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You’ll Never Guess Who Gave the Best Response to President Obama’s Crusade Remarks

In his address to the National Prayer Breakfast last week, President Obama warned those assembled not to associate the terrible deeds being perpetrated in the name if Islam with the religion itself: Unless we get on our high horse and think that this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and Inquisition,…

Breaking: Imminent Terror Attack Threat on Southern US Border

As the publisher of OnePeterFive, I make the editorial decisions on which topics to cover to further our vision of Catholic restoration. When we launched on August 1st, I intended to run a brief series educational pieces on Islam after some initial collaboration with Andrew Bieszad.  I soon questioned this choice, however, finding myself concerned about taking a confrontational…

USCCB Loses Its Head

It is a curious conceit of an obtuse generation that it believes itself to be committed to modernity, embodied by devotion to science and reason, and yet is so irrevocably immutable to evidence. The spiritual (but not religious) Mecca of modernity in the Catholic Church is the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, the headquarters of which…

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