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1P5 Minute Ep 14 – The Vatican, Gustavo Zanchetta & James Martin

In this episode: The Vatican is sheltering ANOTHER accused clerical sex abuser, this time Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta of Argentina, a friend of the pope, who has been criminally charged in his home country, where prosecutors have requested his arrest by the Vatican and extradition. Also: Fr. James Martin ESS JAYY is being rumored as a…

Pope Faces Scrutiny over Assistance for Convicted Clerical Abuser

Today, Pope Francis had an audience with a globally known figure. It was not Cardinal Burke, one of the four authors of the dubia, who submitted their concerns about the pope’s post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia exactly two years ago today. (Two of those authors, Cardinal Joachim Meisner and Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, did not live to see…

Respected Predecessor of New La Plata Archbishop “Tucho” Fernández’ Ordered to Depart His Diocese Immediately

It is a story that reads like a passage from The Dictator Pope: Pope Francis recently accepted the age-related resignation of Héctor Aguer, the Archbishop of La Plata, Argentina — the capital city of the Buenos Aires province — and will replace him with his close confidant and ghostwriter, Archbishop Víctor Manuel “Tucho” Fernández. Not…

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