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Vatican Organization Still Involved With Communist Group

You may recall that last October, we ran a report from Michael Hichborn at American Life League (and now, of the Lepanto Institute) about the involvement of Caritas Internationalis, the international organization of Catholic charities run by the Vatican, in a pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, communist organization known as the World Social Forum. If you need a refresher,…

Pentecost Homily of Bishop Athanasius Schneider at Chartres

The following is a translation (from the original French) of His Excellency Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s homily on the Feast of Pentecost at Chartres, offered for those who were attending the annual pilgrimage there. This is an excellent sermon. It’s inspiring. As always, it’s clear that the good Bishop Schneider sees the gathering threat, and is prepared to instruct…

Memorial Day

Today, we’re observing Memorial Day. In honor of those who have served. And for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, we pray: ℣. Eternal rest, grant unto them, O LORD, ℟. And let perpetual light shine upon them. ℣. May they rest in peace. ℟. Amen.  

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