the Church altogether, and even a Christian. This is because the visibility of the Church is based, not upon ones personal piety or state of grace, but upon the ourltward profession of the Catholic Faith.

            “Actually only those are to be included as members of the Church who have been baptized and profess the true faith, and who have not been so unfortunate as to separate themselves from the unity of the Body, or been excluded by legitimate authority for grave faults committed. ”
            “Nor must one imagine that the Body of the Church, just because it bears the name of Christ, is made up during the days of its earthly pilgrimage only of members conspicuous for their holiness, or that it consists only of those whom God has predestined to eternal happiness. It is owing to the Savior’s infinite mercy that place is allowed in His Mystical Body here below for those whom, of old, He did not exclude from the banquet.[20] For not every sin, however grave it may be, is such as of its own nature to sever a man from the Body of the Church, as does schism or heresy or apostasy. Men may lose charity and divine grace through sin, thus becoming incapable of supernatural merit, and yet not be deprived of all life if they hold fast to faith and Christian hope, and if, illumined from above, they are spurred on by the interior promptings of the Holy Spirit to salutary fear and are moved to prayer and penance for their sins.“

            Mystici Corporis, Pius XII, 22, 23

            If we fail to make that distinction, which Vatican II failed to make, then we have an invisible Church on our hands, and we are no longer talking about the Catholic Church.

            A further effect of the failure to recognise a Catholic from a heretic is that we end up submitting to publicly heretical, i.e non-Catholic, hierarchy. Look where the rotten fruit of Vatican II’s error has brought us for the last 50 years.

            If we want to help end the crisis, then we must stop supplying heretics with usurped and imputed authority, by refusing submission to them. Divine Law forbids it. As long as we ignore it, we will get what we deserve.

          • I’ve read Salza and Siscoe. They have too many issues regarding the twisting of the teaching of the Church to deal with here. Not to mention the personal, calumnious slanderous attacks they make on anyone who disagrees, and a load of mendacity thrown in for good measure.

            They are not honorable men, and you should be very very careful in accepting them as the final word.

            Their argument essentially boils down to an invisible Church made up of baptised heretics and Catholics, and there’s nothing you can do about it, so shut up. This is simply the same new church which Vatican II introduced. So, who are these guys actually working for?

            Margaret, I believe you mean well in providing this link. I’ve studied these issues for a good while, looked at lots of sides, and have still come to the conclusion I have. I think you should read more widely and carefully on the issue.

          • One major flaw in Salza and Siscoe’s position is that they insist, contrary to St Bellarmine and others, that a heretic must be declared by the Church. This just begs the question: how do you know it’s actually the Church making the declaration in the first place?

            It still comes down to the ordinary nobody in the pew to make that judgement. And what is the basis for making that judgement on whether it’s the Church or not?

            Ah, here we are back to identifying the members of the Church by their outward profession of the Faith, so heretics are once again excluded from the start.

            Do you see the problem with their position?

            They conflate this judgement with “private judgement” and tar it with the same brush.

            But “private judgement” refers to Protestants formulating doctrine from scratch according to their private interpretation of Scripture, without regard to the Magisterium. There’s a huge difference.

            Catholics are expected to be taught doctrine by the Magisterium, and then apply that teaching by making judgements in the particular instances they face a hundred times a day.

            We don’t wait for a Cardinal to magically appear each time we are faced with applying the universal Magisterium to a particular instance where judgement is required.

            We are expected to know what the Church teaches and make our way through life armed with the Faith.

            If Our Lord did not intend this to be the way, because we are not competent to do make right judgements in reference to the Magisterium, then He would not have commissioned His Catholic Church to “teach all nations”.

            I hope this is clear. For all the ink they have spilled, Salza and Siscoe are on the wrong side, and I don’t recommend them to anyone.

          • Hi Margaret, the Remnant block everything under the cover of it being detected as spam. Here’s a reply to one of your replies to me that will never see the light of day because it contradicts their precious Salza and Siscoe party line. You are not getting the full picture if you read these people.

            St Peter did not become the Pope until after the Resurrection. Session IV of the Vatican Council teaches that. The Honorius case is more complex than just saying “he was a heretic” He wrote a private letter counselling silence when he should not have. St Robert Bellarmine covers all this. John XXII held an opinion that was wrong but had not yet been defined.

          • The Sixth Ecumenical Council condemned Pope Honorius.

            Re St. Robert Bellarmine: Sedevacantists exalt his teaching as though his words were the final authority on the subject of heresy, while other distinguished theologians (Suarez, Billot, John of St. Thomas) have other opinions. The *Church* has the final word on the nature of heresy (material vs formal etc.) and St. Robert Bellarmine would be among the first to say that the *Church* has the final word.

            Btw, did you ever read True or False Pope? Refuting Sedevacantism and Other Errors by John Salza and Robert Siscoe? Y/N

          • I read their articles but not the book. I would not recommend them to anyone. They twist, distort and calumniate those who don’t agree with them. Their job is to keep people in the new Church that Vatican II invented, all the while going to the “Latin Mass” to keep up the facade.

            So the answer is No, and will remain that way.

          • I know some of the people they attack in that book. They have publicly shown the outright dishonesty of S&S’s tactics.

            Why don’t you read something by Joseph Smith, or Ellen G. White? For the same reason I won’t continue to read Salza and Siscoe.

            What is the net result of their entire program, Margaret? I’ll tell you: That the Catholic Church is made up of both Catholics and baptised heretics. That’s it. The Church is essentially invisible.

            Sorry, but that is heresy, and I don’t listen to people who spout such evil nonsense. I did once, and then realised that they are part of the problem, not the solution.

          • I’m sorry but imo you’re misreading Messrs. Salza and Siscoe. I’ve read their work and it makes perfect sense.

            If sedevacantist theory is correct (which it isn’t), then it essentially calls Our Lord a liar when He said:

            [16] And I will ask the Father, and he shall give you another Paraclete, that he may abide with you for ever. [17] The spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, nor knoweth him: but you shall know him; because he shall abide with you, and shall be in you. [18] I will not leave you orphans, I will come to you. [19] Yet a little while: and the world seeth me no more. But you see me: because I live, and you shall live. [20] In that day you shall know, that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.

            [16] “Paraclete”: That is, a comforter: or also an advocate; inasmuch as by inspiring prayer, he prays, as it were, in us, and pleads for us.

            [16] “For ever”: Hence it is evident that this Spirit of Truth was not only promised to the persons of the apostles, but also to their successors through all generations.

            Orphans are children with no parents. Sedevacantism says that there has been no pope (papa = father) on the throne of Peter since 1958. The cardinals elect the pope. All the cardinals nominated by Pope Pius XII are deceased. So where would you get a valid conclave of cardinals to elect a valid pope?

            It seems to me that it’s the sedevacantists who believe in an invisible church, NOT Salza and Siscoe.

          • It is because of the belief in the Papacy that these particular Catholics, the most bitter of all S&S’s enemies, refuse to believe that Jorge is one.

            Does the Church become orphaned in an interregnum?

          • There’s a difference between an interregnum and the apostolic succession of popes being broken for 50+ years as Sedevacantists believe.

            So…where will the next valid pope come from if PF is not the pope? There’s sedevacantist sects with their own “popes”.

            I believe Our Lord when He said that He would not leave us orphans.

            Furthermore, there MUST be a valid, legitimate Pope on the throne of Peter to order and make in union with all the bishops of the world the Collegial Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

            I will acknowledge Pope Francis until an imperfect general council definitively declares that PF had severed himself from the Church and the faithful no longer owe him allegiance. THEN I will agree with you – not before.

            I’m turning in now.

          • Ok, just one more thing: Do you think that public heretics remain members of the Church?

            I don’t, because the Church is the “Household of Faith”, the “Congregation of the Faithful, not of heretics”.

            Because that leaves us with an extremely undesirable result in our time, is just too bad. Heretics are not Catholics, and nothing can make them so.

          • No I agree. No one has said that any country is great.

            I understand the comment about the shock in the US that the Irish are as bad as everyone else. There is a “so-called” Irish comedian on UK TV. He is an appallingly aggressive atheist. When I complained to someone about him she said “he’s a Catholic, he’s Irish!”

            Someone on the site today has suggested that all Irish Bishops should be forced to sign a letter opposing “gay marriage”. Of course they should. But why just Irish ones? Why not Italian Bishops and English Bishops? I suspect that only two English Bishops would be happy to sign such a letter, maybe a third would come out of the woodwork but I have no idea who it would be.

            A day or two ago, someone else suggested that there were no Catholics left in Austria. There are a number who have signed the Corectio and there was a Bishop interviewed by 1P5 a few months ago. (Incidentally there are also a number of German signatories too).

            You are right. No one is defending their own country. They would be incredibly blind or stupid to do so.

            But with one or two, there is just a little bit of “ours might be bad, but theirs are worse”.

            Incidentally I am English. But I do have Irish and Austrian connections. And I think all of those are bad. But no worse or better than anyone else. It is as you say, the whole Church.

    • My dear cs,
      That’s why I said not so long ago here, that once just Catholic, today must be called an ‘Orthodox Traditional Radical Catholic’, and he must acts so, otherwise he is NOT a Catholic. They just stole the name.
      So, you should not be ashamed, as many of our good fellas here and elsewhere, who are really doing their best effort to be a true Catholics, orthodox, traditional, radical.
      Therefore, head up, and heart up. And keep fighting good fight.
      Christ already won, as we know. But we must just stay close to Him. And the best way to do that is through His and our Heavenly Mother, our Virgin Lady, our Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Ora pro nobis!

      May our Lord God bless you, keep you and lead you and all yours.

      • Who are they Ivan?

        I am referring to those in authority. Where is Peter?
        What would Peter and Paul think if they walked the earth at this moment.
        They would slap these cardinals in the face, is what they would do.
        How dare they turn away from Christ, is what they would say?

        My heart and head are upright for the Lord.
        But I count very little………

        And yes, I am ashamed of what has become of the “seen” Church.
        Very ashamed.

        • No faithful Catholic is happy with the situation in the Church now. Many are angry and are continuing to fight the good fight. I hope you will to.

          • Actually, she do it already. And she is doing it very well. As you too. 🙂
            Keep fighting good fight my dear brothers and sister who are somewhere far away, but still so close… And keep praying for each other. Daily. Please. May God bless all good Catholics!

          • I remain Catholic always.

            I shall ‘be’ Catholic in all I profess, in all I pray, and all I must refute that is not Catholic within the Church.
            My anger cannot even be expressed at this latest news.

            And yes, I am ashamed at our bishops, our cardinals and our pope.
            They are a disgrace.

            I have only begun to fight the good fight.

          • Okay, I can see being ashamed of the Catholic hierarchy, but still, I will never feel personally ashamed of being Catholic.

          • And if I do not pick up my banner, and go for Christ and His Church, then I shall be ashamed of myself as well.

            To be Catholic is the greatest gift our Lord can give us.
            It is very difficult to navigate through the corrupt hierarchy. And quite honestly, I am tired of navigating….perhaps it is time to begin to tune this ship around and steer Her.

