Aristocracy of Blood and Spirit: the Marquis Luigi Coda Nunziante
God entrusts certain people with the mission of being symbols.
Concerning “Faggotry” – an Italian View
I am a Roman from Trastevere, we are used to listening to quite colorful language in our working class area.
The Fall of Church Militant – an Italian View
If Church Militant no longer mentions their names, God still knows them well and will punish them as they deserve, unless they repent and amend their lives.
On the Identity and Creation of the Enemy
Here it is necessary to reunify the Catholic people, to identify a new enemy.
Traditionalism is Not a Home
We know well that the solution to the crisis will not be immediate and therefore quite a few generations will still have to experience this drama.
The Term “Pastoral” as a Talisman Word
In the liturgy the "pastoral" that has been applied in many points has denied the true doctrine.
Jesuita non Cantat
"When asked about the fact that the new Pope did not sing and paid little attention to ceremonies and rituals he had to answer that this is typical of the Jesuit."
Anniversary of the Restoration at Solesmes
The situation in France was therefore very painful and perhaps only someone who could act from within could do something to change it.
The Pope and the Dog
Far from considering himself equal to animals, St. Francis exercised a special authority over them.
The Catholic Music of an Anglican Coronation
Today we would need an aesthetic conversion, to truly return to the beauty that speaks to us of God.