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Witches Announce Mass Spell Tonight Against President Trump

We have been warning our readers for some time about the increasing and open embrace of preternatural evil in the 21st century world. From a catalog of recent satanic events in culture and public life to undisguised occult imagery in pop culture to the role of “spirit cooking” in the 2016 US presidential election to reports that even Pope Francis finds the Enneagram acceptable, these stories serve as individual data points in an aggregate of occurrences that paint a disturbing picture.

The most recent such story is set to take place today, Friday, February 24, 2017. A group of self-professed witches have organized a mass spell against US President Donald Trump and his administration. A Facebook page has been created to help would-be participants gather materials and the text of the spell itself. The page, which we will not link to here, has over 8,000 followers – about two thousand more than they did earlier today when we first began assembling research for this article. They have generated interest in major publications across the spectrum of political beliefs, from news organizations to lifestyle publications like ELLE. A Google news search as of this writing for “Trump binding spell” turns up over 15,000 results.

The report in ELLE makes the whole thing sound so benign:

The spell was publicized by Michael M. Hughes, who told that it was tweaked from multiple spells he saw going around private witchcraft groups. He published it on Extra News Feed because he felt “it would be very welcome to a lot of people.” It quickly spread, with events being formed around the country and support on social media.

Hughes explained that he chose a binding spell because “we’re not wishing harm on anyone, we’re just trying to stop the harm they’re doing. It’s not the equivalent of punching a Nazi in the face, it’s the equivalent of tying him up and taking his bullhorn away.”

The ritual itself is pretty standard magic working, binding Trump from doing harm to others and to himself, rather than asking any forces to do harm to him. There are objects to represent the elements and to represent Trump himself. The tarot card of the Tower represents ambitions built on lies, which are struck down by a lightning flash of truth. For those who believe in witchcraft, it looks to be an effective spell.

Whatever one thinks of President Trump, to resort to calling upon preternatural forces in an attempt to thwart his agenda is deeply foolish – and dangerous. It is a spiritual assault that invokes the aid of beings that do not need further encouragement to involve themselves in the affairs of men.

I reached out to a diocesan priest who does work with exorcisms and the deliverance ministry to ask him what he thought of the “mass spell”. Due to the nature of his work, he was only willing to be quoted on condition of anonymity. He writes:

The ‘mass spell’ should neither be taken lightly nor should it be overly feared. Witches are real (there are fake ones too) and their spells, hexes, etc. are actually curses that rely on demons for their potency. I would suggest that everyone pray the St. Michael Prayer for President Trump and all of his supporters this evening to countermand the demonic attack that is being invoked by the ‘witches.’ Furthermore, all the faithful could pray Father Amorth’s Prayer against Malefice (evil spells, curses, sorcery etc.) for President Trump and his supporters.

The Catholic Encyclopedia has this to say about witchcraft:

It is not easy to draw a clear distinction between magic and witchcraft. Both are concerned with the producing of effects beyond the natural powers of man by agencies other than the Divine (cf. OCCULT ART, OCCULTISM). But in witchcraft, as commonly understood, there is involved the idea of a diabolical pact or at least an appeal to the intervention of the spirits of evil. In such cases this supernatural aid is usually invoked either to compass the death of some obnoxious person, or to awaken the passion of love in those who are the objects of desire, or to call up the dead, or to bring calamity or impotence upon enemies, rivals, and fancied oppressors. This is not an exhaustive enumeration, but these represent some of the principal purposes that witchcraft has been made to serve at nearly all periods of the world’s history.

In the traditional belief, not only of the dark ages, but of post-Reformation times, the witches or wizards addicted to such practices entered into a compact with Satan, abjured Christ and the Sacraments, observed “the witches’ sabbath” — performing infernal rites which often took the shape of a parody of the Mass or the offices of the Church — paid Divine honour to the Prince of Darkness, and in return received from him preternatural powers, such as those of riding through the air on a broomstick, assuming different shapes at will, and tormenting their chosen victims, while an imp or “familiar spirit” was placed at their disposal, able and willing to perform any service that might be needed to further their nefarious purposes.