          • Well said. Don’t know how I can turn anything around, but maybe, we are (nearly?) at that point in time where only a supernatural intervention can save us which will be recognised as that supernatural victory. It is pretty hard trying to fight the good fight, personally speaking. But, I’ve enrolled in the brown scapular. I’m not giving up. Our Lady has already crushed its head! Glad I’ve got my brothers and sisters here. Viva Cristo Rey!

          • I apologize if I sounded like I thought you were. What I meant rather were the woes with which we are being afflicted!

            However, anger can be very good when channelled in the right direction and only a lobotomized troglodyte would not be angry with the current state of things.

          • No need to apologize Deacon Augustine.
            These woes are nothing compared to what our dear Lord and His Mother suffered, the Patriarchs of the Church, the martyrs of the faith..
            God bless you Deacon Augustine.

    • And what about all the children presently caught up in these hellish unions? They are legion. Never knowing their true fathers or true mothers. Commodities from the sperm banks and rent-a-womb brokerages. These evils should be addressed by our Church, but for 30 years nothing but crickets.

      • This is part that eats us alive. My son-in-law is a social worker. His experiences and those I see in my business, and those told us by my daughter who is a grade school teacher and those from my wife who volunteers at a crisis pregnancy center all converge on the very points you make.

        The poor children that are abused and broken by these “hellish unions”!

        While “Catholic” play pattycake with their abusers.

    • It is important to separate the faith, the Church that Jesus founded, from the scoundrels who are currently in charge. I will never be ashamed of my Catholic faith, nor of my belief in what Jesus has taught and those he appointed to spread the Truth throughout the world.

    • I do not like simply calling myself “Catholic” because so few non-Catholics think the Catholic Church is anything but a rank, corrupt and incestuous union of fags and hypocrites and idiots who know nothing about God but how to use His and His Son’s names in cursing. They actually feel sorry for anyone “stuck in that cesspool”.

      So I always add some kind of descriptor to it so that the unknowing ask more, and I can tell them about Jesus Christ and HIS Church and Her teaching. And many seem to be utterly shocked that the teaching of the Catholic Church is actually very powerful and the morality She upholds far higher in virtue than anything they in their Protestant group have ever ascribed to.

      • I returned to the Catholic Church when Pope Benedict was still pope. I had come to the conclusion that the reason I left wasn’t about the Catholic Church, actually – it was Vatican 2 I had a problem with. Shortly after my return, we got Francis, and now I agonize daily about whether I made the right decision by returning, or whether I should have stayed Orthodox.

        • The problem is that if you really think about it, Eastern Orthodoxy is no better, not in common culture of the people. Also, Orthodoxy is a ghetto religion. The Catholic faith is still, even if the word is so often misapplied, “Catholic” and it is worldwide and not tied to any nation or culture.

          To paraphrase Winston; “The catholic faith is the worst Christian religion except for all the rest”.

          And that’s because it is made up of people, the latter of which I am one.

          Nope, this piece of ground is the ground i’m dying on. Fighting to the last.

          I’m done running.

          “Here I stand; I can do no other. God help me.”

          • Hang in there, dear sister! The Church, like Her Bridegroom, must undergo Her own passion, death and resurrection. Our duty is to stay at the foot of the Cross with the Ever-Virgin Mother of God, St. John and the holy women.

          • Thanks, Margaret! One of my favorite quotes of late is from St. Paul: “I can do all things through Christ, Who strengthens me.”

          • We are not the ‘Church Militant’ for nothing! We are the fighters for the faith! The REAL faith. We are the soldiers of Christ in HIS Church, and the war is absolutely ON! What I don’t think we truly expected to see (at least I didn’t in my lifetime) was the war within our ranks starting at the very top in the ‘shoes’ of Peter. We are called not only to fight the secular antichrist but the antichrist within our own walls.

            And yes RodH……..God help us all!!

          • ‘My sacred heart will triumph.’ God will win in the end. The ruination of the Church from within and in the highest ranks was prophesied by Mary at Fatima. But stay with her.

          • Theresa, a correction to your quote. It is not ‘…my sacred heart…’ but ‘…my Immaculate Heart…’ Additionally, “Sacred Heart” (always with the first letters of both words in uppercase) is reserved ONLY for the heart of Jesus.

          • Remember too that being an orthodox Catholic is definitely NOT the same as being a member of the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church. The first is remaining faithful to the ONLY TRUE Catholic Church and the faith she holds and teaches. The second is another heretic, plain and simple.

        • I am Ukrainian Greek Catholic. You did the right thing by coming home to the Catholic Church. The Church has survived countless crises in its history and it will survive this one.

          I have cousins who are RO. We share many of the same traditions but we can’t pray together.

          May the Most Holy Mother of God keep us under Her Holy Veil!

          • In addition, the true Catholic Church is NOT those who try to steer her along the wrong course, but all those who adhere to the doctrines and teachings which are firmly rooted in Holy Scripture and have been faithfully and infallibly declared, taught and handed on over the centuries. True, some have bern clarified and even expanded, but — until Vatican II and afterward — none have ever been contradicted and turned upside down.

          • AND attend Mass, especially the True Mass, as often as possible. AND visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, whether exposed or not, whenever you can.

      • Have no qualms about calling yourself Catholic but correct the non-Christians about their erroneous beliefs about Catholic doctrine. I know this is a great task considering how people have been led astray by most of the present clergy who are outright heretics, but the truth must be said regardless.

        I also read a really good comment a couple of days ago that described what happens to the Church at this time is sort of like its own passion. And it made me think about how many remained faithful during Our Lord’s own passion. How many remained with Him during the crucifixion? The answer is very few and most abandoned Him, just as many have abandoned the Church today because of a lack of faith. That’s why I implore you as I implore myself to remain faithful to the Catholic Church. To remain faithful during this time must be exceedingly meritorious just as it was for those few who remained faithful to Our Lord during His passion. For after it is done we can partake in the Church’s glorious resurrection.

      • See, my dear Catholic brother in Christ! 🙂
        That’s now the explanation why God will have you at His side!
        That’s what means being a true, good, orthodox, traditional, and above all – radical Catholic!
        I can not express my thankfulness to our Lord for bringing you back to His Home. To Him, and to us too.
        And now I can better stop with writing… This will be enough. For now. 😉

      • I also dilike the term “traditional Catholic,” which has been used by so many in side and outside the Church in a derogatory way. I tend to use something akin to “authentic” or “true.”

    • “I am ashamed to say that I am Catholic. We should all be ashamed.”

      I am not, and never will be. I am ashamed at the conduct of my pastors and leaders. I am ashamed at the collusion or and willful ignorance of most of the flock. I am not ashamed of being Catholic.

      • I am not ashamed to say I’m Catholic — because I no longer consider Francis, his minons, his adorers and those who merely go along with the heresies of these people as members of the AUTHENTIC Catholic Church. They are protestant heretics, one and all and worse, agents of Satan.

        All of the utterances and writings of Francis and other Church “leaders” are the same type of “doublespeak” that was so prevalent in the documents of Vatican II. The sedevacantists may be correct after all. From a spiritual and Truth point of view the Chair of Peter does appear to be empty.

        I said I’m not ashamed to say I’m a TRUE Catholic. As a native of Ireland, I AM ashamed, however, to admit I’m Irish. There is an Irish prophesy, at least 1500 years old, that says ‘when Ireland sinks into the sea the world will come to an end.’ With their reforrendum of 2015, Ireland has sunk into the sea of iniquity and will be followed by its physical sinking into the Atlantic, which has already begun. Yet, we needn’t look any further than the shores of America to witness the death throes of morality and the exaltation of all who have aligned themselves with Francis and his Evil master.

    • You are a Catholic. This public heretic is not. Heretics are outside the Church. You don’t need to be ashamed. The Church remains pure.

      • Thank you. I see your point. Once, those heretics were young men who wanted to serve Christ….so difficult to see them ” outside of the Church”. But, I suppose you are correct.
        For some reason, I still feel as though I belong to the same Church as they?
        In all my life, I never thought of a priest or bishop or cardinal “outside the Church.”, no matter how corrupt or unholy.

        • We live in an unprecedented time of almost universal apostasy and heresy. It shouldn’t be like this in ordinary times, but we are not in ordinary times.

          We know if someone is a member of the Church by their outward profession of the Faith that the Church believes and teaches. This is the clear teaching. I wrote a post to Rod H below where I quote Pius XII on the matter.

          No sins except heresy, schism and apostasy sever one from the Church, but these three are by their nature incompatible with being considered a member, since the Church is the “household of Faith”.

          So it may seem weird and distressing to think it through – just how widespread this goes, and what it means – but this is the way tings are in our unhappy time. Keep the Faith, even if everyone else around you disappears into public heresy and leaves the Church.

  4. Out of curiosity, does Cardinal Burke consider Bishop Leahy in schism or does he consider the pro gay bishop just jim bob dandy.

  5. Also yesterday The Irish Minister for Children, a pro-abhört Lesbian, announced that sodomites who have been together for 3 years may now adopt children.
    One hardly wonders what +Martin will say or do when the Catholic adoption agency in his diocese is required by law to hand innocent children over to sodomite perverts.

    • Then, of course, there is the recent decision concerning suicide in the other formerly strong Catholic of Quebec. They (the prelates of eastern Canada) will “accompany” those who decide to off themselves and to allow them a Catholic funeral. The announcement was made by none other than Gerald Lacroix, the Primate of Canada, from Notre Dame de Quebec. Yet another example of Bergoglian mercy to make a thinking Catholic vomit.

  6. One Vatican confab and conference follows another with homosexuality being hauled center stage with more golden calf fanfare as these contains roll by.

    Keep an eagle’s eye on the rolling out. Homosexuality is introduced with fewer qualifications and nods to tradition and scripture. Have noted that *conservative* and professional Catholicism is quickly following suit.

    Soon, homosexuality will simply be Introduced.

  7. I am Irish (albeit from the North)…An Sean-Bhean bhocht is a gonner because she abandoned the Church. The Irish psyche tends towards the metaphysical – at the extremes we are poets, dreamers and wasters – and Catholicism, being a metaphysical system, acted as a psychological dyke against more materialistic ideologies. The Church was the Providential mechanism whereby an essentially unworldly people could contribute to the development of global civilisation through missionary work.

    But the dyke has been abandoned and as it fails, the waters of the real world are flooding in and we, the Irish, are being swept away into history. More aggressive people, with highly acquisitive ideologies, will supplant the atheistic Irish in a very short time.

  8. There we go with that “IDEAL” of Marriage again. The heresy of “graduality of the Law” is overwhelming the Church of God just as the Arian heresy did at one time – and its major proponents are the apostates in the hierarchy.

    People should recognize the “World Meeting of Families” for what it has become – a propaganda exercise in the normalization of depravity, perversion and child abuse. Any Catholic left with an ounce of sanity should boycott this event and pray that God would confound all the works of His enemies.

