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Amoris Laetitia

A Sense of Pastoral Betrayal: The Burden Papal Novelties Lay on Parish Priests

On Dec. 21st, 2020, Pope Francis made his annual Christmas address to the Roman Curia in which he contrasts the concept of crisis with that of conflict. He also called for a year long study of Amoris Laetitia. This article is a partial response to the pope’s address.   “Jesus, you really do love your…

heretic lighthouse

If The Pope Is a Heretic, Hold Fast to What Is Certain

The following letter exchange addresses some of the difficult questions Catholics are asking themselves today. Dear Dr. Kwasniewski, In your article “The Failure of Todaying: Abandon the Passé and Recover Tradition,” you wrote: “The reality is that the Church is already in schism. It is a virtual, unacknowledged schism, but no less real, spiritually, for…

querida amazonia rainforest

Querida Amazonia Explained: Amoris Laetitia Redux

National Review recently ran an absurd article entitled “Querida Amazonia Reveals Francis’s Conservatism,” an unlikely piece of hagiography that will prove in time to be as risibly misguided as another National Review article, one authored by George Weigel on the day of Amoris Laetitia’s release in 2016: “Pope Francis on Love, Marriage, and the Family.”…

pope francis plane open letter

The SSPX, the Open Letter, and the Heresies of Pope Francis

Note from the Editors: The arguments contained in the following are not necessarily the position of 1P5. However, we believe that what you will read here is an important contribution to the ongoing theological debate about what can, in practical terms, be done about our heretical pope. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre distinguished himself during and after…

The Spirit of Paganism Looms over the Amazon Synod

Something ancient — paganism — is “struggling to be born” again. It’s slouching toward birth, like Yeats’s “rough beast,” laboring to arrive for its hour. It’s emerging amid the rise of what exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger ominously describes as the “sixth generation.”[i] According to Fr. Ripperger, specific “generational spirits” — demons — afflict different generations.…

When Creeping Normalcy Bias Protects a Chaotic Pope

Reactions to the Open Letter accusing Pope Francis of holding seven heretical propositions — a letter that now bears the signatures of 81 clergy, religious, and scholars — have ranged from strong support (Zmirak, Coulombe, Verrecchio) to sympathetic critiques (Lawler, Feser, Weinandy, Shaw) to undisguised hostility (Akin, Armstrong, Condon, most media outlets). The authors in…

Burke: Cardinal Caffarra “Personally Delivered” Dubia Letter to Papal Residence

In response to remarks made by Pope Francis that he only learned of the dubia regarding his apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia "from the newspapers," the second of the two still-living "dubia cardinals" has spoken out. Cardinal Burke told John-Henry Westen of LifeSiteNews today that “The late Cardinal Carlo Caffarra personally delivered the letter containing the…

Cardinal Brandmüller Questions Francis’ Claim Not to Have Received the Dubia Before Publication

Today, on 20 June, Reuters published a new interview with Pope Francis. Although the interview is making headlines because of the Pope’s criticism of President Donald Trump’s immigration policy, it also contains another controversial assertion: the pope surprisingly now claims that he only heard about the Dubia (concerning his document Amoris Laetitia) “from the newspapers”…

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