We Need Your Help, 1P5ers!

Happy Saturday after Thanksgiving (and feast of St. Andrew), everyone! Advent begins tomorrow, and then its the mad rush to the end of the calendar year as the new liturgical year begins.

Here at 1P5, 2019 has been, as usual, a bit of a wild ride. Looking back, I think we did fairly well, maybe for the first time ever, in keeping a balance between covering the most important stories about current events in the Church and pursuing our mission to rebuild Catholic Culture and restore Catholic tradition through an educational exploration of topics on the faith. We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished this year, and we’re hoping to do even more in 2020.

As the end of the tax year approaches, all of our inboxes are going to be hit by fundraising campaigns from various non-profits, often from organizations with much larger financial needs than 1P5. We hope that as you plan out your year-end giving, you’ll consider finding a place for 1P5 on your list of organizations worth supporting.

On this last day of November, we’re about $4,000 short of our monthly goal. Not pocket change, but a reachable goal with an audience our size.

We know that in a very real sense, we are competing for your hard-earned money, and you have other apostolates you may be supporting. That said, if you enjoy the work we do here, we hope you’ll consider helping us to keep going strong.

In terms of our plans going into 2020, we’re going to continue to seek out the best and brightest Catholic writers to offer the kind of unique 1P5 content you already love, but we’ll also be putting even more effort into video and podcasts. The feedback on these has been great, and we are very happy to hear that you’ve been enjoying them.

I’m not going to waste your time today with the usual fundraising speak. Obviously, we need to hit our goals each month to pay all the bills, and we’re hoping that today, you can help us finish November 2019 in a viable financial position.

If you’d like to help, please just hit the button below. All contributions are helpful — even the small ones — because we have strength in numbers. If you’d prefer to donate by mail, you can do that too.

Thank you, and may God bless you with a spiritually fruitful Advent season as we await the coming of Our Lord’s Nativity.

In Christ,
Steve Skojec
Publisher & Executive Director


P.S. – If you’ll be doing any Christmas shopping online, you can also support our work via Amazon Smile. Just go to smile.amazon.com and select One Peter Five, Inc. as your charity. We’ll get a small percentage of any money you spend, at no additional cost to you:

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