The Catholic Music of an Anglican Coronation
Today we would need an aesthetic conversion, to truly return to the beauty that speaks to us of God.
Today we would need an aesthetic conversion, to truly return to the beauty that speaks to us of God.
And yet, despite all of Cristina Campo's contradictions, it would be wrong to give her the negative evaluation found in Fulvio Abbate.
Not singing Popule meus or Crux fidelis on Good Friday has not contributed to edifying anyone, on the contrary, the faithful have been deprived of a great spiritual treasure.
This group of ordinary faithful, young families, and fervent priests has the confident hope that its voice will not be stifled but welcomed, listened to, and taken into due consideration.
There is always something new, beautiful and noble that can be said about her and it is up to us, useless servants, to say it through the little or much talent that God has given us.
In a hilarious twist of God's Providence, a fringe group makes itself, reluctantly, mainstream.
You may not have realized it, but a new “Pope” will be elected this coming Monday, the 30th of January. Why do I put it in quotes? For two good reasons. The first is that you cannot elect a new Pope if there is one still alive; the second is that this whole story, more…