In the Holy Scripture references to witchcraft are frequent, and the strong condemnations of such practices which we read there do not seem to be based so much upon the supposition of fraud as upon the “abomination” of the magic in itself. (See Deuteronomy 18:11-12; Exodus 22:18, “wizards thou shalt not suffer to live” — A.V. “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live”.) The whole narrative of Saul’s visit to the witch of Endor (1 Samuel 28) implies the reality of the witch’s evocation of the shade of Samuel; and from Leviticus 20:27: “A man or woman in whom there is a pythonical or divining spirit, dying let them die: they shall stone them: Their blood be upon them”, we should naturally infer that the divining spirit was not a mere imposture. The prohibitions of sorcery in the New Testament leave the same impression (Galatians 5:20, compared with Apocalypse 21:8; 22:15; and Acts 8:9; 13:6). Supposing that the belief in witchcraft were an idle superstition, it would be strange that the suggestion should nowhere be made that the evil of these practices only lay in the pretending to the possession of powers which did not really exist.

In modern times, there are a large number of people who believe in the practice of so-called “White witchcraft,” thinking that by staying away from the darker aspects of the occult, they will steer clear, too, of the dangers. A conversation with any convert who engaged in such practices — or even diversions that appeared as little more than entertainment, like a Ouija Board — quickly puts to rest any idea that such practices are harmless. The current Catechism of the Catholic Church, therefore, retains prohibitions against “divination and magic”:

2116 All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to “unveil” the future.48 Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone.

2117 All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult powers, so as to place them at one’s service and have a supernatural power over others – even if this were for the sake of restoring their health – are gravely contrary to the virtue of religion. These practices are even more to be condemned when accompanied by the intention of harming someone, or when they have recourse to the intervention of demons. Wearing charms is also reprehensible. Spiritism often implies divination or magical practices; the Church for her part warns the faithful against it. Recourse to so-called traditional cures does not justify either the invocation of evil powers or the exploitation of another’s credulity.

In his response to my inquiry, Father also included a version of the “Prayer against Malefice” tailored specifically for this occasion:

Prayer against Malefice

God, our Lord, King of ages, All-powerful and Almighty, you who made everything and who transform everything simply by your will; you who changed into dew the flames of the seven-times hotter furnace and protected and saved your three holy children.

You are the doctor and physician of my soul. You are the salvation of those who turn to you. I beseech you to make powerless, banish, and drive out every diabolic power and presence; every evil influence, malefice or evil eye and all evil actions aimed against me, and against President Trump and all of his supporters.

Where there is envy and malice, give us an abundance of goodness, endurance, victory and charity. O Lord, you who love man, I beg you to reach out your powerful hands and your most high and mighty arms and come to our aid.

Send your angel of peace over us, to protect our bodies and souls. May he keep at bay and vanquish every evil power, every poison or malice invoked against me, and against President Trump and his supporters by corrupt and envious people: especially, protect us from the evil being sent against us by any Witches and Warlocks seeking our harm.

Then under the protection of your authority may I sing with gratitude, “The Lord is my salvation; whom should I fear?” I will not fear evil because you are with me, my God, my strength, my powerful Lord, Lord of peace, Father of all ages. Amen.


It almost strains belief that we have returned to such a primitive time that open spiritual combat against pagan, demonic practices is necessary. It raises the question of how much of this has been going on for years beneath the surface, and why now is the time where these people feel comfortable coming out into the open. It calls to mind the story of St. Patrick, and his very public battle with King Lóegaire’s druids and their demonic magic, as well as his famous “breastplate” prayer. The latter reads, in part:

I invoke today all these virtues
Against every hostile merciless power
Which may assail my body and my soul,
Against the incantations of false prophets,
Against the black laws of heathenism,
Against the false laws of heresy,
Against the deceits of idolatry,
Against the spells of women, and smiths, and druids,
Against every knowledge that binds the soul of man.