    • Thank You Deacon Augustine. You hit the nail on the head. Soros is behind this mess. he just pumped $18 Billion into his evil Open Society Foundations. Soros funds Catholics for Choice, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, and Faith in Public Life. Catholics for Choice says abortion is a Catholic “value.” Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Faith in Public Life support a variety of leftist causes. Pope Francis supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and numerous pro-abortion activists speaking at the Vatican, because of Soros and Cdl. Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga. This was reportrd in Life site news

  9. More apostasy inspired by the worst Pope in the history of the Catholic Church – Francis the Destroyer! God’s wrath must be near and soon.

  10. Last month came to Ireland (to study in college). I’ve never been there before. Upon the arrival I was struck by the amount of liberalism everywhere. I’m a fairly conservative Catholic concrete. This is what it looked like:
    -before arrival: I shouldn’t worry too much. Ireland is one of the most Catholic countries in Europe. Gay marriage legalized? Well, temporary madness. Gender equality society on the list of college societies? Temporary madness as well.
    -1st day (Friday, end of Freshers’ week) – upon arrival in Trinity Hall (dormitory for my college) – “Consent” posters and fridge magnets. And one of welfare officers listed open the handbook as “condom queen”. Oh crap.
    -1st Sunday – I go to the nearest parish church for a mass. Technically, there’s a mass at one of dormitory buildings but a) I didn’t know about it then b) I’m scared to go to it after one in “regular” parish church. I guess you can’t expect much from Novus Ordo but still, it was somewhat shocking for me to receive Holy Communion on hand from a woman (an extraordinary minister, though I don’t think it was really “extraordinary”). First thing I did after that mass was to google a church with Latin mass. 15 minutes of extra walking but it’s worth it.
    – 1st week – abortion. Student union directly and unapologetically campaigns for repealing of 8th amendment. They were bombarding us all the time about the pro-abortion march that was taking place next Saturday. Even the president of SU showed up in the beginning of one of the lectures to promote it. And official SU paper publishes only articles that are pro-abortion. In the peak, just before the march about 80 percent of articles on its homepage were calling for attendance at pro-abortion march. Not a single one against it.
    -2nd week – SU: “we have an abortion box. Ask us anything about repeal and/or abortion in Ireland!!!1!”
    -3rd week – SHIFT day. SHIFT stands for Sexual Health Information for Trinity. Which, in layman’s terms means condom and lubricant giveaway.
    All this stuff is simply appalling. But it sadly reflects the state of mind of young Irish people. There’s been referendums at all universities in Ireland and the lowest support for abortion recorded was 69%. In some places, like Cork, this number goes up to whopping 88%.

  11. Last month came to Ireland (to study in college). I’ve never been there before. Upon the arrival I was struck by the amount of liberalism everywhere. I’m a fairly conservative Catholic concrete. This is what it looked like:
    -before arrival: I shouldn’t worry too much. Ireland is one of the most Catholic countries in Europe. Gay marriage legalized? Well, temporary madness. Gender equality society on the list of college societies? Temporary madness as well.
    -1st day (Friday, end of Freshers’ week) – upon arrival in Trinity Hall (dormitory for my college) – “Consent” posters and fridge magnets. And one of welfare officers listed open the handbook as “condom queen”. Oh crap.
    -1st Sunday – I go to the nearest parish church for a mass. Technically, there’s a mass at one of dormitory buildings but a) I didn’t know about it then b) I’m scared to go to it after one in “regular” parish church. I guess you can’t expect much from Novus Ordo but still, it was somewhat shocking for me to receive Holy Communion on hand from a woman (an extraordinary minister, though I don’t think it was really “extraordinary”). First thing I did after that mass was to google a church with Latin mass. 15 minutes of extra walking but it’s worth it.
    – 1st week – abortion. Student union directly and unapologetically campaigns for repealing of 8th amendment. They were bombarding us all the time about the pro-abortion march that was taking place next Saturday. Even the president of SU showed up in the beginning of one of the lectures to promote it. And official SU paper publishes only articles that are pro-abortion. In the peak, just before the march about 80 percent of articles on its homepage were calling for attendance at pro-abortion march. Not a single one against it.
    -2nd week – SU: “we have an abortion box. Ask us anything about repeal and/or abortion in Ireland!!!1!”
    -3rd week – SHIFT day. SHIFT stands for Sexual Health Information for Trinity. Which, in layman’s terms means condom and lubricant giveaway.
    All this stuff is simply appalling. But it sadly reflects the state of mind of young Irish people. There’s been referendums at all universities in Ireland and the lowest support for abortion recorded was 69%. In some places, like Cork, this number goes up to whopping 88%.

    • None of what you say surprises me in the least. Irish society is vitriolic in its hatred of the Catholic Faith. I am originally form Ireland and went to TCD in the 90s. Back then the sodomites were just getting emboldened, standing in front of class before lectures began to campaign for election to the SU on an “equality” platform. One sodomite during Freshers’ week I recall aggressively followed me demanding if I agreed that sodomites should have “rights”. This same deviant hung around the chaplaincy a lot as well (go figure).
      Last week I was home for the first time in a long time and my overwhelming impression of this once Catholic land was of a country under a cloud of spiritual oppression. And so much noise, everyone has to fill every moment of their lives with sound, chatter, idiotic TV or video games. They are rapidly running out of time, filling their heads with every distraction until judgment day.
      As for you, my advice is to get to the Holy Mass as often as you possibly can. During the week too, even if is a Novus Ordo. And find out if there is a Legion of Mary in your college or in a nearby parish. Pray that you may be a light in the darkness which is modern Irish student life.

      btw here’s a little-known fact. Cork, with 88% student support for abortion, is one of the sodomite capitals of Europe.

      • Thanks for all info. I totally appreciate it. I actually go to St. Kevin’s on Harrington St. They have a Latin mass every Sunday – there’s even a really nice choir. They also have a Latin mass on working days at 8 AM. I’m strongly considering going there on daily basis, although it may be fairly hard to achieve because I often start lectures at 9 AM.
        There’s also a resurrected Laurentian (Catholic) Society. I have yet to try it. I think they have an event today. I found it very hard to find it (the name doesn’t exactly suggest the purpose of society).
        Having come from Poland, I have to say that if Ireland is one of the most “Catholic” countries in Europe, then we’re (pretty much) screwed. And I have a hard time imagining what student life must look like in totally laicitized places like France, Sweden or Germany. I’ve always thought that Poland wasn’t exactly the most conservative country in the world. Abortion is permitted (under very limited circumstances but still almost a 1000 unborn babies are killed every year), lots of people declare themselves Catholic yet don’t go often to mass, quite a number of couples don’t get married or have only civil marriage. But at least those who are in such marriages because of previous divorce aren’t demanding the Communion from the Church.
        Last Saturday I went with my family, who was visiting me, to Phoenix Park, where Pope John Paul II celebrated Mass with 1 million people attending. That’d be about a third of the population of Ireland at that time. I doubt even 100k of people would turn up if the current pope came.
        I dug a little deeper into statistics and it seems that stats for the abortion referendum in Cork actually are worse than that. Basically, only ~20% of students eligible voted. Which means that majority (~80%) either doesn’t give a damn about abortion or quietly support it. Which is bad. So basically only 1 in 50 students at Cork is anti abortion. So much for the Catholicism.

        • Forgot to mention. There is a Blessed Sacrament Chapel on Bachelor’s Walk (just off O’Connell Bridge) where they have Adoration until 8pm every evening.

        • Hang in there.

          I am a convert of 4 1/2 years. Brought with me my wife and all my adult children. Yeah, joined the Church right after Pope Saladin was elected. Talk about a roller coaster. After a lifetime of Bible reading and a Masters degree in theology from a Protestant Seminary, study, pray, seek God, come to affirm all the dogmas of the faith including those pertaining to the Pope and then, thru dialogue and accompaniment and all the rest of the bullshit, get to know Bergoglio, what he clearly stands for and what he is doing.

          But that’s not it.

          It’s not Bergoglio that so angers me. A “Bad Pope” is like a head cold. It’ll make your life miserable but give it time and it goes away. While the time away drinking a lot……..of water. LOL.

          No, what angers me is that every single accusation of grievous evil existing in the CC made by my anti-Catholic Protestant family and friends and I reckon past ancestors all the way back to whoever jumped ship from the Church first…is TRUE.

          But I am not leaving the Catholic Church. I have exhausted all other options. This is the hill I’m dying on. The Protestants have totally left the Christian faith even if many of them have better morals than what the leaders of the Catholic Church stand up for. So what, so do some Mormons and Hindus.

          The totally tragic thing is that the teachings of the Church are true, even if Popes and bishops and priests and most of the “faithful” {-less} don’t, to paraphrase Robert Scruton about the English and the C of E, “believe a word of it”.

          And I thank God for the FSSP. No idea where I’d be without the FSSP!

          • +1000 “No, what angers me is that every single accusation of grievous evil existing in the CC made by my anti-Catholic Protestant family and friends and I reckon past ancestors all the way back to whoever jumped ship from the Church first…is TRUE.” This bothers me greatly too. Very difficult speaking to evangelical in-laws with a rational defense…

          • It is tough.

            And the great tragedy is that many Evangelicals WOULD BE open to the Catholic faith if, as a priest I know says “If they had any respect for the Catholic Church…But they don’t”.

            Fact is this:

            ALL OF CHRISTIANITY at this juncture is collapsed into godlessness or self-aggrandizing feel-goodism.

            The Catholic faith is STILL the deposit where the true faith resides, even if our leaders and most members don’t believe it.

          • The true teachings of the CC have no equal.
            No Protestant community, no Buddhist, no Sikh, no Muslim, no Hindu, no Guru of any shape
            nor Pagan of any kind is comparable to the call of holiness as professed by the CC.

            Consequently target number.1 for Demonic attack and destruction.

          • This is why we became Orthodox after 45 years in Catholicism. History predates the Reformation / Trent and we found in Orthodoxy the Church that Christ left the Apostles (and us). Much changed in Christianity after the Great Schism of 1054 – 1204. We are left with the dialectic in the West of Catholicism vs Protestantism. Very, very few even know of Orthodoxy. It is a great tragedy for our world. The world needs Orthodoxy. Pray for truth.

            And yes. Thank God for the FSSP, the SSPX, SSP5, CMRI. All are struggling within the dialectic for truth and heroically resisting the Satanic domination of all public life to the best of their ability and knowledge. That goes for Bishop Schneider and Cardinal Burke. The Catholic Church has become a tool of the Satanic New World Order. Don’t think for a second that the Devils deception can’t be 1000 years in the making.

          • No way.

            Not even going there.

            You can feel good about being Orthodox, and I have many sympathies for the orthodox, but there are too many problems with Orthodoxy to even think about going THERE.

          • Im under no illusion that I’m going to get on a Traditionalist leaning (as am I) Catholic site and out wit / argue / scholastice anyone.
            I admire the heroic struggle that brings everyone here to the comments section of an article like this. We are seeking the same sense of community, normalcy, not aloneness – etc. If we all lived in the same neighborhood we would be around the same firepit every evening.

            It boils down to what heals you. I knew all the polemics in my head. Orthodoxy has exposed me as a soul. It is a way and not a religion. The more I overcome my passions the more Christ fills me and can use me. My soul then leads my intellect instead of the other way around. I confess my sins not simply to empty the trash and get back to baseline. My spiritual father wants to know why I did what I did. I receive the Body and Blood of Christ to unite my humanity to His Divinity as He united his Divinity to our humanity. Over time, as I die to my passions I am filed with Christ. I become a partaker of the Divine nature. Not as a god but as a gift from God.

