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What the Paris Attacks Will Bring

Image and caption taken from The Daily Mail: "A mourner pays his respect outside the Le Carillon restaurant the morning after a series of deadly attacks in Paris that killed at least 127
Image and caption taken from The Daily Mail: “A mourner pays his respect outside the Le Carillon restaurant the morning after a series of deadly attacks in Paris that killed at least 127

I wrote something brief thoughts on Facebook last night as I watched the coverage of the Paris attacks, which was later quoted by my friend Hilary on her website this morning. Seeing it again through the eyes of others, I want to share it here, because I stand by this assessment (and I’ll leave in her emphasis):

Tomorrow, the narrative that what happened in Paris has nothing to do with true Islam will be echoed by the global elites.Pope Francis will join them, failing, once again, to lead Catholics in the truth, and lending religious credibility to the great Islamic lie.

“This will also help to ensure that those Parisians, Frenchmen, Europeans, and others throughout the world will not look to Catholicism as the answer to the Islamic threat, because it is feckless, dishonest, and pathetic. Which means that they will instead turn to political zealotry, to a new fascism, to dangerous ideologies, hatred, and indiscriminate violence. They will fight not like true crusaders, but like desperate men, and desperate men do awful things.

This could all have been prevented. Many have warned of what’s coming, myself among them. But self-delusion is an awful drug.

This is about to get much worse, and we have no leaders capable of standing against it, least of all the Vicar of Christ.

107 thoughts on “What the Paris Attacks Will Bring”

  1. Steve: I commented elsewhere here earlier today that, beyond the possible dereliction of ecclesiastical duties one may assign to Francis, is his complete failure to analyze correctly what is happening in Europe. He has advised Europeans to welcome the Mohammedan dragon into their midst instead of teaching that nations and peoples have a right to defend themselves from foreign invasion. (Naturally, he twists what is going on to make it fit his favorite theme of “mercy,” ignoring completely the fact that many of the invaders have no intention of visiting any kind of mercy on their victims once in France, Germany, Italy, etc.)

    Let’s not deceive ourselves as Francis has, though. There will have to be a fight now to determine whether Europe passes into Islamic slavery or not; iacta alea est. And the thanks for this mess can go directly to the European chattering class, and sadly to many deluded Catholic prelates including Francis. The best we can hope for is that Europe learns to fight cleanly, and that it finally rids itself of both the liberal principles that ultimately caused this war [that is what it is] as well as the Mohammedan invaders and the dire threat they pose.

      • I agree, but Francis actually tried to make those legitimately turning away this Mohammedan tidalwave, the Hungarians for example, look bad. He cast the matter in terms of helping the poor, as bogus an interpretation as I can imagine. Benedict at least understood the menace Mohammedanism poses to all civilized nations, and tried on occasion to combat it, even if only haltingly. Francis wants Europe to put out the welcome mat for the invaders.

      • Following a mistake–and even intensifying it–does not make it any better…especially when the situation has changed rather dramatically, and the reality has become clearer.

        • Yes its easy to blame previous popes, but i’m still convinced that it is bergoglio that has solely crossed the line into complete heresy and the bringing the ilk of kasper, baldisseri & bruno forte into his favored lounge at sancte marto..

    • Indeed. When the Holy Father said that we should all open our homes to these fake “refugees” and have them right here inside of our own homes, I almost wept because of this delusion ~ and how damaging this is going to be to the Church. His comments and his stance and his praying with Muslims will only cement the error that “Islam believes in the same God as Catholics!” And we that understand the reality… we will continue to be “bigots” and “racists” and other such terms spat at us from our fellow pew-sitters. We get to be the bad guys in our own Church! When in fact the true evil is the Jihadists in sheep clothing being coddled and enabled by our own leaders, secular and religious.

    • What a great article! THANK YOU for linking it here. I had not heard of your blog before. Believe me, I will be following it from now on! Keep up the great work.

