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Mary will Crush Islam, or Islam will Crush Us

For more than 1000 years (610-1700), the sword of Muhammad has fought with Christendom. The sword struck within Christendom after the Muhammadans conquered the Christian Middle East and North Africa in the 7th century. Over the years the crushing blasphemy of the shahada against the Nicene Creed (blasted five times daily by the muezzin) weighed down upon the Christians, and the persecutions and taxes made most succumb to apostasy, receiving eternal suffering in exchange for a few years of earthly prosperity. These formerly Christian regions remain under the shadow of crescent to this day.

But the sword struck Christendom also from without, as the Muhammadans’ trans-saharan slave trade stretched across Africa (Tidiane N’Diaye, Le genocide voilé) and the incursions expanded into Europe, reaching southern France. Our fathers understood this threat. They made the sign of the cross, drew their swords and met the Muhammadans, trusting in Christ. As long as they fought on the side of the angel armies, and not on the side of earthly ambitions, Islam was beaten back.

Mary against the Muhammadans

The battle between Christendom and the followers of Muhammad is a spiritual battle. There is nothing that will overcome the power of Islam except the cross of Jesus Christ. The Virgin Mary has ever raised this banner of the Holy Cross and the men of Christendom have marched under standard (hence the name “crusader” meaning “he who takes up the cross”).

Our Lady was first called strategos (“general”) during a war with the Sassanians, but this spirituality of Our Lady’s militancy was carried by our fathers through their centuries-long struggle with the Saracens. From Our Lady of Covadonga and Guadalupe Extremadura to the institution of the Angelus and Our Lady of Victory at Lepanto, God proved true the dictum of the Apostle of Mary, St. Louis de Montfort:

God has never made or formed but one enmity; but it is an irreconcilable one, which shall endure and develop even to the end. It is between Mary, His worthy Mother, and the devil—between the children and the servants of the Blessed Virgin and the children and instruments of Lucifer. The most terrible of all the enemies which God has set up against the devil is His holy Mother, Mary.

He has inspired her, even since the days of the earthly Paradise, though she existed then only in His idea, with so much hatred against that cursed enemy of God, with so much industry in unveiling the malice of that old serpent, with so much power to conquer, to overthrow, and to crush that proud impious rebel, that he fears her not only more than all Angels and men, but in some sense more than God Himself.

It is not that the anger, the hatred, and the power of God are not infinitely greater than those of the Blessed Virgin, for the perfections of Mary are limited, but it is, first, because Satan, being proud, suffers infinitely more from being beaten and punished by a little and humble handmaid of God, and her humility humbles him more than the Divine power; and, secondly, because God has given Mary such a great power against the devils, that, as they have often been obliged to confess, in spite of themselves, by the mouths of the possessed, they fear one of her sighs for a soul more than the prayers of all the Saints, and one of her menaces against them more than all other torments (True Devotion to Mary, 52).

As we see in Our Lady’s numerous interventions to stop the advance of the Saracens, this fundamental spiritual enmity is working against this most pernicious heresy. The heresy of Muhammad, says St. Juan de Ribera, is “an impious, blasphemous, vicious cult, an invention of the devil, and the direct way into the fires of hell. It does not even merit the name of being called a religion” (Catechismo para la Instruccion de los Nuevos Convertidos de los Moros, trans. Bieszad). Just as Mary was chosen to humble the pride of Satan, so also she will humble the pride of Muhammad’s sword.

The Love of Money

Yet in the struggle of our fathers against this powerful force of evil, weaker men appeared in Christendom who chose the love of money instead of eternal glory. They did not fight on the side of the angel armies, but chose the empty glory of earthly riches.

A Christian betrayed his brethren to let the Muhammadans into Spain in 711. The republic of Venice sought economic alliances with the Turks when they were bearing down on Christendom in the 1500s. The love of money was at the heart of the Protestant revolt, which allied with the Turks against Christendom (Jack Goody, Islam in Europe, 45). The love of money was largely the reason why the eastern crusade failed, while the western crusade of Santiago Matamoros (“The Reconquista”), more purified from earthly attachments with the prayers and penances of El Camino, succeeded against Muhammad.