            I have never convinced anyone of anything. I can only attempt to heal my soul and allow Christ to work in me. I post here only to provide an awareness that there is another Apostolic option that heals. Orthodoxy can not be understood until it is experienced. Free will is free will. There is another option.

            We can all agree to sincerely pray for truth. I humbly ask for the prayers of everyone here that our Lord and God lead my and my families every step. I will pray the same for you.

          • I’ve been on the rollercoaster ride of Catholic – Greek Orthodox – Byzantine Catholic, and I must say, I do miss the mysticism found in the East. I think we could use more of that in the West. Maybe that’s part of the problem – trying to think and rationalize too much. Jesus said we should believe like little children.

    • Not in the least surprised, despite being 100% Irish by descent. I recall Masses in Ireland in the early 1970s when we visited relatives. If there had been a bomb scare at the end of Mass, you could not have cleared the church more quickly. Belief was a hollow shell; once social conformity weakened, the shell would collapse.

      • Can I cheer you up a wee bit? We once had a howling gale going on outside the church and we knew trees / branches were falling. During the Consecration a fireman in full regalia walked down the centre aisle to sound the alarm, perhaps intending to get to the ambo and alert us of the damage outside. He slowed as he reached the front pews, as Fr was in the middle of the Elevation of the Host. The young dad in the front pew leaned over and quietly told the fireman, “He won’t stop”.
        The fireman joined the congregation on his knees until Communion. This was in Canada and in this century! Was it an EF Mass? Why yes, how did you guess?

    • It’s striking that the two most Catholic places on Earth in the 50s, Quebec and Ireland (perhaps I should throw Poland into the mix) are now the most pagan. The atmosphere in both is stifling, and a Catholic there has the constant sensation of drowning in filth.

  12. When nothing is done about this by the leadership of the Catholic Church, it’s obvious we have the enemy in control of the Catholic Church…How do we fight this? Prayer , fasting anything else?

  13. Fra Stojana Damjanovića, zauzetog redovnika iz visovačkoga franjevačkog samostana na Krki, uistinu prati životna sreća.

    Od onda kad je jedva preživio u petogodišnjem građanskome ratu u Ruandi, gdje je, uz DR Kongo usred Crnog kontinenta, u humanitarnoj misiji boravio punih 13 godina. Od 1986. do 1999. godine. Ta ga je sreća pratila i u Meksiku, gdje je nedavno na svome hodočašću izbjegao katastrofu potresa.

    Meksički potres

    Naime, fra Stojan je svoje nedavno 15-dnevno hodočašće u Meksiko i putovanje tom velikom zemljom (Estados Unidos Mexicanos) sa 130 milijuna stanovnika, sretno završio 19. rujna ove godine. Samo dan prije nego će prvi od dva strahovita potresa razoriti dijelove te sjeverno-američke države. Pa i predjele samoga glavnoga grada Ciudad de Mexica (Mexico City) s 22 milijuna duša, koji je obišao gotovo u zadnji čas.

    – Još prije dvije godine – priča nam fra Stojan – u jednom samostanu u Istanbulu upoznao sam meksičkoga redovnika Rubena koji je ondje bio gvardijan, a poslije biskup u tom gradu. Dogovorili smo da jednom dođem u Meksiko njemu doma. Pripreme su potrajale i ove godine 25. kolovoza s manjom grupom svećenika, pod vodstvom don Ivana Turudića, krenuli smo iz Münchena 11 sati leta velikim Lufthansinim zrakoplovom sa 600 putnika. Izravno do glavnoga meksičkoga grada. Povratni let stajao je oko 1200 eura.

    – Želio sam putovati tom velikom zemljom – nastavlja fra Stojan – ne samo hodočastiti, iako nam je glavni cilj bilo upravo hodočašće u Guadalupeu svjetski poznatom svetištu istoimene Gospe koja se, prema vjerovanju, prvi put ukazala asteškome mladiću Huanu Diegu godine 1531.

    Ono što najviše fascinira jest pojava Gospine slike na mladićevu ogrtaču (ponču) i slika samoga Diega, čije su boje čas ovakve, čas onakve, i kemijski sastav kojih ni moderna znanost do danas nije otkrila. Tome mjestu hodočaste milijuni ljudi iz cijeloga svijeta.

    Kao hrvatske hodočasnike zanimao ih je i svakodnevni život, po prirodi vrlo gostoljubivih Meksikanaca, gdje goste na trgovima i ulicama gradova i naselja često dočekuju glazbenici, popularni mariachi. Gosti iz Hrvatske željeli su znati kako ljudi ondje žive, čime se pretežito bave (poljoprivreda), što jedu, kako odgajaju svoju mnogobrojnu djecu i drugo. Čuli su za veliki kriminal i mafiju, ali od toga ništa nisu sami vidjeli. Ipak, mnoge ustanove i trgovački centri ograđeni su visokim zidovima s bodljikavom žicom.

    Inače, u Meksiku, unatoč njegovu ukupnom razvitku, vlada veliko siromaštvo, sa stotinama tisuća onih što ilegalno prelaze granicu sa SAD- om, pa njezin predsjednik Donald Trump sada podiže obrambeni granični zid od 2000 kilometara.

    Meksikanci su velikim dijelom vegetarijanci, priča fra Stojan, a tradicionalna jela pripremaju se od kaktusa (čuveni saguaro kaktus), papaje, manga, avokada, bolla. I dakako, piju dosta tekile. Jela su obično vrlo žestoka (ljuta), ali nama su servirana ona bliža Europljanima.

    Je li se išta naslućivalo da će se manje od 24 sata nakon što ste napustili Meksiko na njega sručiti onakva kataklizmička katastrofa?
    – Nipošto. Nikakvih znakova nije bilo, život je tekao posve normalno. Kako je poznato, potresi se ničim ne najavljuju, nikakvih znakova nema. Zadnjega dana obišli smo mnoge znamenite objekte glavnoga grada, bili u jednoj velikoj robnoj kući za koju smo poslije saznali da je nestala s lica zemlje s mnogo žrtava. A bilo je planova da produžimo boravak…

    Afrička epizoda

    U svemu tome, je li vam Afrika još u sjećanju? Umalo niste izgubili život 1999. godine od pobunjenika Hutua u strahovitome građanskom ratu u Ruandi. Spasili ste 18 časnih sestara klarisa iz njihova samostana na granici DR Konga i Ruande.

    – Takva se iskustva ne zaboravljaju. Bio sam u Kongu i prije dvije godine i obnovio stara prijateljstva s ljudima s kojima smo devet godina pomagali tisućama ugroženih i potrebitih. Opljačkali su me, napavši me iz zasjede u jednom pograničnom mjestu pobunjeni ruandski Huti i zamalo me sasjekli mačetama. Uspio sam im automobilom pobjeći.

    Sprijateljio sam se i s kraljem jednog velikog kongoanskog plemena, čiji je sin studirao u Zagrebu. Pa je svojoj djeci čak dao imena moje rodbine!

    Ali je fra Stojanov subrat, misionar-mučenik fra Vjekoslav Čurić, pao od zločinačke ruke na ulicama Kigalija, glavnoga grada Ruande. Za njega je kardinal Vinko Puljić, nadbiskup vrhbosanski, prije nekoliko godina pokrenuo postupak beatifikacije za Čurićevo proglašenje blaženim. U gradu pogibije njegova mu je redovnička misija podigla spomen-obilježje.

    Znakovito je da je fra Stojan otišao u 13-godišnju misiju u Afriku 1986. godine, upravo na blagdan svete Klare, 18. kolovoza, te da je istoga datuma godine 1999. krenuo natrag u Hrvatsku i na svoj Visovac.

    Iako su nam životi, zaključit će svoju priču taj hrabri misionar, kao i brojnim drugima, često visjeli o koncu, nikad nisam požalio za tih 13 godina afričkoga misionarstva. Za to vrijeme smo podigli i odgojili stotinu afričkih misionara kojih je dio danas u službi i u europskim zemljama, u svojim redovničkim zajednicama.

    Dvojica koju sam dobro poznavao i s kojima sam se družio u dobru i zlu posjetila su me lanjske godine ovdje na Visovcu. Za njih je to bio doživljaj vrijedan pamćenja.

    Sunčani se dan bližio kraju. Zvono crkve Gospe od Milosti zvonilo je na skoru molitvu. Mir je vladao među jablanima. Dok se Visovačko jezero zrcalilo pod kosim zrakama sunca. Kao da je po njemu netko prosuo blistavo, rastopljeno srebro.

  14. Iz knjige za povijest u Srbiji djeca uče da su Hrvati južno od Zagreba do Dubrovnika Srbi kao i svi Bošnjaci, i naravno, Crnogorci. Ne znam jesu li na tom spisku „Južni Srbi,“ kako oni zovu Makedonce.

    Čovjek se ne može načuditi da u školskim knjigama stoje priče kojim pijani četnici jedan drugoga uvjeravaju kako treba ratom Hrvate uvjeriti, da su Srbi. I sve po nauku ćopavog Crnogorca Vuka Karadžića, da su na Balkanu „svi i svuda“ Srbi.

    U isto vrijeme Hrvati slave svoje kneževe i kraljeve već od stoljeća sedmoga kad se za Srbe nije ni znalo, a u Bosni do dolaska Turaka Srba jedva da je bilo. Što se to događa s vlašću naroda koji tobože priznaje svoje susjede, a ustvari im potkopava temelje nacije i države i na taj način priprema nove generacije na rat ujedinjenja. I to ne samo protiv Hrvata, nego i skoro svih susjeda.

    Bugari su ih davno unakazili te im ne smiju ni imena spomenuti. Već su imali „kralja ujedinitelja“ koji je naredio smaknuće hrvatskih političkih vođa u Beogradu 1928., jer su se suprotstavljali takvom ujedinjenju. Znamo kako je tragično završio i sam ujedinitelj u Marseillu. To ujedinjenje je iznjedrilo ustaški pokret, koji je Srbima stalno pred očima i na usnama, jer su ustaše preuzeli njihov način „ratovanja.“

    I Domovinski rat je bio drugi pokušaj ujedinjenja, ovog puta, s neuspjelim atentatom na vođu Hrvata, a onda su odlučili da se svom vojnom tehnikom Hrvate zbriše s lica zemlje, shodno njihovom načinu ratovanja „do istrage vaše ili naše.“ No, ni to im nije uspjelo.

    Da bi se Srbe dovelo do pameti hrvatska vlast se ne bi smjela odreći u svom odnosu sa Srbijom zahtjeva za odštetom za barbarsko razaranje zemlje i počinjenim genocidom. Tako bi im makar malo došlo do svijesti da je igra oko ujedinjenja skupa igračka, na koju očito spremaju učenike „istorije.“

    I sada se srpski vođa čudi kako u Republici Hrvatskoj nije dobro došao. Kao da nije čitao u svojoj zemlji školsku knjigu iz povijesti? On očito misli kako smije u Srbiji „srbovati“ na račun susjeda, a onda doći k susjedima kao da ništa nije bilo. Očito misli da je njemu dozvoljeno kao „poglavici“ takva igra s „komšijama,“ koje čak naziva prijateljima.

