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Amoris Laetitia

Final Declaration of Rome Conference Restates Catholic Doctrine and Answers the Dubia

Today, 7 April, the much-expected conference on “Catholic Church, where are you going?” took place in Rome. The conference was inspired by the late Cardinal Carlo Caffarra – one of the four dubia cardinals – who died last September. At the end of the conference, a Final Declaration was issued in the name of the…

Does Questioning Amoris Laetitia Make You a Protestant?

“Conservative” Catholics sometimes object to the traditionalist criticisms of Amoris Laetitia by claiming that Catholics critical of the document are in fact exercising their private judgment against the Magisterium just as the Protestant revolutionaries did, with the only difference being that the Protestants appealed to Scripture alone, while traditional Catholics appeal to Tradition alone. The…

New Sources Bolster Report that Pope Benedict Played Key Role in Synod Compromise

Preliminary Note: Today, 12 March, Vatican News published a report that Pope emeritus Benedict XVI wrote yet another letter. In this new letter, he praises a set of new books on the theology of Pope Francis which make clear to him “that Pope Francis is a man with profound philosophical and theological formation and [which]…

Speakers at German Bishops’ Meeting: Polish in ‘Identity Crisis,’ Insisting on ‘Exclusion’

LifeSiteNews reported a few days ago the inspiring piece of news that in Poland, 140,000 Catholics signed a petition to their bishops asking them to protect their teaching “from German errors.” At the same time, the German bishops had their spring assembly, during which they invited speakers who described the Polish Catholics as understandably “backward”…

Fired Vatican Theologian Fr. Weinandy: Pope Francis Appears to Be an ‘Agent of Division’

Today, 24 February, there comes to us from Capuchin Father Thomas G. Weinandy, the highly respected U.S. theologian and papal critic, yet another statement about the papacy of Francis and its divisive effects. The Italian Vatican specialist Sandro Magister published today Fr. Weinandy’s speech on this issue, which he gave today at the University of…

Setting the Stage: Cardinal Marx on ‘Commission’ to Prepare ‘Discussion’ of Blessing Homosexual Couples

Cardinal Reinhard Marx – who received much criticism for his recent remarks on the possibility of blessing homosexual couples in individual cases – has deflected that topic for now, but he says an episcopal commission has been set up in Germany to consider it. Today, the German bishops are starting their four-day-long Spring Assembly, which…

Pinerolo, Italy: Another Scandal Cries Out for Answers to the Dubia

Last Sunday [February 11, 2018], an interesting interview appeared on Vita Diocesana Pinerolese [the website of the Diocese of Pinerolo, Italy, near Turin in the Piedmont] (Anno 9, N.3) in which the newly appointed bishop, Derio Olivero, comments on the documents of Piedmont Bishops’ Conference furnishing guidelines for the application of the apostolic exhortation Amoris…

The Throw-Down at the Council of Jerusalem and the Union of Dogma, Praxis, and Spirituality

The unity of the Catholic Faith is such that dogma, praxis, and spirituality cannot be separated. While each of these is distinct in terms of their acts, all are the same in object – namely, Jesus Christ Himself. All three of these are within the same sphere, and they inform each other. To understand how…

Progressivism Wants the “Moral Paradigm Shift” in the Catholic Church

Cardinal Reinhard Marx’s and Bishop Franz-Josef Bode’s recent plea in favor of blessings for homosexual partnerships has provoked shock and dismay around the world. However, the démarche of the two Germans is not an isolated act. On a broad front, progressivism is sounding the attack against the traditional teaching of the Church. This was most…

Interview: Bishop Marian Eleganti on Amoris Laetitia and the Little Ones

Editor’s Note: The following interview with Bishop Marian Eleganti O.S.B was conducted by Dr. Maike Hickson on behalf of OnePeterFive. Eleganti is Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Chur, Switzerland and the Youth Bishop of the Swiss Bishops’ Conference. Bishop Eleganti has signed, a few days ago, the “Profession of the truth about sacramental marriage” of…

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