There is no question we live in dark times. This is but one of many examples of an escalating war that has taken on a dark aspect. Please pray tonight for the protection of our country and its leaders, the conversion of those involved in the occult, and the freedom of those afflicted by demons as a result of dabbling in things that should not be indulged.

57 thoughts on “Witches Announce Mass Spell Tonight Against President Trump”

  1. “The Immaculata alone has from God the promise of victory over Satan” (Father Maximilian Kolbe). Let us not only recite these worthy prayers; let us also recognize the full extent of the problem we are facing. Let us consecrate ourselves entirely, without reserve, to the one who never served Satan for a single instant. There is no other way.

      • St.Catherine Labouré requested that the 63 litanic titles of Our Lady from the Office of the Immaculate Conception be recited by the nuns gathered round her deathbed. She had also asked the sisters to emphasise the eighteenth invocation, ‘Terror of demons’. The litany was duly recited and at the eighteenth title, the sisters repeated it three times. One of the nuns afterwards remarked that she was amazed to see “none of the signs that you normally notice on the face of people who are dying appear on her face. I had never seen anything like that.” As St. Catherine died, a smile crept across her face and two large tears rolled down her cheeks. St. Catherine Labouré, pray for us.

          • You’re welcome! The info is from ‘The Life of Catherine Labouré’ by René Laurentin. When I had a holiday in France a few years ago, I made sure to visit the chapel at Rue du Bac where Our Lady appeared. During my visit, a large group of pilgrims turned up with their bishop so I was even able to attend the Mass that they had arranged (though I made sure to go upstairs to the pews on the right hand side of the chapel!). Truly memorable. Deo gratias.

          • Thank you so much for the reply. When I became a Catholic 46 years ago, I chose St. Catherine Laboure for my own. I know she has prayed for me many times over the years. I always think of her kneeling with her hands placed in Our Lady’s lap! How privileged this dear, humble sister was! I am going to try to get a copy of the book you mentioned. Thank you again!

    • It finally came to me this morning,The Good Lord conquered Satan on the Cross and we Wait in Expectation for the Prophecy in Genisis ..and she will crush your head. yes I will renew my Consecration to Jesus thru Mary.

  2. prayer to St Michael Done. In the back of our missals there are prayers for the USA the President and The King We should say them all The President, off course and he USA and for UK, and The Queen (Brexit) , not to mention the remain Catholic Kings and Queens to have courage and fight . I going on a rant – been writing about The Austrian Empire all day!

  3. Sad to say, the Pope and most of the Cardinals and Bishops (that speak) are a greater threat to Trump and any restoration of moral values than this bunch of witches. Pope just met with baby murder supporter Cain, praises abortionist, demands a borderless world, has with his heretic Bishop McElroy addressed the gathering of communist and degenerates in California, which included PICO. There is a war against the Church led by it leaders, from the Pope down, or is it time to ask where is the visible Church when the heresy is at the top. Most pewsitters are clueless, or agree with Francis.

  4. Playing with fire, can get one burned. “Touch Not Mine Anointed.” – Warlocks and Witches should use caution playing with fire, for Creator God may prove His power by ricochets. – As a Sir Knight of Columbus, may sword is Prayer. At midnight, I will pray for Christ’s blessing.

  5. I certainly do not fear the power of demons over myself or over our President, whose authority is granted by God.

    However, I do fear very much becoming infatuated with this topic and engaging my curiosity about the dark forces arrayed against us and those immersed in them. Curiosity is no good here. I scanned this article quickly. I will pen this and be done with it.

    An interesting topic, though, to be sure. Great advice. I looked up Fr. Amorth’s prayer and will pray it along with the St. Michael on behalf of our President. But, above all, I will spend little or no time at all considering the men and women in black doing Lucifer’s work. I will instead keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and pray copiously to His Blessed Mother.

  6. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

  7. Immaculate Mary loves this country and its inhabitants and while darkness wants to overcome it, Mary will prevail. With all the above prayers, I will humbly ask her to spread her holy mantle around the Trump Family tonight and always. And for the requests of fellow humans to give power to Satan, may his ugliness go back to those requesting it for others. Let it be done according to thy Holy Will Jesus! We need a little of Your Peace here in America, Please. Amen.

