The Handbook for Confused Catholics
Catholics of a certain age know things about their religion that many — if not most — Catholics today have never been taught.
Catholics of a certain age know things about their religion that many — if not most — Catholics today have never been taught.
Latin Mass Companion – A New, Easy To Follow Missal Biretta Books 152 Pages $15 individual; Discounts applied to bulk orders A few weeks back, I was offered a review copy of the new Latin Mass Companion from Biretta Books – the publishing arm of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius. I accepted gratefully…
Growing up in the Novus Ordo, I was never accustomed to using a missal, nor did I ever see anyone else using one. Preacher said we had to take up our hymnal and follow it, but it was a rare bird who followed the Mass from a missalette. The vernacular was supposed to make everything…
For many Catholics, it is not easy to understand the importance of Latin in the life of the Church. In February of 1962, on the eve of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, Pope John XXIII wrote: “Major sacred sciences [in seminaries] shall be taught in Latin, which, as we know from many centuries…
Christopher Krysak is a US Marine and a devoted Catholic husband and father. We attend the same parish, and he’s taught one of my sons in CCD. A couple years back, Chris made a considerable investment of his own money to hire a professional voiceover artist to create an audiobook version of My Catholic Faith,…
For as long as I can remember, I have had books handy. It started with a set of the 16 volume “Golden Treasury of Knowledge” from 1961, which my parents gave me when I was about eight years old. I spent most of my youth sickly with asthma, overweight, socially awkward, and introverted to the…
The darkness of our time often feels like a liturgical anti-incense, a dense smog that can be only temporarily fanned away before quickly returning to choke us again. This metaphor is a ripe one for Catholic lay action, because while a single person cannot fan away the smoke of Satan for long, a small but…
Several years ago my Pastor, Fr. Dennis Gordon, FSSP, asked me if I would build him a portable altar to house an altar stone from the Cristeros era. He had seen some of my carpentry skills through work I had done at a relative’s house, so he thought I might be up for the challenge. I first…
Editor’s note: one of our primary goals at OnePeterFive is to offer practical resources to Catholics to aid them in living the life of faith. With 21st-century advances in capital funding, self-publishing, digital content distribution, and manufacturing, a number of small, boutique producers of Catholic goods and resources are now being formed to meet unfulfilled needs.…