  2. Obama is the proximate cause of this terrorism because he helped create stateless vacuums in Libya and Syria and jihadis poured into the vacuums and that is prolly realised by most men but most men are prolly opposed to the idea that this is blowback (Chalmers Johnson) and that the terrorists – decidedly not cowards – prolly identified with the weak who are the targets of cowards who bomb the defenseless from 1000s of feet in the air or bomb then via remote control drones that frequently kill innocent victims and so they crawl into “the belly of the beast” and attack it from inside, up close and deadly personal.

    The US/CIA has been involved in creating mayhem and madness at least since we overthrew the democratically elected Pres of Iran and put in place on the peacock throne a psycho who did our bidding and tortured his own people.

    Obama armed ISIS and the Hilary gang made sure that chaos was created in Libya so arms could be smuggled through there to bed delivered to ISIS..etc etc

    IANDS ain’t for one second buying the crocodile tears of our phony POTUS

    America should get the hell out of Satan’s sand trap in the M.E. and act as though our vaunted love of Free Markets is real. If they have crap we desire, lets buy it, but the only thing we are now buying in the M.E. ,as the water-carrying killers for Israel ,is the undying enmity of far too many Jihadis.

    • If you really believe the bilge about Israel being the cause of jihadi enmity, or that Muslims hate the West (or the US) because we provoked them, then you’re a lot less intelligent than I believe. That nonsense is nothing but raw Mohammedan propaganda. The followers of the Great Desert Pervert hate us for one simple reason, viz. we are not followers of the Great Desert Pervert. Theirs is a vile religion whose chief tenet is and has been hatred since its inception. End of story.

      • Israel has armed terrorist entities that don’t like those that tend to harass Israel. They don’t care whether those they armed out of self-interest kills Christians and, apparently, neither do evangelicals. Evangelicals want Israrm to fight Islam to bring about a war they believe will being Jesus back to hang out with us for a thousand years, which has no basis in Scripture. I don’t go goo goo over Israel or the Islamic states, but the former and a few other secular Arabic lands, like Dubai and pre-barbarians Syria and Egypt (the latter tossing out their Islamo-fascists), are safer for Christians.

        • It is the misfortune of Catholic traditionalism that many of its adherents never learned the lessons of the 1930s and 1940s. They still carry with them the burden of the putrid anti-Semitism that plagued the Church in France before, during, and after the Dreyfus affair.

          • It is wrong to be blanket anti-Semitic, but it is true that after the last tsar’s predecessor kicked out Jews that were up to no good, they went about to cause trouble elsewhere till they could get back to Russia to make it their base of operation. It’s the burden of the non-trad militant scientists that they threw out ecumanism of return that expected equal concessions from the others, but the others take advantage of The Church. With all the previous popes’ apology tours, have we heard any apologies for Biblical-era Jews pogroms against early Christians by ones like the one formerly known as Saul of Tarsus? What about mistreatment within Jerusalem? What about apologies by leaders of religions and non-Catholic Christians that once and still do persecute Christians? Our leaders are chumps and this blog’s author is rightly calling them out.

          • I will make one last attempt to put an end to this hideous conversation that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, this anti-Semitism disguising itself as being anti-Israeli. When you say “…they went about to cause trouble elsewhere till they could get back to Russia to make it their base of operation” just EXACTLY whom do you mean, who is this amorphous “they”? I want names and the identity of the group you think had some “base of operation” in Russia, not some vague references with third person plural pronouns like this.

            This is total garbage and it is garbage the Mohammedan thugs themselves use all over the Internet and in their nauseous publications. It is also the same cesspool of words that gushed forth once from the mouths of Maurras, Drumont, and a thousand others of their ilk. Stop it. It only demeans you.

          • O there it is again; anti semitism disguising itself as anti Israel.

            What is demeaning is what you are doing to your reputation for criticising Israel is not anti semitism, that is just an ideological charge devoid of all rationality and you are welcome to it.

          • My rep? Whatever are you talking about? I repeat: modern anti-Semites understand that, following on the Hitler episode, their dirty business is no longer respectable. So they hide it. I don’t blame them.

