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Andrew Bieszad

The Root Cause of Islamic Violence

Pope Francis’ most recent comments attempting to separate Islamic religious beliefs from Islamic violence are deeply misleading. They are not just slightly or partially incorrect, but dangerously wrong.  They stand in direct contradiction to the Church and her saints’ long history of experience and understanding of the Islamic world. In the context of yet another airplane interview — this…

The Dialogue Delusion

I’ll never forget my first day of graduate school. It was in the fall of 2007, and I had beeen accepted to Hartford Seminary’s Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations program. It was familiar territory for me, as I had attended Hartford Seminary for the past two years as an undergraduate to study the Arabic language…

Living, Dying, and Fighting for the Faith: A Call to Arms and Martyrdom

Looking at what ISIS has been doing to our brethren across the Muslim world, in combination with the open hatred and attacks against the Catholic Faith in the formerly Christian West, it is clear that it’s only a matter of time before some Catholic faithful will be forced to choose between apostasy and martyrdom. To…

Surrendering to Islam in America

(Image: National Cathedral – Source: DaKohlmeyer) November 14, 2014, marked a dubious development regarding Islam’s rise in America. On that day, for the first time, Musilms were allowed to hold prayer inside of the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.: Washington National Cathedral and five Muslim groups announced today the first celebration of Muslim Friday prayers (Jumaa) at the Cathedral…

Does the Islamic State Want to Assassinate the Pope? 5 Things Catholics Need to Know

Last week, the Vatican took pains to deny that Pope Francis is in the crosshairs of the Islamic State (IS). And yet, there is reason to believe that there is more to the threat than the Vatican wants to let on. While on the surface, threats like this from the Islamic State against the pope may seem shocking…

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