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Staunch Dubia Opponent Msgr. Pinto on Famous List of Freemasons

I don’t know about you, but I just love a good Freemasonic conspiracy.

Let’s face it: Freemasons have been trying to infiltrate the Church for over a century. They even announced their intentions in the mid 1800s, and were condemned by several popes who had no qualms about expressing the danger they represented to the Faith.

The ubiquity of the threat, however, began to numb most Catholics to its reality. The subtlety of their work makes them appear innocuous, and this is by design. Their method of infiltration was laid out in a document known as The Permanent Instruction on the Alta Vendita, written in 19th Century. In it, they proclaimed their grand designs in a way that, in hindsight, can be seen to have been marvelously effective:

The Pope, whoever he may be, will never come to the secret societies. It is for the secret societies to come to the Church… The work we have undertaken is not the work of a day, nor of a month, nor of a year. It may last many years, a century perhaps, but in our ranks the soldier dies and the fight continues… Now then, in order to secure to us a Pope in the manner required, it is necessary to fashion for that Pope a generation worthy of the reign of which we dream. Leave on one side old age and middle life, go to the youth, and, if possible, even to the infancy. Never speak in their presence a word of impiety or impurity. Maxima debetur puero reverentia. Never forget these words of the poet for they will preserve you from licenses which it is absolutely essential to guard against for the good of the cause. In order to reap profit at the home of each family, in order to give yourself the right of asylum at the domestic hearth, you ought to present yourself with all the appearance of a man grave and moral. Once your reputation is established in the colleges…and in the seminaries – once you shall have captivated the confidence of professors and students, act so that those who are engaged in the ecclesiastic state should love to seek your conversation…then little by little you will bring your disciples to the degree of cooking desired. When upon all the points of ecclesiastical state at once, this daily work shall have spread our ideas as light, then you will appreciate the wisdom of the counsel in which we take the initiative… That reputation will open the way for our doctrines to pass to the bosoms of the young clergy, and go even to the depths of convents. In a few years the young clergy will have, by force of events, invaded all the functions. They will govern, administer, and judge. They will form the council of the Sovereign. They will be called upon to choose the Pontiff who will reign; and that Pontiff, like the greater part of his contemporaries, will be necessarily imbued with the…humanitarian principles which we are about to put into circulation… Let the clergy march under your banner in the belief always that they march under the banner of the Apostolic Keys. You wish to cause the last vestige of tyranny and of oppression to disappear? Lay your nets like Simon Barjona. Lay them in the depths of sacristies, seminaries, and convents, rather than in the depth of the sea… You will bring yourselves as friends around the Apostolic Chair.

With this in mind, I found it really quite interesting that more than one of our readers has pointed out that Monsignor Pio Vito Pinto — Dean of the Roman Rota and perhaps now the loudest of the critics of the Four Cardinals — is to be found on the famous “Lista Pecorelli” — a list of alleged Freemasons within the Church.

I say “famous” because many people know about it. I didn’t. But the list has been around since the 1970s, compiled by the Italian investigative journalist — later murdered — who gave it its name: Carmine “Mino” Pecorelli.

In a comment on the 1P5 Facebook page, reader Andrew Guernsey writes:

Here is a high quality version of the original Pecorelli list, which famously includes Bugnini, the architect of the New Mass

Investigative journalist and a member of the elite Propaganda Due (P2) Lodge, Carmine “Mino” Pecorelli, Director of L’Osservatorio Politico, a press agency specializing in political scandals and crimes, was murdered on March 20, 1979. Prior to his death he published what became known as “Pecorelli’s List.” It contained the names (code names and card names as well) of alleged Freemasons in high level Vatican offices during the reign of Paul VI. Among the prominent prelates identified as Freemasons were Jean Cardinal Villo, whose family is believed to have historic ties to the Rosicrucian Lodge; Agostino Cardinal Casaroli; Ugo Cardinal Poletti; Sebastiano Cardinal Baggio; Joseph Cardinal Suenens; and Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, C.M.; and Archbishop Paul Casimir Marcinkus, to name a few.

A priest who worked for Cardinal Ottaviani investigating Modernists in the curia speaks of the authenticity of Pecorelli’s List:…/Paul_VI.._beatified…

The principal “list” appeared on “OP” (Osservatorio Politico Internazionale) Magazine of September 12, 1978, the magazine of lawyer Mino Pecorelli, during the brief pontificate of JP1, thus subsequent to that which came out on “Panorama” Magazine of August 10, 1976.