          • Their problem is people like you, who can’t hear the word “jew” without screaming about the speaker’s anti-semitism ad nauseam. It makes rational dialogue a bit difficult.

          • Dear Johnny. Your double standard here is the subtext of your rhetoric.

            You allow yourself the liberty to criticise the Church and continue to call your own self a faithful Catholic but if anyone criticises Israel you label them anti-semitic.

            Worse, having evinced no sign of afflatus, you pretend to understand the intent of others; impressive.

            Please learn to control you anger; the longer the thread becomes the more you devolve into the binary rhetoric of the street, “haters.”

            That double standard means you never have to meet an objection because those opposed to your personal opinions are haters and anti semites and no matter what is said by them, they are considered by you to be beyond the pale – and now you are demanding others take their putrid notions elsewhere. (Who made you the head of this Blog?)

            Those who surrender to the racial supremacism of the Messias-Deniers are among the first to damn others and insist upon their silence. Sorry, Johnny, just because you do such a thing is no guarantee you will win the laurel of the anti anti-semite for the Talmud teaches otherwise (for starters, you have no soul).

            The Talmud also teaches that Jesus is the bastard child of Mary who was raped by a Roman Soldier while she was menstruating and that Jesus was justly crucified because of blasphemy and that Jesus is now in Hell submerged in boiling shit.

            You have the liberty to know these facts and you have the liberty to call all those who disagree with your personal opinions as, haters an anti semites , but liberty in the hands of an ideologue is dangerous – as you repeatedly are proving in here.

            IANS wil disengte with you on this topic for you are toxic when it comes to it and who needs such guff from a brother when IANS can get the very same thing from the ADL?

          • ….and yet, IANS, you continue to falsely assert the error that those who would uphold the tradition/truth and not ‘modern’ Catholic thought were in schism. It could be that while you decry others as being typical modernists that there is some of that within IANS.

          • “hideous” “putrid” “garbage” “cesspool” — boy, someone is in high dudgeon. Instead of the florid rhetoric, how about some facts? Here’s one for starters: Jews fought alongside Muslims against catholic Spain in the 15c.

          • My friend, I know a LOT more about 15th century Spain than you do. For starters, Mohammedans were mostly defeated in Spain by that century, the Reconquista was over except for Granada. You might be able to make a better case if you looked seven centuries earlier, to the early 700s and for reasons I know well. Like most anti-Semites, you are woefully ignorant of history. Your idée fixe is the Jews and that blocks any serious thinking on your part.

          • uh, yeah. You are babbling. What is it exactly you want me to look to the early 700s for? A “better case” for what? Try to make sense. I gave you a historical fact that you are unable to rebut, so what’s your point?

          • “My friend, I know a LOT more about 15th century Spain than you do.” On what basis do you make this statement, considering that you have zero idea how much I know about 15c Spain? LOL.

          • Who are these modern anti-Semites? I want names. Is the “Walking with Bashir” filmmaker an anti-Semite? I think he’s a Jewish military vet questioning their military use. Maybe they aren’t angels over there.

          • Search for under “Taboo topic” and “exile”. Jews happened to lead the communist revolution, though many were closet Satanists or other kind of occultists. I’m not saying Jews are of the Devil, bit we have to quit kissing their butts because of pogroms against them by Christians. They have done their own against others, including themselves, if it got them sympathy, like with the King David Hotel bombing done by Jews dressed like Arabs. They made your P. Pious 12 to be Hitler’s pope even after they dedicated a forest in his name in Israel and the NY Times praised him! There are righteous ones, as well.

          • So, you have no counterargument, as the others have clearly illustrated, so just stop, before you embarrass yourself with your arrogant claims to be an expert. I found this, too:

            Wait: this is the one I meant to post

            It can’t be! Noooo! They are not above being human and reproach!

          • I read some of “200 years together”. Very informative. It’s long, but the English translation is missing a lot of chapters.

          • Apparently that’s by design. English speaking publishers won’t let Solzhenitsyn’s entire book about Jews and Bolshevism be translated into English. but it’s dangerous to say that becuase it suggests that Jews are influential in the publishing industry, and to suggest such a thing MUST be anti semitic!

