Archive for

Steve Skojec

“Building Back Better” – The Buzzword Code Phrase Great Reset Proponents Use to Signal They’re On the Team

A couple weeks ago, I did a podcast on the so-called “Great Reset,” which I admitted to having learned about from Archbishop Vigano in his October 30 letter to President Trump. As I predicted, some folks gave me a hard time for not knowing about it sooner; but with so many global conspiracies to worry about (you…

Gen X-Catholic and the McCarrick Report – Steve Skojec on Joseph Sciambra’s Show

Yesterday, I had the chance to go on Joseph Sciambra’s show to talk about the thinking behind my article from a little while back, “No More Platitudes: It’s Time to Take a Hard Look at the Crisis of Catholicism.” We talked about Catholic identity and the effects the crisis in the Church have on that…

More Election Stuff, The Latest From Vigano, & Forthcoming McCarrick Report

Election Update I apologize for things being quiet here at 1P5 today. I spent most of the morning writing up additional thoughts on the US election at my Substack, since I want to keep most of my political commentary somewhere that isn’t 1P5. Tomorrow will mark one week since election day, and is far from…

Documentary Trailer for Francesco Reveals a Deeper, More Dangerous Agenda

Catholics have been brawling for about a week now over the pope’s comments, released in the new documentary Francesco, in support of homosexual civil unions. Some stragglers, apparently immune to reality and all its pomps, are still in denial over the unprecedented support shown by Francis for these “gravely immoral” (the Church’s words, not mine)…

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