The Assault on Beauty and Sins Against Charity

Much has been written about the artistic and architectural wreckovation which occurred in many parishes in the years immediately following the Second Vatican Council. The modern iconoclasts surveyed the Catholic landscape during those years looking for altars to smash and statuary to evict from some of the most beautiful sanctuaries imaginable. Traditional aesthetics and liturgical…

Introducing the Sacred Art Series From Bloomfield Books

Editor’s note: one of our primary goals at OnePeterFive is to offer practical resources to Catholics to aid them in living the life of faith. With 21st-century advances in capital funding, self-publishing, digital content distribution, and manufacturing, a number of small, boutique producers of Catholic goods and resources are now being formed to meet unfulfilled needs.…

In Response to Same-Sex Marriage Bishop Lynch Invokes the Spirit of the Synod

Earlier this week Florida became the most recent state to legally recognize same sex “marriage”. Although the voters had overwhelmingly passed a constitutional amendment recognizing the traditional definition of marriage back in 2008, United States District Judge Robert L. Hinkle ruled the amendment to be unconstitutional. The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops immediately responded with…

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