          • Hear, hear, Johnny. This growing throbbing Jew-hate disgusts me to no end. I can’t believe I am even seeing it here!

          • Thank you, Michelle. I saw your other posts and I agree heartily with what you say there. I am as dismayed as you that the pope refuses to acknowledge what is happening before his eyes, and that he continues to call for introducing even more potential jihadis into Europe. This is about as breathtaking a demonstration of recklessness as history allows. What must the Mohammedans do to finally convince him of their earnestness?

            It is indeed unfortunate that hatred of Jews should appear on any Catholic site. When even the tears Jesus shed and the smiles that crossed His face are justly and lovingly recorded in the Bible, how can these haters think He is indifferent to their antipathy for the very people He was born into? I won’t participate further in any “conversation” with the two or three that have decided to make their temporary nest here a 1P5. I’ve learned over the years that it is fruitless to debate them; squelch one of their pet conspiracy stories and they simply pass on to another. But I also know this cancer that occasionally infects traditional Catholicism is just that, a loathsome disease that is not at all inherent in its makeup.

          • Dear Johnny. Yours is, sadly, not a unique one amongst modern Catholics in that you have no problem criticising the Church (because that is not anti-christianity) but you do have a problem with those who criticise Israel because anti-semitism.

            That you do not define what anti semitism is is not surprising (the share is more effective absent a definition) one takes the rest of your content and, reasonably, concludes that criticising Israel is anti semitic.

            For those lurkers interested in how we Catholics have treated the Jews – and the danger Jews pose to the One Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church – here is this link to La Civilta Catholic (Catholic Civilization) and what it had to say about the Jewish Question


            It is interesting to note the Pope approved of this publication but now, presumably, such thoughts are verboten

          • as a matter of fact, he was! funny you should mention and funny but hard to explain how his biting tongue against the Jews weren’t duplicated by the rest of the saints. in fact crusty old jerome loved them because he learned hebrew under some of them – gee, they weren’t so bad after all…its like englishmen.

          • oh please …. That’s because “many” traditional Catholics know more facts than you do. Get off your high horse and pay attention.

          • Once again, Q.E.D. As I said, the cancer that eats away at many traditional Catholics is their hatred of Jews. I’ve never understood it, but I know it exists and has for too long.

          • if they’re anti-semites (& you’re right, they’re legion) they’re not likely catholic, but pelagians. the danger in traditional circles always has been pelagianism, because rite to them has become rote. instead of leaning on the Holy SPirit, they are leaning on their own efforts = pelagianism. so they’re not even converted. but rest assured the Holy SPirit isn’t antisemite! God still is in love with them (Israel), like a man loves his first lover.

          • I like your analysis and your analogy. Probably I’ll think about them, then steal them and use them as my own. Thanks.

          • You should go to rural Quebec. Trad Cats and Antisemites were twin bros. They were raised that way, all the way back to Samuel de Champlain.

          • I know what you mean because I am very familiar with both urban and rural Quebec province. Of course, today there is so preciously little left of the faith dans la Belle Province, with or without its blemishes, that one has to read history books to understand the import of your post.

      • Dear Johnny. There is no doubt that IANS is possessed of an intelligence lower than what you previously thought but even an idiot ought be able to understand the concept of blowback.

        O, and the first words of what was written was not about Israel and there was nothing about Israel until the last few words and while it is understandable there would be objection to a push back to the ideology of the willing prisoners of Israeli Occupied Territory (US House/Senate/Media) on can intellectually liberate his own self from that prison.

        It isn’t that difficult.

          • Only those completely ignorant of 20c. history and what the Talmud says about non-Jews can give Israel a pass. I like Woody Allen movies too, but I know too many facts to get all blow-hard indignant when someone points out the slavishness of American foreign policy to Israel. Israel’s attitude toward Europe and the USA, on the other hand, can be most delicately described as “two-faced”. You should do some reading. Start with a history of WWI and the Balfour declaration. Some E. Michael Jones would be good too: he has probably forgotten more history than you’ll ever know.

