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Pinerolo, Italy: Another Scandal Cries Out for Answers to the Dubia

Last Sunday [February 11, 2018], an interesting interview appeared on Vita Diocesana Pinerolese [the website of the Diocese of Pinerolo, Italy, near Turin in the Piedmont] (Anno 9, N.3) in which the newly appointed bishop, Derio Olivero, comments on the documents of Piedmont Bishops’ Conference furnishing guidelines for the application of the apostolic exhortation Amoris…

The Throw-Down at the Council of Jerusalem and the Union of Dogma, Praxis, and Spirituality

The unity of the Catholic Faith is such that dogma, praxis, and spirituality cannot be separated. While each of these is distinct in terms of their acts, all are the same in object – namely, Jesus Christ Himself. All three of these are within the same sphere, and they inform each other. To understand how…

A Sad Clerical Bestiary: Perhaps the Roman Pontiff is Telling Lies…

By Marco Tosatti  (11 February 2018) [Editor’s Note: A bestiary was a medieval compendium of animal stories, which often contained a moral point.] This is a sad clerical bestiary. More sad than anyone can imagine. Let’s give a reason: perhaps the Roman Pontiff is telling lies. And this, permit me to say it, is at…

Commentators on Homosexual Blessing Scandal Call for Correction or Dismissal of Cardinal Marx

The recent statements made by Cardinal Reinhard Marx, the president of the German Bishops’ Conference and papal counselor, concerning the possibility, even if only in some parishes, of blessing same-sex couples has caused quite a stir in the Catholic world. Since we ourselves reported on this specific interview, we have been following this discussion closely.…

Progressivism Wants the “Moral Paradigm Shift” in the Catholic Church

Cardinal Reinhard Marx’s and Bishop Franz-Josef Bode’s recent plea in favor of blessings for homosexual partnerships has provoked shock and dismay around the world. However, the démarche of the two Germans is not an isolated act. On a broad front, progressivism is sounding the attack against the traditional teaching of the Church. This was most…

Bishop Sorondo and the Social(ist) Doctrine of the Church

Image: Gcmarino, Sanchezsorondowikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 By Riccardo Cascioli “At this moment, the Chinese are the ones who are best achieving the social doctrine of the Church.”  This quote alone, given at the beginning of an interview on China published by Vatican Insider (Spanish edition), should be enough to provoke the immediate dismissal of Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo,…

A Late-Night Counsel to the Bold and the Beautiful

by Fr Hugh Somerville-Knapman OSB In the past 24 hours a previous post here, Vale Vatican II from last September, has received some attention on two very worthwhile, tradition-minded websites: Liturgy Guy and 1 Peter 5. I am grateful and gratified because these are sites which hold clear views directly expressed but season them with intelligent commentary and coherent argument. As…

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