Despite this poison of the love of money within Christendom and its fracturing by the heretics, by 1700, the superior philosophy latent within Christianity had produced a superior civilization to the backward, irrational voluntarism of al-Ghazali (d. 1111) and Qur’anic abrogationism (where Allah can decree one thing as good in Mecca and decree the same thing as evil in Medina). The Ottoman Empire was forced to recognize the cultural, scientific and military superiority of Christendom and de facto surrendered, begging the western powers to send them artists, mathematicians and scientists (Lapidus, History of Islamic Societies, 2nd. ed., 275-282).

Resurrecting Muhammad’s Sword

But for pious Muhammadans, this obeisance to Christendom was intolerable, and a reform movement began under Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, who gained “great admiration” when he personally stoned a woman to death for accused adultery, preached that “Jihad will always be valid,” and fearlessly imitated Muhammad by conquering much of Arabia (Spencer, History of Jihad, 259).

As Wahhab’s movement was restoring a more pure imitation of their false prophet, the hubris of the British and American empires devoted their societies not to Christendom, but secular Liberalism. These empires found in Wahhabism (allied with the ruling house of Saud) a means by which to topple the Ottoman Empire for good and seize the resources in the Middle East.

Thus the British and then the Americans began funding the Saudi-Wahhab movement, leading, after World War I (1914-1918), to secular, western powers dominating the Middle East, while sending money to the Wahhabis, which “ended up aiding global jihad” (Spencer, loc. cit.). Thus the love of money had formed an alliance between secular Liberalism and the Saracens (besides Marxist and Fascist powers doing much the same thing). This was bringing about the resurrection of the sword of Muhammad, after it had been in decline for 200 years.

In 1937, Hillaire Belloc observed that since the western powers had lost Christendom and prostituted themselves with the love of money, and the Saracens still had a strong religious sense, they may one day rise again:

In the major thing of all, Religion, we [in the west] have fallen back and Islam has in the main preserved its soul. Modern Europe and particularly western Europe has progressively lost its religion, and especially that united religious doctrine permeating the whole community, which unity gives spiritual strength to that community.

There is with us a complete chaos in religious doctrine, where religious doctrine is still held, and even in that part of the European population where the united doctrine and and definition of Catholicism survives, it survives as something to which the individual is attached rather than the community. As nations we worship ourselves, we worship the nation; or we worship (some few of us) a particular economic arrangement believed to be the satisfaction of social justice. Those who direct us, and from whom the tone of our policy is taken, have no major spiritual interest. Their major personal interest is private gain, and this mood is reflected in the outer forms of government by the establishment of plutocracy.

Islam has not suffered this spiritual decline; and in the contrast between [our religious chaos and] the religious certified still strong throughout the Mohammedan world…lies our peril.

We [western powers] have returned to the [Middle East], we have returned apparently more as masters than ever we were during the struggle of the Crusades—but we have returned bankrupt in that spiritual wealth which was the glory of the Crusades[.]…We are divided in the face of a Mohammedan world, divided in every way—divided by separate independent national rivalries, by the waring interests of possessors and dispossessed—and that division cannot be remedied because the cement which once held our civilization together, the Christian cement, has crumbled.

…[A political] change there will be, continuous and great. Nor does it seem probable that at the end of such a change, especially if the process be prolonged, Islam will be the loser (The Crusades [TAN: 1992], 248-250).

After World War II the American Empire began funding the Saudi-Wahhabis more, who then spent seventy billion dollars erecting mosques and printing Wahhabi terrorist literature throughout the world (Spencer, op. cit., 295). Supported by the Saudis, the Muhammadans turned to massacre the growing African Church and set up Muhammadan nations to imitate their false prophet (Lapidus, op. cit., 756-760; Jenkins, The Next Christendom, 3rd ed., 201-236; Royal, The Catholic Martyrs of the Twentieth Century, 369-387). One these African movements would eventually be known as Boko Haram in Nigeria.

Afghanistan and Nigeria: a Tale of Two Armies

As part of the “enlightened” foreign policy that Mr. Coulombe notes, the United States and the western powers have naively thought that they could control the sword of Muhammad by a superior military force and their secular notions of “liberty” and “equality.” Like so many other places, Afghanistan is an example of this naïveté in the face of Islam. For this false religion is a spiritual force, and the empty rhetoric of the French Revolution cannot contain the sword of Muhammad. In fact, the fallen angels inspired the Qur’an as well as the French Revolution. How can Satan cast out Satan? (Mk. iii. 23).