          • Been there; done that. You’re blowing smoke when you pretend that what bothers you is the state of Israel. I’ve seen your posts enough to know that your problem goes a lot deeper than that.

          • Simply, if Israel put down it’s arms and declared peace today, it would be destroyed tomorrow. The Islamics would move to the next boogiemen. Ask the Chaldeans.
            Anyone who thinks these Islamic attacks would stop with every Israeli dead, didn’t bother to listen to the latest podcast on 1Peter5.

          • Poor Israel, so heavily targeted by ISIS. oh wait … that was the Christians. Yeah, the Christians, who live *right next door* to Israel, and who badass Israel — our “best friend” and “ally” — didn’t lift a finger to defend. Poor Israel, indeed.

          • What are you going on about? I gave you two simple facts.
            1. If Israel disarmed, they would be gone the next day. Islamics would see to it.
            2. Every Jew on the Planet gone would not stop the militant Islamics. They would move on to the next “People of the Book”. The Christians.
            Stop blaming anyone who is not to blame. Islamics are to blame.
            Listen to the newest podcast here. Learn.

          • Where did i say israel should disarm? When did anyone say israel should disarm? And when did i say there were no militant islamics? What are YOU going on about?

          • In fact id be fine with israel fighting their own wars for once, instead of recruiting america to do it…, so yeah! Israel should arm on up. Maybe theyll even find the wherewithal to protect middle eastern christians when the planets align or something. We live in hope

          • In fact id be fine with israel fighting their own wars for once, instead of recruiting america to do it…, so yeah! Israel should arm on up. Maybe theyll even find the wherewithal to protect middle eastern christians when the planets align or something.

          • But still, as regards Israel per se: I’m always fascinated to see Americans A-OK with half or more of our foreign policy and banking policy establishment in Washington DC having dual national citizenship. Would it be OK with you if they had dual citizenship with Japan? Or Kazakhstan? Somehow I doubt it.

          • Oh, I know, it’s those international JEWISH BANKERS! Yes, that’s the key to history. You know, the Rothschilds? Why THEY control everything, EVERYTHING, I tell you!! And they are just so sneaky, always plotting with communists and Masons! Oh, the sleep I`ve lost just thinking about what strings they will pull next! “They” are everywhere, everywhere!!!

            That’s it. I have no intention of prolonging this sorry farce. Take your lunatic notions elsewhere.

          • That’s because you’re not paying attention and your level of knowledge rises to the level of a youtube video. I don’t blame you for wanting to expose your ignorance any further. It’s OK “Johnny”, we all have to start somewhere.

          • It’s too funny. If we don’t the US to be Israel’s waterboy on the International stage, why, then we’re no better than Hitler!!! ELEVEN!!!

      • Can’t we have both?
        1. Islam is evil and Western countries should stop Muslim immigration.
        2. Western intervention in Muslim countries is evil and we should leave them alone.

        • Absolutely, Charlie. There being more than a billion Mohammedans of one stripe or another now, we can’t totally ignore them, but I get the gist of your post. Elsewhere on this site (forget where now) I indicated that W Bush’s attack on Iraq was perhaps the most egregious mistake in the history of American foreign policy; it made absolutely no sense of any kind. The nonsense spewed by mediocre-at-best politician Obama about a supposed “Arab spring” was almost as foolish and suicidal.

          Cruel as it may sound, our national interests dictate that (1) we free ourselves from dependency on Mohammedan oil posthaste and (2) play Mohammedan countries and factions off against each other as standard policy, switching loyalties whenever one gets too strong. Men like Saddam Hussein and Bashar al-Assad are not nice guys, but at least they kept under control the vicious religion that pollutes that area of the world. It is not up to us to topple them, and it is much less up to us to carry the “democratic crusade banner” to their shores. For the immediate future, though, since Bush, Barack Bush Obama, and their immediate predecessors didn’t understand these things, we have no choice but to annihilate Deash militarily and thwart other armed Mohammedan thugs around the globe.

