A New Day for OnePeterFive

Seven years ago, near the beginning of the current pontificate, OnePeterFive was born. Increasingly concerned by the words and actions of Pope Francis as well as the massive apostasy within the Catholic Church, Steve Skojec sought to resist these troubling trends and fight back. OnePeterFive was the result, and its stated purpose was to “rebuild Catholic culture and restore Catholic tradition.” 

In those seven years, through Steve’s dedication and hard work and the support of so many others, 1P5 became one of the top traditional Catholic websites in the world. It has readers around the globe (including many in the Vatican), and it has not only reported on the events that have shaped the modern Church in that time, but has offered concrete solutions—solutions based on the timeless traditions of the Faith. The contributions of writers such as Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Peter Kwasniewski, Maike Hickson, and Timothy Flanders have made it a must-read Catholic destination on the Internet.

But now we move on to the next step for this apostolate. As Steve has already announced, Crisis Publications has acquired OnePeterFive and will be taking over the site. Crisis Publications, of which I am the Executive Director, is the publisher of top Catholic books such as “Infiltration” by Taylor Marshall and “Under Siege” by Austin Ruse and also runs Crisis Magazine.

What does this mean practically for 1P5? First, Steve will no longer be involved with the site, but we cannot express enough our gratitude for his work in keeping us sane in a troubling time. While I will be overseeing the direction of 1P5, we are currently bringing on board a new editor. This person will be running 1P5 on a day-to-day basis and will be announced shortly. We are also aggressively recruiting top-notch writers (while keeping—or bringing back—the 1P5 stalwarts you love), and plan to produce new content on a daily basis.

Regarding content, we will be unapologetically and resolutely (can someone say “rigidly”?) traditional. Our focus will be two-fold. First, we will cover the state of the Church from a traditional perspective. In other words, we shine a light on where we believe the modern Church has gone astray from traditional Catholic principles. 

Further, we won’t just report the problems; we will offer solutions, and that’s our second focus: the promotion of traditional Catholic piety, spirituality, and liturgy. We know that our battle is not “against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places” (Eph. 6:12), so we need the “big guns”—the spiritual weapons used by saints since the time of Christ. 

As always, 1P5 encourages submissions from anyone interested in writing about these issues. Please email [email protected] if you have a pitch or article submission that you think would be a good fit for 1P5.

Finally, I want to thank all the 1P5 donors over the years who have built this site into what it is. I hope that you will continue to support the mission of 1P5 going forward. I also ask those who perhaps have supported 1P5 in the past but stopped, and those who have never donated to 1P5 to consider doing so if you think this mission is as important as we do.

I look forward to rebuilding Catholic culture and restoring Catholic tradition together!

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