As Professor Kilpatrick observes at Catholic Family News:

Many of our policy makers, however, are not particularly religious people, and so they tend to underestimate the importance of religion in people’s lives. But the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and the like are deeply religious. They are not fighting simply for land, or for natural resources, but for Allah. The wars they fight are religious wars. And one of the main tenets of their religion is that the whole world must be subject to Allah…

The threat from Islam has been greatly underestimated because very few have really attempted to understand Islam, its warlord founder, and its warrior ethos.

The United States and western powers will not conquer Islam, much less call upon the Blessed Virgin Mary to crush Islam as she has done so many times before. As Gross shows in her critical text “The Anti-Mary Exposed”, Feminism is an attack on the Blessed Virgin Mary. This sexual revolution and Feminism has been promoted worldwide by the American and the Soviet empires alike, as Christopher Dawson observed in the 1930s (Enquiries into Religion and Culture [CUA Press, 2009], 214-215).

And now this “woke” filth has begun to permeate the military too, which promotes what is “gay” and is then expected to overcome a centuries-old, spiritual power driven by fallen angels. The money funding Saudi Arabia has been funneled to Euro-American universities to promote pro-Islamic, false history in academia (cf. Dario Fernandez-Morera, The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise, ISI, 2016). This pro-Islam message is then exalted by western military bureaucrats, who are too “woke” to wake up and see the scimitars bearing down on them. This ideology has done nothing but put service members at greater risk. The heroic sacrifice of military families for the common good is then used to serve an ideology and underestimate the enemy, to their peril and ours. This ideology has stripped the earthly army of the aid of the spiritual army, and thus the spiritual force of Muhammad threatens to overcome them.

Thank God for the African Church! Instead of this hubris of western ideology, His Excellency Bishop Oliver Doeme called Nigerian Catholics against the Saracens with the only thing that can conquer them. He recounted this vision which happened in 2014:

I was in my chapel having private prayer, saying the Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed. Then the Lord appeared to me, standing to the right of the altar. It was a vision, not physical.

He appeared as Jesus the Good Shepherd, and he was holding a sword with both hands. At this, I became jittery. I said, ‘Lord, what is it?’ He didn’t say anything; he just began to approach me, then reached down and gave me the sword, which turned into a Rosary.

Then the Lord said in English, ‘Boko Haram is gone; Boko Haram is gone; Boko Haram is gone.’ He said it three times, and then disappeared.

Bishop Doeme, LifeSiteNews

With this, the good bishop called a Rosary crusade against Islam, and Our Lady, Queen of Angel Armies began to fight against the forces of Muhammad. Since then His Excellency has been reporting “miracles” and that Mary was “crushing” Boko Haram.

This past week The Epoch Times reported that Boko Haram is divided and the Saracens are surrendering en masse, themselves saying “the war is over” (No. 369, print edition). However, indications persist that the Nigerian government is not serious about the Rosary crusade, and violence continues to threaten African Catholics in the region with the Fulani Muslims.

Nevertheless Bishop Deome, in calling for a Rosary crusade, led the entire world in relying on her who alone will crush Islam, and, as Matt Gaspers shows in the prophecies of the saints, will eventually end Muhammadanism for good. Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array? (Cant. vi. 9). Holy Mary, Our Lady of Victory. She will crush Islam, or Islam will crush us.

Thus in this 14th week after Pentecost, let us renew our trust, our hope, our sure confidence in Our Blessed Lady as the strategos, as she raises the banner of the Cross for all Christians to embrace the Passion of Christ, the only path to resurrection. Let us pray for our brethren trapped in Afghanistan, those facing violence in Nigeria and for the Church in every place threatened by the sword of the Saracens, and for the conversion of these poor souls to the one true God.

Remember: this Saturday is First Saturday, which is Our Lady’s plan for world peace. Make a resolution now to complete this devotion to make reparation to her Immaculate Heart, which, in the end, will triumph gloriously.

T. S. F.
St. Rose of Lima


“Fatima, Islam & Our Lady’s Coming Triumph” by Matt Gaspers
“9 Days of Prayer for Muslims” by Matthew Plese

Photo credit: W. D. Flanders.





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