  3. Pope Francis and the modern Catholic Church are derelict in their duties to lead Western peoples in this era of spiritual crisis. Francis will offer the usual modernist drivel about these Jihadists not representing “true Islam”. He is the greatest disappointment in decades.

    • He not only is a disappointment. His election was uncanonical, breaking UDG 81 & other canons, in fact, it was a plot, which also resisted the Holy Spirit. Which makes him an antipope. We’ve had this cryptically hinted at by Cardinal Pell during a recent speech.

  4. Thanks for this article. It is encouraging. I came back into the Catholic Church in 2006 and a big part of that was the suffering of Christians under Islam. I was so shocked I could no longer call myself a Christian and not commit to the faith in all ways that that called for. I am now well into my Masters in Theology having done a Bachelor as well. I love to learn. I have learned all I can about Islam. I also find that there is no chance of it reforming in any meaningful way. For it to do so would be the equivalent of our denying the Incarnation. There will be no peaceful solution to the problem of Islam amongst us. Surely many Muslims of good standing in human values came to the West in search of a better life. We need also to protect them or where will anyone have a safe haven. Mosques need to be shut. The religion needs to be outlawed. Those who need it can be given passage and help back to a Muslim nation. Those who want to abandon it can stay. It has to be that radical or it will end in civil disorder and mayhem eventually on a large scale if not just bigger order atrocities alone. Especially the poor will suffer first. Those who cannot escape their impoverishment and will be at the mercy of strong arm Islamic overlords. Hasn’t this already been seen with the young girls in state care in Britain.

  5. Pope Francis asked Europe to help the refugees which is the christian thing to do. He did not say (1) that those who incite people to wage violent jihad should be protected (2) to give permanent residency to refugees (3) to accept all regardless of their country of origin (4) give generous allowances and try to assimilate all to society even those who refuse to do so. Immigation policies are still the responsibility of government.

    Dont blame Pope Francis for the mess in Europe.

    • Nobody is blaming pope Francis for the mess in Europe. What he is to blame for is his on going failure to provide a critical rebuttal of the culture from a truly Catholic perspective. He simply reproduces the worst ideological errors of that culture. Instead of doing his job, strengthening the faithful in the face of this insidious evil called Islam, he gives instructions on how to potentially invite its worst proponents into your countries and homes, while inviting Muslim clerics into the Vatican garden to pray for the conquest of “the infidels” (that’s us! In case you were wondering).
      The Pope is to blame for his abject failure to do, and for his acts and words which are strictly contrary to, what popes should do.

      • Even someone with the ability of St John Chrysostom will not convince Europe to change its policies. Focus on what Pope Francis says and do not over analyze what he does not say.

        Saints do not criticize the Vicar of Christ no matter how weak he is.

    • It is part of the job of the Papacy to be smart, intelligent, and to understand the reality of this world we live in. The reality is that 90% of those Syrian “refugees” are neither Syrian nor refugees. Pope Francis, earlier this year, scolded Europeans for not taking more of these people in. He joined the chorus in demanding that EU nations take in every last one of them. So, yes. He along with hundreds and thousands of other politicians, activists, and bureaucrats are to blame.

  6. Bernard Lewis, the retired Princeton professor and legendary expert in Islamic studies, appeared in a documentary about Islam a few years ago. He was asked what would happen to Europe in the future, in the context of Islam. He laughed and replied, “Europe? Europe is already gone.”

  7. We Christians must now step well back and look. Not just in the context of the post-Vatican II period but way beyond that, at least to the eruption of that great destructive heresy of Islam which has afflicted Western society for some sixteen hundred years.
    It continues to do so. We are confronted again – however much our secularised thinking, both within and without the Church, would rather it were otherwise. Unless we change and change drastically, they have won!

    At Mass this morning we were told that Love was the response to Paris, (and of course the Russian deaths, although that was not mentioned). No definition. That would be asking too much and in any case his congregation wouldn’t understand, such is the shallowness of Catholic or Christian understanding these days.