And sure enough, Msgr. Pinto’s name is there:


The book Guernsey links is Paul VI Beatified?by Fr. Luigi Villa. This is where, to the uninitiated, the rabbit hole gets deep. I’ve never had the time or the patience to go through the voluminous materials about Freemasonry and the Church. I have no doubt of the designs of the Masons, nor of the Church’s reasons for condemning them. But I am woefully ignorant of many of the facts on the ground. Of Fr. Villa, the website says:

Almost sixty years ago, “Padre Pio first met Father Luigi Villa, whom he entreated to devote his entire life to fight Ecclesiastical Freemasonry. Padre Pio told Father Villa that Our Lord had designs upon him and had chosen him to be educated and trained to fight Freemasonry within the Church. The Saint spelled out this task in three meetings with Father Villa, which took place in the last fifteen years of life of Padre Pio. At the close of the second meeting [second half of 1963], Padre Pio embraced Father Villa three times, saying to him: ‘Be brave, now…for the Church has already been invaded by Freemasonry!’ and then stated: ‘Freemasonry has already made it into the loafers (shoes) of the Pope!’ At the time, the reigning Pope was Paul VI.

“The mission entrusted to Father Luigi Villa by Padre Pio to fight Freemasonry within the Catholic Church was approved by Pope Pius XII who gave a Papal Mandate for his work. Pope Pius XII’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Tardini, gave Father Villa three Cardinals to work with and to act as his own personal ‘guardian angels’:

Cardinal Ottaviani, Cardinal Parente and Cardinal Palazzini. Father Villa worked with these three cardinals until their deaths.”

In order to fight this battle, in 1971 Fr. Villa founded his magazine, “Chiesa viva” with correspondents and collaborators in every continent.  It was immediately attacked by the upper echelon of the Catholic Church: the magazine was ostracized among the clergy and its collaborators were gradually forced to leave.  Then they isolated its Director and his few remaining collaborators.  The efforts to silence “Chiesa viva” once and for all also included seven assassination attempts on Fr. Villa!”

I do not vouch for this information, because I have not verified it. (Readers here have mentioned Fr. Villa on numerous occasions, and have done so favorably.) But I present it to you nevertheless, because it is an interesting piece of the puzzle.

Of the alleged Freemasons on Pecorelli’s list, Fr. Villa writes:

“Pecorelli’s List” found credit even in the Vatican, where a young employee – nephew of a (well known) ecclesiastic (Father P. E.) – had handed a series of delicate “documents” to Monsignor Benelli, then Substitute of the Secretary of State, who made him swear «that he was not lying about so grave a matter». Some photocopies of those “documents” were also in the possession of Cardinal Staffa.

I had “assurance” of this “fact” from a cardinal of the Curia,who later also gave me some photocopies of those same “documents”.

3rd – The “Card Numbers”, reported on the “Pecorelli’s List”, confer a more than credible spin, since Pecorelli was a member of the P2 Lodge (and thus in the know of “secret things”), but also for the reason that, with that list, he had just invited the scarcely elected Pope Luciani to a rigorous control, with the intention of offering a valid contribution to the transparency of the Catholic Church Herself.

In any case, that “list” should have sparked off either a shower of denials or a purge in the ecclesial ranks. On the contrary, not a single “denial” was to be had. As for “purges”, besides, the newly elected Pontiff did not even have the time, perhaps even “because” Pope Luciani, “who had manifested the intention of having a hand in the issue of the IOR and shed a light as to the list of alleged Prelates affiliated to Freemasonry”, He, too, passed away in circumstances and ways as yet unknown. What is more, Mino Pecorelli, the author of that “list”, was gunned down a few months later, on March 20, 1979; hence, with him, were buried all of the other “secrets” concerning that Masonic sect in his possession.

Now, one could ask oneself: why is it that all of the “listed” in that “Masonic list” have never come together in order to deny that public denunciation, complete with detailed “entries” (Affiliation, Registration, Monogram), asking the courts for a clarifying investigation, at least on the graphological analysis of the acronyms at the foot of the documents? How not to recognize, then, that that lack of denials and that prolonged silence are more than eloquent as they take on the value of circumstantial evidence of the greatest import?

The only one to be removed from office was – as we noted – Monsignor Bugnini, the main author of that revolutionary liturgical reform that upset, in a Lutheran form, the bi-millennial rite of the Holy Mass, but it was only after the presentation to Paul VI of the “evidence” of his belonging to the Masonic sect, that he was sent away from Rome and dispatched as a “pro-Nuncio” to Iran.


The buzz about these people had been around since 1970. Let it be no doubt about it: it was not mere talk; it was “confidential information” we at the top of Italian Freemasonry used to pass on to one another”.