  8. I have resisted till now the theory of “pizzagate” circulating on the Internet for several months. As much as I despise everything the Clinton woman, her coterie, and her political party stand for, it’s hard to believe even she stoops to what this theory alleges. But this latest development as related here softens my resolve. Perhaps what Podesta was babbling about in those seemingly indecipherable e-mails WAS the unspeakable after all!

  9. Ultimately, there are two and only two sides to this WAR. One is the kingdom of God on earth, namely, the true Church of Jesus Christ vs. the kingdom of Satan:

    [1.] The race of man, after its miserable fall from God, the Creator and the Giver of heavenly gifts, “through the envy of the devil,” separated into two diverse and opposite parts, of which the one steadfastly contends for truth and virtue, the other of those things which are contrary to virtue and to truth. The one is the kingdom of God on earth, namely, the true Church of Jesus Christ; and those who desire from their heart to be united with it, so as to gain salvation, must of necessity serve God and His only-begotten Son with their whole mind and with an entire will. The other is the kingdom of Satan, in whose possession and control are all whosoever follow the fatal example of their leader and of our first parents, those who refuse to obey the divine and eternal law, and who have many aims of their own in contempt of God, and many aims also against God.

    2. This twofold kingdom St. Augustine keenly discerned and described after the manner of two cities, contrary in their laws because striving for contrary objects; and with a subtle brevity he expressed the efficient cause of each in these words: “Two loves formed two cities: the love of self, reaching even to contempt of God, an earthly city; and the love of God, reaching to contempt of self, a heavenly one.” At every period of time each has been in conflict with the other, with a variety and multiplicity of weapons and of warfare, although not always with equal ardour and assault. At this period, however, the partisans of evil seems to be combining together, and to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that strongly organized and widespread association called the Freemasons. No longer making any secret of their purposes, they are now boldly rising up against God Himself. They are planning the destruction of holy Church publicly and openly, and this with the set purpose of utterly despoiling the nations of Christendom, if it were possible, of the blessings obtained for us through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Lamenting these evils, We are constrained by the charity which urges Our heart to cry out often to God: “For lo, Thy enemies have made a noise; and they that hate Thee have lifted up the head. They have taken a malicious counsel against Thy people, and they have consulted against Thy saints. They have said, ‘come, and let us destroy them, so that they be not a nation.’
    – Humanum Genus – Encyclical on Freemasonry (April 20, 1884) | LEO XIII [] (My emphasis)

    Cf. The WAR: The earthly city, mystery Babylon vs. the heavenly city, Jerusalem –

  10. Wicca is a joke. Its just an Old English term. The double c is pronounced “tch” and -a is a nominative masculine ending. It generically means “a male witch” and was NEVER viewed as a “religion” or anything like it until the early 1960’s. These people are degenerates and losers. They are attracted to this spell casting witchy poo crap in an attempt at gaining personal power in their otherwise meaningless lives. Theyre not dangerous so much as subjectively driven fools. Their “spells” are just made up nonsense. I grew up in New Orleans which is overrun with these freaks. It used to be a game to irritate them to the point they threaten to cast a spell or curse on you then tell them to “Go ahead. If nothing happens Im going to beat the **** out of you.” Theyre simply weak and cowardly bottom feeders. Ive yet to meet one that could fight its way out of a wet paper bag.

    I sometimes have a terrible time trying to remember why we quit burning these things at the stake.

    • One does not fool around with the Enemy. You may think it’s made up nonsense, but strictly speaking, this is a curse, I.r. wishing evil upon PT. So please pray for him!

      • I agree Margaret! Maybe yes, these people are ‘bottom feeders’ and cowards, but when anyone conjures up Satan to do harm, he will ABSOLUTELY accommodate. He really doesn’t care about the ‘quality’ of the people conjuring.