    Ništa ljude ne može tako ujediniti kao osvajanje tuđega. Ako im se osvajanje zasada nije posrećilo, onda obećanje novoga pokušaja „istorijskog zadatka“ drži na okupu sadašnje i nove generacije. Ipak rat u Bosni nije bio za Srbiju neuspješan, o čemu je teoretičar vlasti Niccolò Machiavelli rekao, da osvajanje budi žeđ za novim osvajanjem.

    Dok se normalni narodi brinu kako povećati blagostanje stanovnika poštenim radom, drugi misle kako je lakše dobiti povjerenje naroda ako im obećaš osvajanje tuđega povećanjem broja tenkova i borbenih aviona koje će im slične moćne države dati. Kao da im netko prijeti, a ne oni sami svim susjedima.

    Kad su naši Srbi otišli u Republiku Srbiju, jer nisu htjeli živjeti u zemlji koja nije Srbija, onda i preostali broj Srba u Hrvatskoj treba držati na okupu. Stoga Milorad Pupovac svako malo ide u Srbiju i time hoće uvjeriti preostale hrvatske pravoslavce da mu daju povjerenje, jer Srbija ima veliku ulogu na Balkanu, a tako i preostali Srbi u Hrvatskoj.

    Isus je dao Crkvi zadatak navještaja evanđelja svim narodima što donosi ljudima mir i povećanje civilizacije. U pravoslavnim zemljama Crkva je svela svoj zadatak samo na svoju etničku državu i tako umjesto da se evanđelje propovijeda u svojoj državi, ljudima je lakše i uspješnije govoriti kako je Srbima nanesena nepravda gubitkom teritorija koji je nekad bio srpski i da se to mora povratiti milom ili silom.

    Tako zadatak ponovnog osvajanja biva važniji od mira i poštovanja među narodima, jer nema niti jednoga naroda koji nije tijekom povijesti izgubio dio svoje zemlje, ali je i dobio ono što nije nikada bilo njihovo, kao što je kod Srba Vojvodina. Nemirenje s izgubljenim teritorijem pretvorilo bi se u rat bez konca i kraja.

    Zadatak Crkve je okupljanje djece Božje na pomaganje siromaha, a ne na ratovanje. Rat nije igra šaha, nego krvavo stradanje mnoštva ljudi. Onaj koji sprema rat svoga naroda ne pripada „nebeskom narodu,“ jer je zaražen sotonskim otrovom.


    • Sorry, I don’t get why this video was posted. Is there a translation that I’m missing? Subtitles? Who is this fellow and what message does he convey?

      • Sant ‘Hilary av Poitiers, biskop och kyrko

        13 januari – Extra minne

        Poitiers, Frankrike, 315? – 367

        Hilary föddes i Poitiers i Frankrike, omkring 315, var en hednisk som sökt livets mening först i Neo-platonska läror, då – efter läsningen av Bibeln – i kristendomen. Noble markägare, gift med ett barn, strax efter dopet hyllades biskop i Poitiers. Han kämpade Arian kätteri genom hans verk, den mest kända av dessa är The Trinity. “Han fördjupade sina studier under sex år i exil. Han återvände till högkvarteret hade som medarbetare i framtiden biskop i Tours, St Martin. Han dog 367 . Pius IX proklamerade honom en doktor kyrkan. (Avvenire)

        Etymologi: Ilario = gay, glad, från latin

        Emblem: Pastoral Staff

        Martyrology: St. Hilary, biskop och läkare i kyrkan, höjt till kontoret av Poitiers i Aquitaine, Frankrike, under kejsar Constantius anhängare av Arian kätteri, staunchly försvarade hans skrifter den nicenska tros på treenigheten och gudomlighet Kristus och han var därför förpassas till fyra år i Phrygia; Kommentarer också komponerat firade Psaltaren och Matteusevangeliet.

        Det fanns en tid då de flesta av män i kyrkan förlorade sin tro, trodde de att de var katoliker, men i själva verket följt allvarliga teologiska fel, så deras tro var skadad och avledas.
        För två århundraden, från IV till VII, Arian kätteri rasade i öst och i väst behandlas av Monaco och teolog Arius, denna teori ansåg att den gudomliga naturen av Jesus var väsentligt lägre än den för Fadern och Ord Gud var inte evig och oskapade. Även Arius var bannlyst och hans lära fördömdes, Arianism länge, blir den officiella religionen av det romerska riket under regeringstiden av Constantius. “Hela orb med att erkänna stönade Arian förvåning” skrev St. Jerome: misstaget, som synd, alltid stönande.
        Fel och synder idag är utspridda överallt, även i kyrkan; Detta tillåter inte fred eller i det naturliga livet och inte heller i det andliga livet. Hur då nekas hela Kristi gudom, förnekade i dag att treenigheten är den ende sanne Guden för alla människor, inte försöker att gå med dem i den katolska kyrkan, men i en utopisk allians av olika religioner.
        Den 13 januari kommer att bli ihåg ett helgon och doktor i kyrkan som var nödvändigt, med några av sina bröder i episkopatet, för att återställa ordningen i den teologiska tänkandet och för att återvända till sanningen: St. Hilary av Poitiers (367 310ca.- ), mästare av tradition mot Arianism. Även Liberius, att finna sig till den politiska makten av kejsaren Constantius stod bakom ariansna. Syftet med Costanzo var att förena imperiet under ariska tänkandet, men hindren kallades St. Athanasius i öst och St. Hilary i väst: biskopen av Alexandria och biskopen av Poitiers emot den med styrka och beslutsamhet, men genom mildhet av välgörenhet och helighet.
        Han sade Benedictus XVI på den allmänna publiken av den 10 oktober 2007: “En del gamla författare tror att detta anti-Arian vändpunkt i Gallien episkopatet var till stor del beror på styrkan och mildhet av biskopen av Poitiers. Detta var just hans gåva: att kombinera styrkan i tro och ödmjukhet i mellanmänskliga relationer “.
        Denna europeiska, far till kyrkan, var en Defensor Fidei av oerhörd mod och perfekt konsistens, och ägnade sitt liv för att skydda och rädda tron på gudomlighet Jesus Kristus, Guds Son och Gud som Fadern, som skapade det från början ‘evighet. Glesa News på dess existens, riklig teologiska verk han har gett till kyrkan och till historien. Den Gallo-romerska och hedniska aristokratisk familj, fick en fast litterär utbildning, gift och hade en dotter som heter Abra. Passionate filosofiska forskning, upptäckte han kristendomen och konverteras. Han hyllades biskop i Poitiers mellan 353 och 354 och tog honom under hans skydd St. Martin, framtiden biskop i Tours.
        Bland hans många skrifter finner vi kommentaren på Matteusevangeliet: de äldsta i latin. I 356 deltog han i synoden av Béziers i södra Frankrike, “synoden av falska apostlar”, som han kallade det, eftersom det ledde från tråd Arian biskopar, som krävde att kejsaren i förvisning av biskop Hilary. Under sommaren samma år var han tvungen att lämna för Phrygia (i modern Turkiet), som domineras av Arianism. Men kunde han stå emot och här försökte han återupprätta kyrkans enhet på grundval av den raka Faith formulerats av rådet av Nicaea (325).
        Med denna avsikt skrev han sin mest kända dogmatiska arbete: De Trinitate. Hemma (360 eller 361), påverkan av hans undervisning utvidgas långt utanför landets gränser i Gallien, hela Empire: St. Hilary var en kristen som inte böjt till kraften i världen, men för Guds rike .

        Författare: Cristina Siccardi

        Detta far och doktor i kyrkan föddes i Poitiers, nell’Aquitania, mot 315, med en distinkt hednisk familj, som gjorde honom ge ett fast litterär och filosofisk utbildning baserade neo-platonska. S. Ilario i samma avhandling De Trinitate exponerar hur skakad av problemet med vårt öde, om han har hittat ett tillfredsställande svar i hednisk filosofi, men bara i prologen Johannes evangelium, där det sägs att Ordet kom ner från himlen han ger till dem som får makt att bli Guds barn.
        Hilary var vuxen när han döptes, gift och far till en dotter, Abra. Det är inte osannolikt att hans strama liv och brinnande biskopen av staden har summan av hans kyrka med några heliga ordning. Det är säkert, dock att när han dog, han lyckades i episkopatet Ilario och försökte praktisera vad som senare skulle skriva: “. Den helighet utan vetenskap är inte användbart i sig när du lär, är det nödvändigt att vetenskapen ger mat till tal och att dygd tjänare prydnad till vetenskap “(De Trinitate, VIII, l). Lockade av ryktet om honom, St. Martin, vänster, milisen, skulle han komma till skolan gå med på att ta emot ordination exorcist.
        “Den Helige Shepherd snart tvingade av omständigheterna att kämpa så ihärdigt mot Arianism att betraktas Athanasius i väst.” Många biskopar inte acceptera läran om Nicea (325) av consubstantialityen av Guds Son med Fadern, utan föredrar att lära ut att det var precis så. Constantius, son Constantine, låtsades att ta emot sina idéer från hela riket vid äventyr av exil. För att försvara ortodoxin St. Hilary kanske kallats till Paris 355, en enhet som exkommunicerade Valente och Ursacius, ambitiösa domstols biskopar, förföljare av Athanasius och Saturnino, Primat i Arles. som hade delat deras våld. Han och hans medbrottslingar, uppmuntrat av likgiltighet som Julian, guvernör i Gallien, var tvister teologer, som samlades i Beziers. Genom beslut av Constantius, Hilary fick ta del, men efter att ha vägrat att ansluta sig till kejsarens religiösa politik, deporterades till 356 i Frygien. Biskoparna i Gaul, mestadels ortodoxa skulle inte att en inkräktare ta besittning av kontor Poitiers. Under sin exil på St. Hilary han i själva verket, brev rikta sin kyrka.
        I Mindre Asien gjorde han inte förbli overksam. Han utnyttjade tiden att komponera sitt mästerverk, The Trinity i 12 böcker, för att studera på djupet problemen i öst med vidsynthet, och försöka få felande till Nicene tro. “Jag har inte betraktas som ett brott, skulle han senare säga att han hade haft diskussioner med dem, ja, medan vägrar dem gemenskap, skriva in deras hus av bön och hoppas att du var tvungen att vänta på dem till förmån för fred, när vi öppnade dem ett sätt att lösa sina misstag genom botgöring, en vädjan till Kristus genom nedläggning av antikrist”. (Adv. Costant. 2). Samma oro för medlings manifest i De Synodis bok skriven för att informera biskoparna i Gallien när det gäller flera av de östra tros.
        Hans exil varade i fyra år, då i 359, Constantius kallade ett råd på Rimini för västerlänningar, och en annan till Seleucia nell’Isauria, för orientaler. Ilario han välkomnas och kan utsätta den nicenska tros, men harmonin nåddes inte för illvilja av många. Efter den heliga synoden gick han till Konstantinopel för att komma från Costanzo får diskutera offentligt med Saturnino som varit orsaken till hans exil, och att stå i rådet som hölls sedan i den kejserliga staden för att kunna försvara den ortodoxa tron på myndighet de heliga skrifterna. Som svar Costanzo skickade honom tillbaka till Poitiers uppeggade av Arians, som att bli av med obekväma motståndare, hade målat honom “som en såningsman av oenighet och stör öst”.
        En Poitiers Hilary mottogs i triumf. Så snart han hört talas om hans återkomst, St. Martin anslöt sig till honom från hans reträtt på ön Gallinaria (Albenga) och under ledning av sin lärare grundat Ligugé äldsta kloster i Gallien för att neutralisera åtminstone delvis de sorgliga effekterna av kätteri.
        Ilario ibland gick för att besöka eremiter att följa deras regler och delta i deras låtar. Det är känt att han var den första kompositör av psalmer i väst för att motverka aktiviteten poesi arierna.
        Den politiska situationen, under tiden hade förändrats avsevärt sedan maj 360, när soldater stationerade i Paris hade skrek kejsaren Julian. Hilary passade med beslutsamhet och måtta att samla provinsiella synods för att bekräfta de ortodoxa biskoparna förblev lojala och ringa tillbaka dem som hade undertecknat av okunskap eller rädsla för felaktiga eller äventyras formler, såsom rådet i Rimini. Avsättningen av Saturninus i Arles och Paterno Périgueux markerade nederlag Arianism i väst. Död Costanzo (361) gav ett avgörande slag mot den ariska överlägsenhet i öst, eftersom biskoparna återkallades från exil, och året efter St. Athanasius kunde uppbåda i Alexandria den berömda “råd av bekännare” och framgångsrikt anta dämpningen av bishopen av Poitiers.
        S. Ilario tillsammans med St. Eusebius, biskop i Vercelli, kämpade han bra för två år Arianism i Italien, och försökte att köra från hemmet i Milano, Auxentius att rådet av Paris i 361 hade anathematized. Dessa, i 364, vädjade till kejsaren Valenti, fästa dekreten av Rimini rådet gjorde han prenumerera många biskopar och anklagar sina motståndare för störande religiös fred. Dessa överväganden imponerade kejsaren som höll Auxentius på plats, nöjd med en tvivelaktig trosbekännelse att han närvaron av tio biskopar och högre tjänstemän. St. Hilary, beordrades att lämna Milan, skrev han Contra Auxentium att avslöja den hycklande återhållsamhet honom och behålla integriteten i tron bland folket.
        Hade drog sig tillbaka till sitt stift, helgonet kunde ägna sig åt sina favorit studier och kommentarer om Psaltaren, så länge som det tog död 1-11-367. Hans reliker brändes i 1562 av hugenotterna. Pius IX 1851 proklamerade honom en doktor kyrkan.

