Archive for

T. S. Flanders

Rome Against the Roman Rite: A Template for Cowardice Continued

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters and readers, It has now been confirmed by Rorate that this is going to be a “template for cowardly bishops” as OnePeterFive writer Raymond Kowalski said. The heretics who hate the Roman rite are hoping to implement their error-ridden motu proprio from the model in Rome. This egregious act of the Pontiff…

The SSPX Debate

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters and readers,   Since the publication of our editorial stance on uniting the clans to rebuild Christendom, we have endeavored, by your prayers, to execute this contribution to the online Traditional movement. We have focused greatly on the liturgy and defended the mustard seed of religious life as the soul of Christendom.…

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