  11. Psalm 91

    Assurance of God’s Protection

    1 You who live in the shelter of the Most High,
    who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,
    2 will say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress;
    my God, in whom I trust.’
    3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler
    and from the deadly pestilence;
    4 he will cover you with his pinions,
    and under his wings you will find refuge;
    his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
    5 You will not fear the terror of the night,
    or the arrow that flies by day,
    6 or the pestilence that stalks in darkness,
    or the destruction that wastes at noonday.

    7 A thousand may fall at your side,
    ten thousand at your right hand,
    but it will not come near you.
    8 You will only look with your eyes
    and see the punishment of the wicked.

    9 Because you have made the Lord your refuge,
    the Most High your dwelling-place,
    10 no evil shall befall you,
    no scourge come near your tent.

    11 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways.
    12 On their hands they will bear you up,
    so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.
    13 You will tread on the lion and the adder,
    the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.

    14 Those who love me, I will deliver;
    I will protect those who know my name.
    15 When they call to me, I will answer them;
    I will be with them in trouble,
    I will rescue them and honour them.
    16 With long life I will satisfy them,
    and show them my salvation.
    This is PS 91, a prayer of confidence in God’s Protection. All can pray this prayer for President Trumph, his family, his administration and his supporters.

  12. May President Trump and his Administration turn away more firmly and decisively from the Sexual Transhumanism that vomited itself all over American society with a vengeance during the Obama years. The demons of worsening sexual fetishism and anti-human “transgender mania”, Transhumans “families”, and the pedophilic delectation that depicted a 9-year-old boy on a recent National Geographic cover wearing pink hair and with his right hand suggestively nestled near his crotch is clear evidence of the Satanic powers pushing Sexual Transhumanism.

    Lord Jesus, deliver us from such evil! Mother Mary, pray for us!

  13. No one should underestimate the influence of occult practices in our world. If it was simply gobbledygook as someone comments below, it would not be so utterly condemned in Scripture and the Church. Fr. Chad Ripperger has a new book of deliverance prayers for the laity. I highly recommend it.

    • I will check into that. There are already ‘deliverance prayers’ for the laity but doesn’t hurt with what we’re up against to have access to more. The St. Michael Prayer is probably the one I go to the most, and The Rosary of course is VERY POWERFUL! Someone posted a prayer to the Guardian Angel of the U.S. as well, which includes the President. Very Beautiful! Thanks for this.

  14. Witchcraft never stopped, it just went underground. In fact, seeing as Masonry (“The Craft”) is more or less witchcraft and has similar rituals, you can say that the leaders of our society have been witches for the last couple of centuries at least.

  15. Glad that the veil is lifting for @JohnnyCuredents and, at least as regards this, he appears to be ready ‘to take the red pill’
    – At “World Government Summit,” Top Globalists Drop The Mask –
    – New World Order Forming Under Pagan Temple of Ba’al Arch? –
    And they mock by making movies about what they do:
    – Eyes Wide Shut
    – etc, etc, etc.

  16. Evidently Hillary Clinton had the “witches vote” wrapped up. The globalist agenda is the luciferian agenda, thus it isn’t surprising those pledged to satan and his occult practices would act this way. I have a feeling that such persons are in very prominent positions in the Democrat Party, the Media, and hierarchy of churches both legitimate(There is but one) and illegitimate(of which there are a great variety)..

  17. Yes, I read all about this a few days ago. I have been praying deliverance prayers along with the rest for this President, his family and supporters. Strange that last night, I was awakened by a feeling of not being able to breath. I was actually gasping for air so loudly that I woke H up. When I awakened enough I got up and looked at the clock. It was 12:07 am. After praying the St. Michael Prayer and a few others, I went back to bed and slept soundly. Maybe just a coincidence but I don’t know if I believe in ‘coincidences’ any more

    • May I suggest to start to wear the scapular of Our Lady Mother.
      That’s a very good protection. Especially in such difficult times when the battle is flaring up.
      And we should pray at least once a day the Holy Rosary.

