We’re Counting on Your Support!

GreatGiftDear readers,

As I do every so often, I want to remind you that as a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the Catholic Faith, we count on your tax-deductible contributions to continue our mission. We’re more than half way through the month, but we have not yet hit 50% of our fundraising goal. Frankly, we need your support. 

Working as the Executive Director and Publisher of OnePeterFive is my full-time job. As we continue to grow, we’d like to add more folks to better distribute our workload and open up new possibilities for our apostolate.

And growing is something we’re good at. In less than two years’ time, we’ve become one of the top Catholic websites in the world. In the last 30 days alone, we’ve served up over half a million pages of content to our readers. The writing and reporting being done here is having an impact on Catholics around the globe. We’re shaping the narrative on stories as important as the reception of Amoris Laetitia and the ongoing questions pertaining to the Third Secret of Fatima as we begin the centennial year of Our Lady’s apparitions in Portugal. As our long-time readers know, we provide a unique perspective, focused not only on the current events affecting the Church, but on the restoration of our sacred traditions and the rebuilding of our culture.

And every bit of the work we do depends on you.



We have no major donors writing big checks. There are no trust funds or grants. Instead, nearly a thousand donors over the past 21 months have kept us going. A thousand donors just like you, giving what they can, when they can.

Here’s where I bust out the cliche — that just happens to be true — if every person who visited this website this month donated just ten dollars, we’d be funded for years to come.

It hasn’t happened yet, but it could!

I also want to take this opportunity to thank all our existing donors — and in a particular way, those who have donated a hundred dollars, two hundred dollars, or even more, or those who have donated consistently over time. I don’t have permission to name names, but the generosity of just two donors this month accounts for two thousand dollars of our income. This is keep the lights on money. This is feed the family money. We literally can’t do it without you.

As a reminder, we remember all previous month’s donors in a Mass offered according to the 1962 Missal on the second of each month at the Priory of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Charles Town, WV. My family also personally remembers benefactors in our rosary intentions. Your financial support keeps us going.

Please prayerfully consider if you’re able to donate, and remember, no amount is too small. Please also remember that if you’re uncomfortable donating through our online donor system, you can mail checks to us directly by following the instructions here.

Thank you and God bless you!

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