Yesterday, I had the chance to go on Joseph Sciambra’s show to talk about the thinking behind my article from a little while back, “No More Platitudes: It’s Time to Take a Hard Look at the Crisis of Catholicism.”
We talked about Catholic identity and the effects the crisis in the Church have on that worldview.
We talked about what it’s like for Gen-Xers who have never in their lives seen a healthy Catholicism.
We talked about the hemorrhaging of members the Catholic Church has experienced during our lives.
We talked about coming face to face with and grappling with difficult questions – questions like, “how do I evangelize when I don’t trust the Church not to harm the souls I might bring in?”
In the second half of the show, we discussed The McCarrick Report. If anyone has a right to have an opinion on that, it’s Joseph, who is himself the victim of clerical sexual abuse.
It was a good discussion, and I’m glad I had the chance to do it. You can see the whole thing right here: