Archive for

The Persecution of Orthodoxy

The LA REC Is a Blueprint for Obliterating the Faith

If one were looking for a front-row seat to comprehend the disarray that’s befallen the Catholic Church, one needn’t look far from the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress (“REC”), taking place this March 21–24 at the Anaheim Convention Center. Though the REC, sponsored by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, is hailed as the largest annual…

eucharist substance accidents

Letter from the Battlefront: What a Faithful Young Priest Goes Through

One of the many things that has disturbed me in this ecclesial turmoil through which we are living is the simple thought: what are the abusive priests thinking? What do they think of themselves and of their victims? How can they live with themselves? Do they believe anything of the Catholic Faith? The same question…

Pope’s Latest Homily: ‘Rigid’ Catholics Lack the ‘Spirit of God’

Pope Francis has returned to a common theme of his pontificate, this time in his homily for daily Mass at Casa Santa Marta, earlier this morning. The following are quotes from the pontiff, as reported by correspondent Adriana Masotti: They [the Pharisees] were truly an example of formality. But they lacked life. … They…

courageous vigano

In Viganò, Veritas

And so he spoke. Knowing the personal risks of truth-telling in the Church of Bergoglio, Archbishop Viganò stepped off the ledge without a safety net, confident that the truth would provide a soft landing in eternity. No one should doubt the validity of his allegations. They ring true, confirmed by eyewitnesses, validated by his integrity…

Vatican Hires High-Powered Law Firm to Take Down Independent Catholic Website

In August of 2017, InfoVaticana, a small Catholic news portal based in Madrid, Spain, was surprised to receive a letter from Baker & McKenzie, the second largest law firm in the world, demanding that InfoVaticana transfer its domain ( to the Vatican Secretariat of State.  The reason for the demand was that the Vatican alleges that…

Fired Vatican Theologian Fr. Weinandy: Pope Francis Appears to Be an ‘Agent of Division’

Today, 24 February, there comes to us from Capuchin Father Thomas G. Weinandy, the highly respected U.S. theologian and papal critic, yet another statement about the papacy of Francis and its divisive effects. The Italian Vatican specialist Sandro Magister published today Fr. Weinandy’s speech on this issue, which he gave today at the University of…

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