  18. We who believe in Christ Jesus have NO
    idea of the darkness we walk amongst. Some are called to fight this evil face-to-face as it were, but all are called to take up the sword of the spirit & fight it w/ Prayer holding onto the Hand of Jesus, the Holy Spirit. Therefore, I include the Scripture from Eph. 6:10-17
    “Finally draw your strength from the Lord & His MIGHTY POWER. Put on the armour of God so that you may stand firm against the tactics of the devil. Our battle is not against human forces but against the principalities & powers, the rulers of this world of darkness, the evil spirits in regions above. You must put on the armour of God if you are to resist on the evil day; do all that your duty requires, & hold your ground. Stand fast w/ the Truth as the belt around your waist, justice as your breastplate, & zeal to propagate the gospel of peace as your footgear. In ALL circumstances hold FAITH up before you as your shield; it will help to Extinguish the fiery darts of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation & the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.”

  19. While we should be concerned about all of the diabolical attacks on President Trump, he isn’t responsible for the good of our souls and thus, we should be more concerned with the reality that the leaders of the Church, particularly the pope, PARTICIPATE IN Satanic rituals, and Pope Francis encourages pagans to remain in the throes of Satan by accepting gifts from them and praising their culture and religious practices of worshipping false gods.

    For just one example of the diabolical practices of Francis and several bishop’s partcipation in a pagan ritual:

    on the post for Friday, February 24.

    Add to your prayers asking God to protect us from Pope Francis and the other Church leaders who are serving Satan rather than God.

  20. Anyone in a position to push back against the silent holocaust of child sacrifice that is abortion will be targeted by those in thrall to the demonic.

    • And everyone should be happy to be targeted by the enemy of souls, it means that they are on the right path. Never grow weary because the enemy is upset with you, rather rejoice for your reward will be great in Heaven.

  21. I was blessed by God to wake up this morning feeling like I had been mule kicked. I know that this is because I prayed against these evil minions of Satan and that he was retaliating like the petulant brat that he is. It is a blessing to be able to suffer for the Lord and the good of mankind.

    Never shrink back from the fight because you don’t want to suffer, for the gateway to all evil is the love of the self in this world.

  22. The American Communist party will stop at nothing. They’re desperate now so we need to invoke the name of Jesus Christ, St. Benedict, the mother of God and all the angels and saints because we are in a war with Satan himself..! Yes, the mother of God will crush the head of the Serpent but we are going to go through alot before the Son of the mother of God, ‘returns.’

  23. “If the Devil don’t dodge me
    I’m gonna spit in his eye;
    When I get my wings
    I’m gonna fly.” -Billy Joe Shaver

    Be aware of Satan, not afraid.

  24. I was immediately put off this article etc when I read the inferred criticism of Pope Francis being positive re the use of the Enneagram !
    I have found the enneagram extremely useful as a tool in my spiritual journey and pilgrimage. There is nothing sinister about it. It is most useful way of self understanding and so many good spiritual directors use it to help their students.
    I also have a very healthy scepticism towards witchcraft and demons etc.
    In my work as a mental health chaplain I come across the notion of Devils and possession, excorcism frequently. In all cases there is a prime psychological explanation. There is only one power in the world and we know that is Almighty God who is all Love and Mercy . Christ showed that love to the world . We must do the same . That is our focus as followers of Jesus Christ , not medieval concepts of demons etc…

  25. Twenty years ago I was in a thrift shop and a little girl, nine or ten years old
    wanted to buy a woji board. I expressed my opinion but the mother said “oh,
    it’s okay she couldn’t be more evil than she is already”. About the same period of time,
    I was in a shop and a boy asked to rent a movie and the shocked clerk asked the
    mother “are you sure….?” ….it was from under the counter. “It’s ok” she said These parents did not take evil seriously….now parents may not even know what children are into. Unfortunately teaching what is right is not enough …one needs to be a detective
    as well…too late we learn these things.

  26. What a load of totally ridiculous rubbish. Casting a spell on someone is about as likely to work as giving them a dose of homeopathic poison.


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