  15. I wish I could say this is unbelievable, but I can’t. It’s only a matter of time before the Church starts performing same sex marriages – the great abomination in the Temple.

  16. If I gave full vent to my grieve at this latest development I would understandably be banned from this website!
    Total capitulation from spineless cretins disguised as shepherds…..
    I love my country and this is heart-breaking in its reality and implications…

  17. What if no one attends ? …..
    …. boycott the the World Meeting of Families
    -that’s a movement I would get behind

    Let Rome know they’re on their own

    • Those who decided this don’t want you to attend. They don’t want me to attend.

      My (NO) PP was asked constantly to put a name forward to be Governor of the Catholic High School. He eventually gave my name and neither he nor I have heard anything since. I would like to think they had heard of me, but it’s more likely that my mum who once taught there was too Catholic and they would (rightly) fear the same from me.

      The people who will join your movement aren’t wanted there. And those who are wanted won’t join your movement.

  18. And so it begins…
    This is incredibly disappointing and frustrating. The entire RCC is tainted with this regardless of the actual level of active participation – guilt by association. What options for redress do we have? None, at least not in the US. This ridiculousness impact all aspects of membership in the Catholic Church. The meaning of the Mass and the Teachings of the Church must necessarily change to fit this new way of thinking.

  19. Sounds so exciting! A new way of being family! A new way to be happy in a family! Since no one is excluded I bet there will be a polygamy and beastiality contingency, no? So many these days living “en uxeo” with their pets–they must be accompanied! We are all Amoris Laetitia!

    I imagine vendors will include tattoo artists, leather and chain artists and so much more. This is not your grandfather’s World Meeting of Families!

    • I really wish I thought that you were joking.

      Sure. This time probably not.

      But are those things not going to be next in the secular world?

      Polygamy can’t be far away. There is absolutely no logical reason why it should be. And sure enough the Church, unless there is a sudden and major change in leadership will follow.

      Humans are just a different type of ape. Apparently. So not only will bestiality be soon but you will be in trouble for referring to it as such. The word will be banned and deleted from all dictionaries as being abusive.

      The Western world is in the grip of insanity. And the Catholic Church is going too, just in a lower gear.

      • Hi James. Of course I’m being sarcastic. And there are currently many polygamy groups in the USA legally mobilizing for equal matrimonial rights under US law. They were gleeful with Ogerberfell.

        • You’re being sarcastic about your delight(!) but scarily serious at the same time.

          I didn’t realise that about the polygamy groups but it doesn’t surprise me. I assume they voted 100% Clinton.

          • They are the many polygamous offshoots of Mormonism. Don’t know how they voted. Some polygamous groups love the welfare state. All the wives collect money (ADC money) and pool it. If you go to the American southwest (Colorado City, for example) you will note all these women in granny dresses and old-time coifs driving Cadillac Escalades and living in polygamy compounds with hundreds of children. They feed the kids on the cheap and the rest of their welfare money goes toward luxury goods.

          • Yup.

            And don’t forget, the Mormons divided up down the middle into Democrat and Republican voting blocks so as to have representation among both parties.

            Most people do not realize that WE ALREADY HAD A ONE MAN/ONE WOMAN RULING on marriage in the Supreme court. And it was caused by Mormonism.

            “For certainly no legislation can be supposed more wholesome and necessary in the founding of a free, self-governing commonwealth, fit to take rank as one of the coordinate States of the Union, than that which seeks to establish it on the basis of the idea of the family, as consisting in and springing from the union for life of one man and one woman in the holy estate of matrimony”.

            United States Supreme Court Ruling, Murphy v. Ramsey 1885.

          • Despite the fact that for many years I worked in the Care Sector surrounded by nurses who have, often deservedly, a rather raunchy (is that the right word?) reputation, I do feel as though I have lived a very sheltered life.

            Amazing what there is to discover at 1Peter5.

            I think I should just work and sleep, and otherwise switch off from the world. I can go to Church on the First Saturday of the month when there is a Latin Mass locally.
            I suppose I could become a hermit, but there’s not much opportunity for that round here.

          • James, I’ve had to cut out several parts of my daily routine over the past few years. I never watch television because it’s entirely in the hands of perverts and liberals (redundant, I know); I avoid Twitter because its clientele seems to oscillate between violent left-wing fanatics and right-wing yahoos; I never read the liars in the New York Times, Washington Post, National Post (Canada), or dozens of other big-name rags; and I scrupulously avoid all debate with leftists, both the ecclesiastical and secular variety, as a complete waste of time. More time to read authentic Catholic literature and books, and to say the Rosary. I remember reading what Dale Vree once said about Communist East Germany, that it was where he lived his Christianity most authentically. I’m beginning to have a deeper understanding of his words now.

          • A number of years ago now, we came across the Person of Interest TV programme. By pure coincidence it was early on in the first series.

            We really enjoyed it for the first few series. I looked up the actors on the internet and of course found out about Jim Caviezel. I was delighted. A good tv programme with a really committed Catholic in the lead role. What could be better?

            But then it started to go wrong. There was an episode about two women “getting married”, but with all the advantages the programme had, I gave it the Benefit of the Doubt. I thought surely Jim Caviezel isn’t going to be happy with this. It’s a one off.

            How wrong I was. One character who came in part way through as a regular was a lesbian, and she made a determined assault to try to get another leading woman into a relationship with her. By the time we stopped watching the assault had been successful and viewers were being subjected to an open lesbian relationship.

            I don’t know whether Caviezel has ever commented on this, or at what stage he was aware it was coming. But I don’t understand it. He (together with Michael Emerson) were the programme. It couldn’t have existed without him (at least that’s my view).

            What kind of world does TV live in when this happens?

            What kind of world do we live in when this happens?

          • It’s the kind of world, James, that makes me want to vomit, and I don’t mean this rhetorically.

    • Why any wonder about that. It’s already world wide. Such forerunners as facebook & co with its 73 gender ‘options’ says enough already. Who dare even to ask them how they fill their physical lusts? Let alone to judge them.

  20. When I was in RCIA I studied many texts demonstrating the claims of the Catholic Church and how the Catholic Church was so different than the Protestant groups from which I had come. Now folks, I have a long experience with the liberal Protestant groups, having grown up in the family of a Methodist minister who struggled against this stuff for all of his 45 years as a pastor.

    The CLAIMS may be different {and since V2 even that is questionable}, but there is now no discernible difference in practice between Catholic Church from that in mainlinism.

  21. The lavender mafia has taken over. Y’all didn’t know that? This is the lavender papacy.

    This is why Fr. James Martin SJ is in our faces with his “building a bridge” shtick almost every day. It’s because he knows that Rome and his Jesuit superiors have his back and nothing will happen to him. He’s kryptonite. In fact, he’s their stalking horse and PR man. That’s why he recently got the call to serve on the Vatican commission for communications. Rather than being censured he was promoted. Aint it grand?

    Marx, Kasper, Maradiaga, Daneels, Wuerl, Spadaro, Tucho, (“heal me with your mouth”), Cocco……..these guys are all light in the loafers. The end game for this papacy is not Communion for those living in adultery. That was simply the camel’s nose under the tent. The end game is the acceptance of the “good” in homosexual “relationships”, the welcoming of homosexual “families” into the Church and the blessing of such relationships.

    The upper echelons of the Catholic hierarchy are absolutely termite-ridden with corrupt homosexual perverts. I have to believe Bergoglio is one of them. There are too many around him in his inner circle for him not to be.

  22. Our Lady of Fatima told Sister Lucia that the last battle with the forces of good and evil would be about marriage and family. Are these prophecies being fulfilled in our present crisis in the Church?I am inclined to think so!

  23. JMJ
    Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

  24. I don’t see why people can’t see that Pope Francis and his fellows in crime are Open Theists.

    Allow me to cut and paste from Wikipedia:

    Open Theology – From Wikipedia – “In short, open theism says that since God and humans are free, God’s knowledge is dynamic and God’s providence flexible. Open theism sees God’s knowledge of the future as a plurality of branching possibilities, with some possibilities becoming settled as time moves forward. Thus, the future as well as God’s knowledge of it is open (hence “open” theism). Open Theists tend to emphasize that God’s most fundamental character trait is love, and that this trait is unchangeable. They also (in contrast to traditional theism) tend to hold that the biblical portrait is of a God deeply moved by creation, experiencing a variety of feelings in response to it. Most importantly, God “does not unilaterally and irrevocably decide what to do” or what’s right or wrong. God’s decisions on these matters are influenced by “human attitudes and responses” according to Open Theism.”

