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Catholic Life

FSSP Superior Distinguishes Fraternity from SSPX, Eschews “Traditionalist” Label

(Image: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger at an ordination of FSSP priests in Wigratzbad, Germany, 1990.) The usually cautious and reserved Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) has now given its current opinion concerning the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and on its possible formal re-integration into the structures of the Catholic Church. Father Bernhard Gerstle – the…

Ravens and Saints

I seem to be developing a particular love and admiration for our corvid friends lately, with a pair of clever and beautiful magpies visiting my garden in Norcia quite regularly and huge numbers of crows and ravens in that ancient valley. It struck me a while ago just how frequently they appear in Christian history…

A Non-Catholic German Warns Against Protestantization of Catholicism

In the wake of a recent critical overview of the four years of Pope Francis’ papacy as presented by the German Catholic journalist Matthias Matussek, another German journalist (who is not a Catholic) has now raised his voice of resistance with respect to Pope Francis. We speak here about Jan Fleischhauer, who is an editor…

Gänswein: Pope Benedict has Read Amoris Laetitia, Has “No Intention” of Commenting

Archbishop Georg Gänswein has been seen by many as a gatekeeper of the two popes. As personal secretary to the Pope Emeritus and prefect of the Pontifical Household of Pope Francis, he has unparalleled access to the minds of both. In an interview yesterday, Gänswein puts to rest the suspicions that the former pope is unaware of the…

Bishop Morlino Calls for All to Receive Communion on Tongue While Kneeling

For I have learnt for a fact that nothing so effectively obtains, retains and regains grace, as that we should always be found not high-minded before God, but filled with holy fear. –St. Bernard of Clairveux On April 11, 2017, the Diocese of Madison joined with Bishop Morlino at the Chrism Mass. It was a glorious…

Understanding Pope Francis: The Need for a New Narrative Framework

(Image: Left to Right, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio; General Jorge Videla, dictator of Argentina from 1976 to 1981) “Jorge Mario Bergoglio… has been a staunch supporter of  US imperial interests in Latin America for more than 30 years.”  “…one of the main supporters… of Argentina’s military dictatorship which came to power in a CIA supported…

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