Archive for

T. S. Flanders

Did Pope Francis Just Vindicate the FSSP, or Wash His Hands like Pontius Pilate?

In 1988, Archbishop Lefebvre told his followers that he was forced to disobey Rome and consecrate bishops. The agreement he had signed (which promised fidelity to the Roman Pontiff and confessed the validity of the Novus Ordo and all its Sacraments) would give him a personal prelature and episcopal power to continue the ancient Roman…

Fasting is a Virtue

Fasting is a Virtue which is Necessary for Holiness Among the many things from our fathers which are necessary for the restoration of Tradition, there are few things which are more neglected yet also more necessary than bodily fasting. Even among faithful Catholics who strive with zeal for the restoration of the Holy Mass and…

Dispatch from the March for Life: the “Patriot Front” and the Catholic Faithful

On Friday, January 21st, it was the day of the March for Life, in Washington DC. We heard Mass in the morning at the beautiful Holy Rosary Church, built by our forefathers from Italy. The parish bulletin still had Italian on it. The interior had been saved from wreckovation and retained the grandeur that the…

Our Wounds as Abused Children, the Filioque, and Eastern Orthodoxy

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters and readers, Recently on the OnePeterFive Podcast, I tried to unpack the inner spiritual realities at work in the question of Eastern Orthodoxy, to which Catholics are especially susceptible. I made mention of this in my first article introducing the series “Against the Greek Schisms.” Eric Sammons over at our sister…

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