    • Brian, this is just about the most succinct and clearly descriptive comment ever made about the leadership of the Catholic Church today.

    • This is a thoughtful insight. Both theism and deism boarder on atheism. I believe your estimation of things is kind. I term the Bergoglian crew — and a vast swath of left wing khristians “romantic transcendental atheists.” Romantic because they have a nostalgia for what once touched their hearts, transcendental because they have approached it but turned to their own notions, atheists because they believe in nothing but impulses and intuitions.

  25. PRAY THE ROSARY EVERYDAY! It is the most effective weapon we have!

    “The little beads of love that are strung on the rosary are bullets of destruction against the
    enemies of the Catholic Faith and the enemies of one’s salvation. In a simple
    chaplet, five decades of the rosary, the Holy Name of Jesus is invoked
    fifty-four times, and the Holy Name of Mary, one hundred and seven times. No
    Catholic should ever be without the rosary in his possession, night or day. The
    devil is afraid of these beads as they lie in our pockets or are held in our
    hands.” Brother Andre Marie

    The 15 Promises of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    1) To all those who shall recite my Rosary devoutly, I promise my special protection and very
    great graces.

    2) Those who shall persevere in the recitation of my Rosary shall receive some signal

    3) The Rosary shall be a very powerful armor against hell; it will destroy vice, deliver
    from sin, and dispel heresy.

    4) The Rosary will make virtue and good works flourish, and will obtain for souls the most
    abundant divine mercies; it will substitute in hearts love of God for love of
    the world, and will lift them to the desire of heavenly and eternal things.
    How many souls shall sanctify themselves by this means!

    5) Those who trust themselves to me through the Rosary, shall not perish.

    6) Those who shall recite my Rosary devoutly, meditating on its mysteries, shall not be
    overwhelmed by misfortune. The sinner shall be converted; the just shall grow
    in grace and become worthy of eternal life.

    7) Those truly devoted to my Rosary shall not die without the Sacraments of the Church.

    8) Those whorecite my Rosary shall find during their life and at their death the light of
    God, the fullness of His graces, and shall share in the merits of the

    9) I shall deliver very promptly from purgatory the souls devoted to my Rosary.

    10) The true children of my Rosary shall enjoy great glory in heaven.

    11) What you ask through my Rosary, you shall obtain.

    12) Those who propagate my Rosary shall be aided by me in all their necessities.

    13) I have obtained from my Son that all the members of the Rosary Confraternity shall have for
    their brethren the saints of heaven during their life and at the hour of

    14) Those who recite my Rosary faithfully are all my beloved children, the brothers and
    sisters of Jesus Christ.

    15) Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.


    God bless each of you!

  26. If you look closely, the cropped image eliminates the cleavage and bare shoulder found in the original. Apparently, looking at a lesbian couple is OK – but don’t dare show the cleavage or bare shoulder! What kind of mental gymnastics went through the photoshop editor’s head on that?

    LOL – they also eliminated the ring she was wearing, and her collarbone!

  27. You know.

    Reading all this crap day in and day out of the capitulation of the leadership of the CC and the comments that follow, I just realized something.

    This convert is a Catholic.

    I admit my family is really messed up but there are those who clearly want to clean it up, and I’m gonna stick with them.

    Thank you folks.

    We’ll get through this. I have no friggin’ idea HOW, but we will.

  28. “While the Church upholds the ideal of marriage as a permanent commitment between a man and a woman….” Yes, but this is only an “IDEAL” you see and so –while we are not officially changing Church teachings we are bashing it to hell (literally) and condoning sodomy, lesbianism, fornication, and adultery and ‘accompanying’ it and calling these sinful lifestyles ‘family’ as we care not for the salvation of the souls involved but just pushing along an offense against God that imperils their eternity.

  29. I’m sure many readers will have seen that New Catholic at Rorate Caeli has commented thus:

    “The corrosive nature of this wicked pontificate is destroying all things that are true, loving, and beautiful in its path. The smoke of Satan first mentioned by Paul VI has blackened the whole interior of a building in flames. Matrimony and family; Confession, contrition, and true repentance; Love and Truth; Priesthood and the Blessed Sacrament: all tarnished, all in ruins, all disfigured by evil thoughts and evil deeds of the Covenant-Breakers of a disgraced class of men intoxicated by their own filth.

    One of the side effects of the Bergoglio pontificate is that we can’t comment over there, so I hope One Peter Five doesn’t mind me commenting here, instead: Well said, Rorate Caeli.

  30. If this is not the final confrontation, then it is surely a dry run. These bastards (Paglia, Martin, Leahy, Marx, Cupich, Fernandez, Coccopalmerio, and all the rest, most especially their boss) are seeking to destroy the teaching of Christ on all sexual morality, in every aspect. They will not rest until all of it is twisted and broken. That this is their primary goal is abundantly clear at this point. We are virtually helpless in watching this unfold.

    There is nothing comparable to this in the history of the Church. The closest analogy is 4th century Arianism, during which some popes were opposed to Athanasius. But the popes were never the ringleader of the crisis; they were never leading the charge for Arianism, and using the authority of the Petrine ministry to enforce it.

    Every one of us (and I include myself first of all, as my sins are great) needs to commit himself or herself to seeking holiness with the most serious mind possible. If you were in a public gathering, and suddenly an evil man was shooting people (as in Las Vegas, as in far too many places recently), adrenaline would flood your system and your mind would be focused only on one thing: How can I protect whoever is with me? How can I protect others who are vulnerable nearby me (for example, nearby children)? How can I keep from getting shot? Your entire mind would be focused only on the immediate situation, only on the life-threatening danger. Every other concern in your head (Will I find a decent job? Will we ever own a house? Can we afford the increase in our health insurance premium? Have i put on a few pounds lately?) would instantly fade from view; the only thing that would matter is “Someone is shooting people.”

    The same thing applies here. There is an unprecedented emergency: the Pope himself is a heresiarch. He is raising as many heretics as possible to positions of power in the episcopacy. He is punishing or sidelining anyone who gets in the way. He is seeking to destroy the Deposit of Faith, all in the name of protecting it. If this situation doesn’t have your full attention, then you are not paying attention.

    Unfortunately, I am preaching to the choir by posting here. Everyone who comments here already knows this. How can this message be disseminated more broadly? How can the emergency, soul-threatening situation the world is in be broadcast far and wide? The ones most responsible to do something, the bishops, stand by, either out of cowardice or because they are in league. The same small band of usual suspects (Burke, Sarah, Schneider, and a few others) is expected to do everything, but their efforts are pathetically ineffective, because the Pope is able to swat them aside as being an extremist fringe. If a very large percentage of the bishops (not a few dozen, but a few thousand) do not speak up, then the juggernaut will keep rolling inexorably towards its stated goal.

    • Other thing about Arianism (in addition to the Popes NOT participating in it) is that, to me, a subtle trinitarian heresy (downgrading Jesus a tad) is much more intellectual and less drastic than saying there is no sin, no morality, no hell, no salvation. It’s basically a John Lennon song, of the Beatles. It is very remote from Christianity at all, let alone Catholicism. Arianism is like Islam – still has moral rules at least

      • We are in the midst of (though perhaps still only experiencing the earliest phases of) what Belloc called “The Modern Attack.” It is not merely a new heresy; it is last heresy, the sum of all previous heresies (therefore also including Arianism), insofar as it does not, as prior heresies did, deny one element or another element of the Gospel. Rather, it denies all, it denies and rejects everything at once, most especially denying God himself (hence to say “Modern Attack” is much the same as saying “modern atheism” or “atheist secularism”).

        Therefore it is to be expected that the Modern Attack will be more foul and more dangerous than anything that preceded it; history is not a circle, but a line, and what comes after is worse than what has come before. This does not make us greater than our forebears (who would claim to be the equal of St. Athanasius?), but it does mean that the challenge of this time is greater than the challenge even of the 4th century. And yet God’s grace is given more abundantly when it is needed more desperately, therefore men and women will be raised up who are able to meet this superhuman foe, not by returning violence for violence but by drawing ever closer to Christ. The Light shines in the darkness; and the darkness has not comprehended it.

  31. Disgusting. I’ve had the great misfortune of workingin the same workplace with a few of these deluded creatures (lesbians). They ARE NOT happy and fulfilled. On the contrary, they are angry, bitter, nasty and mentally and emotionally unstable.

    The heretics and sexual degenerates inside the highest places in the Church have to be driven out like the money changers.

  32. “We shall find out at the day of judgment that the greater number of Christians who are lost were damned because they did not know their own religion.” – St. Jean-Marie Vianney

    St. Athanasius who was excommunicated by Pope Liberius became the 1st Doctor of the Catholic Church and who was known as the Father of Orthodoxy stated “The floor of hell is paved with the skulls of Bishops.”

    “‘The final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be about Marriage and the Family.’ Don’t be afraid, she added, because whoever works for the sanctity of Marriage and the Family will always be fought against and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue. Then she concluded: ‘nevertheless, Our Lady has already crushed his head’.”  – Sister Lucia

    “Who is going to save our Church? Not our Bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops like bishops and your religious act like religious” – Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

    “Whoever does not hate error, does not love the truth”.  – G.K. Chesterton

    “Take away the supernatural, and what remains is the unnatural.” – G.K. Chesterton

    “Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.” – G. K. Chesterton

     “Tolerance is the virtue of man without convictions.” – G.K. Chesterton

  33. Here is a quote from one of the greatest saints ever regarding homosexuality. St. Catherine relays words of Our Lord, about the vice against nature, which contaminated part of the clergy in her time. Referrng to sacred ministers, He said: “They not only fail from resisting this frailty [ of fallen human nature]…but do even worse as they commit the cursed sin against nature. Like the blind and stupid having dimmed the light of the understanding, they do not recoginze the disease and misery in which they find themselves. For this not only causes Me nausea, but displeases even the demons themselves, whom these miserable creatures have chosen as their lords. For Me, this sin against nature is so abominable that , for it alone, five cities were submersed, by virtue of the jugdment of My Divine Justice, which could no longer bear them…It is disagreable to the demon, not because evil displeases them and they find pleasure in good, but because their nature is angelic and thus is repulsed upon seeing such an enormous sin being commited. It is true that it is the demons who hits the sinner with the poisoned arrow of lust, but when a man carries out such a sinful act, the demons leave.

    St.Catherine of Siena, El diabolo, in Orbas de Santa Catarina de Siena

  34. I sent this article to the World Meeting of Families folks as I am registered to attend with my husband and daughter.
    If I get a response, I’ll post it here. Meanwhile, I’m praying for a new Pope…

  35. It is painful beyond belief to see the normalizing of grave sins by our ‘Catholic’ hierarchy. I know I have said this before but I must say it again! I am experiencing PTSD over and over and over again. I go from anger to denial to depression but never will I ever come to acceptance of this great tragedy that is upon us.

    • You are not alone, nothing short of a Divine correction will change things now.
      It is obvious that GOD has withdrawn significant grace because of SIN!