    I came away thoughtful. I have said elsewhere that our present Pope has given up. He probably has realised he is not up to the job. Sadly, it seems that our priest also has (and he is young!)
    Unless we Christians re-acquire Crusading mentality of our ancestor, albeit in 21st century adaptation, the Islam will win. But as of this moment I cannot see any Christian understanding of this.

    Yes indeed, we live in interesting times.

    • You poor thing having to listen to that rotten mush from the pulpit. Yesterday we had a rare ‘sermon’ at a low Saturday morning Mass. Our priest let go a blast that must have been heard all the way to the chancery. To wit: islam is worship of the devil. They are going to kill all of us if they get the chance, and if our government lets any more of them into the country our streets will run with blood like the streets of Paris.

      He also told us if any priest, bishop or politician tells us it’s our duty to take in these ‘vermin’ we must do more than protest. As I say, he was a bit plain in his language. This is the kind of priest I want. He is warning us, not only often about the heresy in our Church, but of the real dangers ‘out there’ in our world – dangers that are coming ever closer.

      Sad to see so many good faithful Catholics arguing amongst themselves instead of concentrating on what’s important: rallying troops who will FIGHT.


      • Quite the contrary. our sermon It was informative. Informative of many things.
        I think your priest needs to calm down a bit and think. We live in interesting times.
        We must have drastic action way beyond what society and the Church is ready to contemplate at present.
        But they will eventually grasp this reality .
        Trouble is, it may then be too late!

          • I take you point. But I don’t think there has been any calming down. Quiet panic, but mostly ignorance and indifference.
            Now we have two problems.
            1. Schism with the Church so that all good Catholics and True must decide which side of the line they are on. the Catholic side or the Relativist Heretical side. Those who choose the Catholic side musty now shout it from the RoofTops!
            1. We the Western World, Catholic, Christian or Secularist are at war with the Saudi/Sunni backed, financed, armed and otherwise supplied branch of Islam.
            Yes it is “fix bayonets”. But before we advance into what is going to be a long and exceedingly nasty war (in our case within the doctrine of just War) we have to realise we are at war, know the enemy, his objectives, his strategists, and how to eliminate or suppress them.
            And this must be done calmly!!

          • Check out “A Plan for Victory” at with Frank Gaffney (Catholic President of the CSP), former Assistant Sec. of Defense under Reagan. Contributers include 4 Star Admiral “Ace” Lyons, Gen. Jerry Boykin (Ret. Special Foces) et al. As for me I back them up as a monk with prayer. Free Downloads and a free 10-part course on defeating Sharia and Jihad.

  8. The state of the temporal world today is only a reflection of the state of the Catholic Church, She being the center of History. If the world is rotten it is because the… is also rotten, You fill in the blanks!

      • Hmm…dunno…perhaps it has something to do with the perverse self-loathing that many Catholics display towards their own Church? Or just as likely the hypocrisy of “Catholics” that profess the faith and live like atheists. Maybe it’s the scandal of pro-death politicians being defended by the hierarchy. Most likely it’s just the simple fact that in a world that values convenience and comfort, sacrifice is hard and the Church can’t make it easy. I couldn’t say.

      • Just to be clear, I am not the one that thinks that the Church is “feckless, dishonest, and pathetic.” For all the Church’s shortcomings it is still the only hope for mankind.

  9. The King’s Steward in the mortal realm is a modernist and is completely disoriented….We have Pope Denethor and Mordor is marching toward Minas Tirith..

  10. There is an ISIS base 8 miles from the Texas border in Mexico–according to the top watchdog organization Judical Watch, back on April 14, 2015. By the way this invasion will be a US-sanctioned event. The dissolution of the US is part of the plan to create a regional and then a global government. Let’s wake up!



  11. “Which means that they will instead turn to political zealotry, to a new fascism, to dangerous ideologies, hatred, and indiscriminate violence”

    And that differs from where we are how exactly? Is she afraid that the west will finally open it’s eyes and defend itself, entailing western men bearing arms? Enough of the frightened girlie talk please.

