I wrote something brief thoughts on Facebook last night as I watched the coverage of the Paris attacks, which was later quoted by my friend Hilary on her website this morning. Seeing it again through the eyes of others, I want to share it here, because I stand by this assessment (and I’ll leave in her emphasis):
Tomorrow, the narrative that what happened in Paris has nothing to do with true Islam will be echoed by the global elites.Pope Francis will join them, failing, once again, to lead Catholics in the truth, and lending religious credibility to the great Islamic lie.
“This will also help to ensure that those Parisians, Frenchmen, Europeans, and others throughout the world will not look to Catholicism as the answer to the Islamic threat, because it is feckless, dishonest, and pathetic. Which means that they will instead turn to political zealotry, to a new fascism, to dangerous ideologies, hatred, and indiscriminate violence. They will fight not like true crusaders, but like desperate men, and desperate men do awful things.
This could all have been prevented. Many have warned of what’s coming, myself among them. But self-delusion is an awful drug.
This is about to get much worse, and we have no leaders capable of standing against it, least of all the Vicar of Christ.