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The Persecution of Orthodoxy


Black Lives Matter and Anarcho-Tyranny in the Church

When Garces Memorial High School sacked theology teacher Tim Gordon for telling the truth about Black Lives Matter, the school divulged a dirty little secret about the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Just as ruling-class elites in both political parties in the United States despise the deplorables who voted for President Trump, the ruling-class elites…

knight danger

Danger to Catholics during the Coronavirus Panic

As the COVID-19, Chinese communist, Wuhan coronavirus pandemic (pick your modifier) crisis continues, faithful Catholics from all sides have divided on the issue. The spectrum of opinions ranges from those faithful Catholics taking the virus very seriously and advocating for great caution to those other faithful Catholics dismissing the whole thing as an overblown and…

glowing television live-streamed

Live-Streamed Catholicism and Feeding the Mass Addiction

Growing up in Bugnini’s liturgical reign of terror, for me, the only semblance of non–spiritually benumbed sanity at Mass came from watching EWTN’s daily Mass. I rejoiced at hearing hymns older than 1966, as well as encountering homilies void of social justice empowerment and the canonization of parish members. Most salient, though EWTN did not…

A Look at the ‘Inculturated’ Church in Chiapas, Mexico

You see a lot of strange words now in Catholic circles. Words that you would never before have associated with the word “Catholic,” like “shaman” and “cosmos” and “integral ecology.” All having to do with the recent Amazon Synod. You have to wonder: what would such an “inculturated” church even look like? And what about…

Not Authorized: The Untold Story of the Death of the Old Mass

Introduction: A Time of Confusion Although it is now frequently claimed that the traditional Latin Mass (TLM) was never abrogated (totally abolished) following the Second Vatican Council, this position is squarely at odds not only with the lived experience of several generations of Catholics, but with the rapid and near total disappearance of the TLM…

Dominican Nuns in Tuscany vs. the Vatican, with Help from the Locals

Late in June, we received a warning from a village on the edge of Tuscany that yet another religious house with the wrong sort of mindset was facing the now dreaded prospect of a Vatican “visitator.” The contemplative Dominican monastery of Marradi, the spiritual heart of the little mountain town for over four centuries, is…

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