  12. “This will also help to ensure that those Parisians, Frenchmen, Europeans, and others throughout the world will not look to Catholicism as the answer to the Islamic threat, because it is feckless, dishonest, and pathetic.”

    Well said Steve. We need to pray for Pope Francis removal/resignation and replace him with someone like Pope Pius V. We need a spiritual leader who speaks the truth and inspires holiness and courage.

  13. A brief note on the tangential conversation about Judaism in this thread: I haven’t studied this issue in nearly the sort of depth required to feel that I can competently steer the discussion. For the most part, I urge caution in any knee-jerk reaction to any debate where facts are brought to bear simply because one suspects a certain narrative at work, or fears the targeting of a special interest group that must not be touched upon.

    The Church has a long and at times difficult relationship with the Jews. We’ve gone from acknowledging the crime of deicide and the blood curse (both true, as a matter of historical fact) and the need for conversion of the Jews to saying that their covenant is salvific and that they are simply our elder brothers in the faith.

    Tradition sides with the need for their conversion; for the recognition that there was an invocation of a covenant curse when they killed their messiah, and the additional curse of calling down the guilt of shedding the blood of Christ upon them and their children. But at the same time, we must acknowledge that for Catholics, calling the blood of Christ upon us is an act of supplication and protection. It is a saving torrent, even if it is an awful one.

    I do not see anti-antisemitism in every claim that groups of Jews — who have often been powerful societal influencers, particularly in their role in international finance and media — are part of a larger problem. I have no difficulty saying that groups of Catholics did X, Muslims did Y, etc. If there is evidence, there is evidence. Make your case. Cabals are formed along lines of common interest, and religion is certainly a uniting factor.

    That said, I want no part of the mentality of the Bp. Williamson camp. There is an undercurrent of antisemitism that has long been associated with Catholic traditionalism. I myself have been accused of antisemitism for allowing a certain amount of freedom in these discussions here, and this site has been labeled as “rife with antisemitism” by some – a charge that is false from an editorial standpoint, but might be substantiated because I don’t throw the ban hammer at every insinuation in the comment boxes.

    Tread lightly, please. No group, no matter what they have suffered collectively, should be immune from reasoned criticism. There is theological as well as historical merit to certain traditionalist claims about the Jews. But our faith in Christ and His Church demands that we view them as God’s children, even if they turned their back on Him. We must love them, and do all that we can to bring them to the fullness of truth. Bitterness towards Jews as a collective group, conspiratorial rancor, etc., has no place in rational Catholic discussion.

    At the risk of being repetitive: facts, not theories, should be advanced. Love them. Pray for them. Our own tradition from the Church Fathers says that the majority of the Jews *will* be converted before the coming of the Antichrist. This is what we should be working toward. The rest, unless it serves some specific rhetorical purpose, is a distraction.

    • I support your decision to bow out of a discussion in which you have no relevant facts to contribute, but can only scold people for saying things that don’t suit you.

  14. If you want an immediate full-fledged war–including ground troops–to protect the American Homeland by ending the Islamic State/ISIS as a territorial entity and safe haven for terrorist planning, funding, recruitment & training, sign the petition at the White House web site.

    Go to:

    Muslims respect strength. If we in the West are strong against the world-conquest-oriented jihad violence of ISIS/Islamic State, that will earn us the respect of Muslims.

    Without that respect, no Muslim, no atheist, no Protestant, no neo-Catholic will ever take seriously the eternal life and peace offered by the True Faith of the True God and Christ.

    We are now in a situation akin to the weeks right before 9/11. Another 9/11 attack is coming soon in the U.S. The only thing we can do is make the Islamic State fighters fight for their lives in Iraq and Syria, and then completely eliminate them from controlling any territory, and kill or capture most of them in the process.

    Pres. Obama wants to take the “go slow” approach and just hope that the Islamic State doesn’t carry out a new 9/11 type attack in the U.S. According to Pres. Obama, his containment strategy against the Islamic State is working.

    If Pres. Obama had been president when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, I am pretty sure he would have preferred a containment strategy against Imperial Japan over a full-fledged war until Japan surrendered unconditionally.


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