Tuesday Within the Octave of Black Friday


According to the traditional reckoning, on years when Black Friday falls on a Friday, the Tuesday following is known as Giving Tuesday. Customary devotionals for Giving Tuesday include avoiding Turkey sandwiches, complaining about “all this Christmas stuff during Advent,” and donating money to charitable organizations that reinforce your sense of religious identity while providing a convenient tax write-off before the end of the fiscal year.

Lucky for you, OnePeterFive can help you with at least two of those traditions. (You’ll have to go to Target or something to complain about Christmas stuff.)

In order to keep yourself busy, so as not to accidentally eat any turkey sandwiches (the fridge is smelling a little gamey by now anyway), take a few minutes to support OnePeterFive.

And by “support,” I mean give money.

One Peter Five is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, which means your donations are tax deductible.

But more important than a minor tax write-off is your increased sense of self worth, knowing that you have supported the advancement of Catholic culture in the 21st Century.

Donate today.


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