Archive for

T. S. Flanders


EDITORIAL STANCE: Unite the Clans to Rebuild Christendom!

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters and readers, Now that we have introduced our new editorial board, it’s time to throw down the gauntlet about where we stand and where we intend to go. This post will not explain in detail all of the controversial topics here—that is left to our writers to analyze, discuss and debate. Rather, this…

Priests: Be Men of God, and the Faithful Will Rally Behind You

Vatican News recently gave their headline as “Pope Francis: ‘Liturgy needs to return to center of Christian faith.’” The words of the Roman Pontiff were addressed to an Italian liturgical conference with the theme: “Where two or three are gathered in my name”: Community, liturgies, and territories.” His words themselves are in fact true, but…

Advent Uncensored

Advent always reminds me of my Novus Ordo red pill moment. Years ago I discovered three texts around Advent that finally pushed me over the edge. The first was the collect for St. Nicholas.  This prayer petitions God, through the intercession of St. Nicholas to save us “from the flames of hell.” This was censored…

The Encyclical Era: Are Catholics Obliged to Read Every Papal Document?

For years as an Evangelical Protestant, the common discourse revolved around quotations from the Holy Scriptures. Speakers would talk at conferences. Pastors would preach. No one would think anyone really argued a point without copious references to the Holy Bible. I remember talking to my friends when I was a Protestant—we quoted the Scriptures in…

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