Baldisseri: Pope Francis Approved Controversial Midterm Relatio

Over at Aleteia there is an interesting post about last week’s International Conference of family and life movements held in Rome (January 22-24). With the theme, “The Vocation and the Mission of the Family in the Church and in the Contemporary World”, the conference opened with an address by Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the Secretary General…

Liturgy, Adaptation, and the Need for Context

  Historically authentic productions of Shakespearean plays are occasionally in and out of fashion. Recently a movement championing “original pronunciation” purports to let us hear Shakespeare’s words precisely as they would have been spoken when the plays were originally written and performed. It is artistically irresponsible to mount a performance of a Shakespearean play —…

What’s Going on at the USCCB? More trouble at CCHD and CRS

As a publisher of a Catholic website, I receive lots of information that may be of interest to readers. Lately, that has included press releases about the activities of USCCB-related organizations like the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). The CCHD has been under scrutiny by pro-life Catholics for about as long as I can remember.…

Blessed Sacrament Profaned in Manila: Archbishop Villegas Responds

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Mt. 9:36) Last Sunday, there was a Mass in Luneta, the large urban park in Manila where a reported 6 million Catholics gathered to see Pope Francis – despite a typhoon. In the wind and the…

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