Traditionalism and its Dangers: Reflections of a Parish Priest
Here we are and we are faced with the question, “What do we do about it?”
Here we are and we are faced with the question, “What do we do about it?”
In 1378, there was a concrete case of “an ordinary lay Catholic in the pews” who had to decide whether Clement VII was Pope.
This premise, then, is only probable, not necessary.
It is probably easier for a simple priest who lacks such formation to discern its truth.
Lamont has recently added his quite weighty voice to affirm that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is not pope.
We only ever look to Christ the King – not out of disdain for the hierarchy, but as a matter of emergency.
When modernists, hyperpapalist conservatives, and sedevacantists agree.
Some Pontiffs were illegitimately elected or took possession of the Pontificate by fraud, yet they are valid.
I have some concerns about certain aspects of his current position.
There is no authority to declare or consider an elected and generally accepted Pope as an invalid Pope. The constant practice of the Church makes it evident that even in the case of an invalid election this invalid election will be de facto healed through the general acceptance of the new elected by the overwhelming…
The paradox between “You are Peter” and “Get behind me, Satan,” has not been resolved in the Tradition.