    • These sins against children by departed priests, bishops and cardinals are being answered through God’s justice and mercy.
      God rights ALL wrongs, you can be assured of that.

      I share your pain at seeing continued abuse of the youth by Church leaders. God will have mercy on these children who are being corrupted and lead into evil.
      But mercy will not be shown to those who have harmed a child, in any way.
      Millstones wrapped, does not even ‘touch’ what awaits them.

      Perhaps, a welcome break from the “news of the day” would be a good thing.
      We all need it from time to time………peace, quiet, prayer…… strengthen our faith, and most importantly our resolve.
      A Catholic can never accept the unacceptable, can never accept what is not True, not beautiful, not of God.

      • Thank you CS! Wise words. I do go off periodically to regain my peace. This ‘great lie’ that they tell about going out in search of the one and leaving the ninety-nine behind is so duplicitous! Why? Because when all these youth and ‘families’ gather at this Irish family conference, they will say nothing to direct them off their downward path. They will not do a damn thing for their souls but will make them feel assuaged in their guilt.
        They will say that marriage is the ‘ideal’ but we recognize your relationship too, hence normalizing this intrinsically disordered behavior. Then, in a short time, Francis will change the Catechism’s wording and the persecuting of Catholics who still believe the Truth will increase.
        These progressives always say that we are focused on the ‘law’ the ‘law’. But Christ said that he did not come to change the law but to fulfill it. Last night in my prayers there was a reading from the Canticle of Maccabees.
        It reads:”Children! be courageous and strong in keeping the law, for by it you shall be glorified.”

  36. “He emphasized that the meeting would be about “inclusivity”,….”
    “Inclusivity”? I don’t think heaven goes along with “inclusivity”
    Have they forgotten that unrepentant sinners are not included in their entrance to heaven?

  37. ‘a new way of living the Church, a new way of achieving the love that gladdens the life of the people of God, of families and of society itself’
    What gobbledegook!
    Refusing to call out sin is leading people to their own eternal damnation.
    Eternity and eternal consequences are not a belief of the modern church under this present pope.

  38. How shall those escape being sentenced to hell who welcome Sodomy — a sin that cries out to Heaven for vengeance! — into the heart of the Church?

    Increasingly — in both the secular world and, simultaneously, within the Catholic Church — it is apparent that Sodomy’s 21st Century manifestation under the banner of LGBTrans, is nothing less than Sexual Transhumanism, a emergent sex-cult in which every defined feature and formal characteristics of the human person and the human family is rejected in the face of the sentimentalization of grave, unnatural sin and the exaltation of orgasmic feelings and self-speculation over divine truth and holy love.

    Perhaps now we can see the prophetic insight and unvarnished exactitude and precision of the following words of St. Peter Damian in his treatise on sodomitic indecency among Catholic clergy in the 11th Century, entitled “The Book of Gomorrah”:

    “This vice (Sodomy) is the death of bodies, the destruction of souls, pollutes the flesh, extinguishes the light of the intellect, expels the Holy Spirit from the temple of the human heart, introduces the diabolical inciter of lust, throws into confusion, and removes the truth completely from the deceived mind.”

    “For it is this (Sodomy) which violates sobriety, kills modesty, slays chastity. It butchers virginity with the sword of a most filthy contagion. It befouls everything, it stains everything, it pollutes everything, and for itself it permits nothing pure, nothing foreign to filth, nothing clean.”

    For an outstanding and prescient article on the connection between so-called “sexual liberation” and Transhumanism, please visit this link:

    May God convert the minds and souls of clergy and laity who have fallen prey to this diabolical and soul-destroying spell of Sodomy.

    Holy Family — Jesus, Mary, and Joseph — pray for us!

  39. Can anything be done to stop this? This imagery and “welcoming” sends out a message that it is ok to sin. We need to stop this!

  40. This is absolutely shocking .truly truly shocking …

    Look at those photos… look at what Bishop B. Leahy is doing!!!

    What is happening? Has every Bishop or at least the majority lost their mind, their soul, their direction ..
    their faithfulness first to Christ.. above all!!

    There has to be a world outcry to Pope Francis from all of us – to stop this now………………………..

  41. I would add that the cover photo of the Parish Programme features two sets of very masculine-looking hands clasping intimately. Don’t know whether anyone else has noticed that yet.

  42. Oil your guns for Dublin!

    “This will be the greatest homo-push ever
    perpetrated even by the satanical Francis’ pontificate. Prepare
    yourself now to read so-called “c”atholic news outlet of the “Aleteia”
    variety to celebrate the “evolution” in the doctrinal understanding of
    evil filth, which is just as logical as if the same outlets would
    celebrate Francis’ new understanding of logic or mathematics.

    The homophilic hell-fest must be countered with an extremely aggressive stance from us, those who think that two and two will always be four. I encourage every blogger and every commenter on whatever site or blog to sharpen the tone and call this pope and his minion what they are: atheist, perverted, heretical, Christ-hating scum that must be ridiculed and insulted in every way by the militant laity until other events – outside of our control – get us rid of this unspeakable filth.

    Start the offensive now. Go on blogging,
    commenting, and praying. Talk about this mess with colleagues and
    friends. Do not eschew the confrontation, embrace it.

    Be a Crusader, raise your voice if needs be, lose friends if needs be!

    You will have enough friends in paradise.”

  43. I meant to post this comment a few days ago, and I hope that you forgive me if I repeat another person’s thoughts, as I have not read through all the comments.

    I have given this new push for acceptance of homosexuality and same-sex families in the Church a lot of thought lately. I firmly believe that, in the eyes of Pope Francis and the modernist heretics, this is a necessary precursor to the push for the ordination of women as priests. If Christ is the Bridegroom and the Church is the Bride, and the priest is the alter Christus, then if the priest is female, you will have a lesbian relationship between Church and priest (as alter Christus). The modernists know that we must feel comfortable with this if we are to accept this dramatic change. Now obviously a woman cannot truly represent a Man, but in Pope Francis’ way of thinking, that fact is just peripheral fluff that has no bearing whatsoever on his agenda.

    I believe that this may be one of the many tentacles of this particular evil that is infiltrating the Church and subversively changing the true practice of Tradition. Everyone is correct in stating that Doctrine has not changed…it cannot change because that is the basis of our Church founded by Christ and God does not change. But as we all know, there are those who believe otherwise, and now they are in positions of power.

  44. Their choice of photography says a lot.

    If I was to make a brochure calling homosexuals back to the Catholic faith, I’d pick some that depict men or women in a repentant expression, or one of several of those who are suffering from AIDS or otherwise. Even just a normal image of a man or woman standing or sitting or with their heads turned around.

    The images they chose here are all celebratory. This in itself sends a message.

  45. Well, since His Excellency is Bishop of Limerick (of all places), I just couldn’t resist injecting a little levity in this very sad and disturbing situation, by using the very namesake of his locale — the famous five-line poem form. I would invite others to join in, if Steve is amenable to it. We could even have a Limerick contest.

    A bishop of Erin plays host,
    To diverse groups of people who boast,
    That the trad fam is dead,
    For the Irish have said,
    That man-woman marriage is toast.

  46. I’m pretty stunned – not so much by the imagery, etc. but by the tone and judgement of so many of the comments here. Has anyone forgotten that “God” is the judge? Not us “true” Catholics? Not “man”? Do I need to remind anyone of the countless Biblical references to support this?

    I don’t believe I’ve ever read so many judgement and holier-than-thou comments within a Catholic or Christian forum before, which is quite an accomplishment I suppose. Lots of selective quotations and misinformation to support the commenters disapproval though, but never any quotes from those who disagree. (Like, e.g. – Pope Francis himself.)

    “Pray the Rosary.” Thank you to those who posted these comments.

    “I’m trying not to look at any of those photos too closely…makes me feel like I have to go take a shower…bleah….” Wow. Does this quote remind me of Jesus’ reaction to the stoning of the adultress? Far from it.

    • I’m pretty stunned as well.

      Have YOU ever read the account of the attempted stoning of the adulteress?

      How about the woman at the well?

      How about Jesus’ teaching on divorce and adultery itself?

      And how about the consistent teaching of the Catholic Church which is in total agreement with all of the positions of Jesus above…until what we see in some quarters today?

      I suggest you open your Bible and study the teachings of the Church before you judge rashly the comments here, rashly as you have done.

      Both the Scriptures and the Magesterium can give you an idea why 1} Pope Francis will never {honestly} answer the Dubia 2} the Church is in crisis 3} many here, elsewhere and all over the world are rightly condemning the practices being promoted by various bishops in the Catholic Church today, some of which are noted in the article.

      It is difficult to know how to lead people who have been so led astray from and are now so far disconnected from the teaching of God. You might start with a study of 1 Kings 20: 30-43 and the lessons there. Also, examine just exactly what Jesus did in His handling of the adulteress you mention above. For he did not dispense with and ignore the law and let go from temporal punishment a person due temporal punishment. In fact, he applied the Law by its LETTER. AND condemned the sin of the woman in directing her to “sin no more”.

      That people are appalled by the current administration of teaching and the misapplication of mercy, AKA false mercy, should be easy to understand. That they express this horror in various ways is also not to be marveled at.

      What is to be marveled at is the actions and words of a Pope and bishops who so clearly deny the prior practice and teaching of Popes and the Church not to mention Jesus Himself.

      From Sirach, Chapter 5:

      4 Do not say, “I have sinned, yet what has happened to me?”
      for the LORD is slow to anger!
      5 Do not be so confident of forgiveness
      that you add sin upon sin.
      6 Do not say, “His mercy is great;
      my many sins he will forgive.”
      For mercy and anger alike are with him;
      his wrath comes to rest on the wicked.
      7 Do not delay turning back to the LORD,
      do not put it off day after day.
      For suddenly his wrath will come forth;
      at the time of vengeance, you will perish.

      Indeed, the Church, up until Vatican 2 and specifically the opening address of same given by Pope John XXIII followed the practice and tradition of preaching the need for repentance and true conversion. Since then, we have seen change upon change from this priest and that, from this bishop and that, and now even from a Pope. Now we see false mercy the common teaching even at the top.

      False mercy is no mercy at all. It is the gravest of breaches of charity. And it is not without its own consequences!

      “When I say to the wicked: O wicked man, thou shalt surely die: if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked man from his way: that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at thy hand.” Ezekiel 33:8.

      “Moreover if the just man shall turn away from his justice, and shall commit iniquity: I will lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die, because thou hast not given him warning: he shall die in his sin, and his justices which he hath done, shall not be remembered: but I will require his blood at thy hand.” Ezekiel 3:20.

      Since you say never are quotes given from those who “disagree”, I suggest the actions and quotes are so multitudinous as to beggar disbelief in your seriousness. What is more anti-family than the praising of a committed abortionist?

      And it goes on and on from there not just from the Pope but from bishops and others. For crying out loud, just read the brochure cited in the article above.

      No, your post here is not serious, but it is a good opportunity to present truth in response.

  47. “…a new way of living the church, a new way of fulfilling that love that renders the life of the people of God, of families and of society happy.”

    Presumably the Cross has no place in this Utopia? We are now to look to sodomy for happiness.


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