St. Maximilian Kolbe had his own take on the matter. He is famously quoted as saying:

Satan Must Reign in the Vatican. The Pope Will Be His Slave.

According to Michael Hitchborn at The Lepanto Institute, this bold proclamation

was personally witnessed by St. Maximilian Kolbe, who watched Freemasons celebrate their bicentennial in St. Peter’s Square in 1917. St. Maximilian Kolbe saw banners bearing these words amidst the revelry. It’s a jarring and shocking statement, but it is totally in keeping with the aims of Freemasonry and it bears a great deal of significance for us today.

Hichborn also notes the plans laid out in the Alta Vendita:

According to these documents, the Alta Vendita lodge of Freemasonry openly declared that its “ultimate end is that of Voltaire and of the French Revolution – the final destruction forever of Catholicism, and even of the Christian idea.”


St. Maximilian Kolbe expounded on this plan at the founding of the Militia of the Immaculata. On October 16, just three days after the miracle of Fatima, the saint wrote:

“These men without God find themselves in a tragic situation. Such implacable hatred for the Church and the ambassadors of Christ on Earth is not in the power of individual persons, but of a systematic activity stemming in the final analysis from Freemasonry. In particular, it aims to destroy the Catholic religion. Their decrees have been spread throughout the world, in different disguises. But with the same goal – religious indifference and weakening of moral forces, according to their basic principle – ‘We will conquer the Catholic Church not by argumentation, but rather with moral corruption.‘”

There is no question that religious indifference and moral corruption are the hallmarks of our present ecclesiastical crisis. The two most scandalous issues facing the Catholic Church of 2016 are the twin pillars of the capitulation to Lutheranism as witnessed by the pope’s pro-Luther statements at the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in Lund, and the deconstruction of the Divine teaching on marriage, sexuality, family, and the Sacraments as launched by the synods of 2014 and 2015 and the exortation they led to: Amoris Laetitia. 

And what of Francis? If Fr. Pinto — one of the pittbulls he has unleashed against the Four Cardinals — is a Freemason, does that tie Francis to the secret society? It is well known that Buenos Aires is a stronghold of Freemasonry in Latin America:

Freemasonry is no stranger to Argentina, as the society has been present here for more than 150 years and has in many ways helped shape its history. Many of the Argentine forefathers, including Jose de San Martín, Manuel Belgrano and Domingo F. Sarmiento were freemasons, as well as many Argentine presidents. There are currently 130 active Masonic lodges in Argentina, 60 of them in the city of Buenos Aires alone, and if you do a little research, you’ll find their symbology present on many buildings, monuments and even in cemeteries.

When I read this, my mind immediately called up an image of a captioned statement Francis made in a meeting with Fernando Solanas, an Argentine politician, environmentalist, and film director. During the filmed conversation, he quipped:


In a statement on the occasion of the bicentennary of Argentina’s independence, he explained further:

We are celebrating 200 years along the road of a homeland which, in its desires and anxieties for brotherhood, projects itself beyond the boundaries of this country towards the Greater Fatherland of which José de San Martín and Simón Bolívar dreamed. This reality unites us in a family of broad horizons and fraternal loyalty. That Greater Fatherland should also be included in our prayers during our celebrations — may the Lord look after it, making it stronger and more beautiful, defending it from every kind of colonization.

“Fraternal loyalty.” Sounds like something a good Mason would say. “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Solidarity.” Solidarity…


It’s probably nothing.

Although the notion of Fraternity and Fatherland appear in the Manifesto of the Freemasons.

Masonry preaches peace among men, and in the name of humanity proclaims the inviolability of human life.

Masonry curses all wars; it wails over civil wars.

It has the duty and the right to come among you and say: IN THE NAME OF HUMANITY, IN THE NAME OF FRATERNITY, IN THE NAME OF THE DEVASTATED FATHERLAND, stop the spilling of blood. We ask this of you, we beg you to hear our appeal.

I’m not going to even to bother making the connection between “cursing all wars” and a certain someone who is always…cursing all wars.

It’s probably all just a coincidence.

Just like the fact that Francis was lauded by the Freemasons upon his election. The Masonic Press Agency (MPA) — self described as “the first structure providing Masonic news and information designated as such” — ran a story upon the election of Francis under the headline, “Jorge Mario Bergoglio elected Pope Francis I at 187 years since the issuance of Quo Graviora Papal Bull against Freemasonry“. The story itself is brief – just two paragraphs long – and it is simply noted without further explanation that his election took place 187 years to the day since Pope Leo XII issued the papal bull Quo Graviora against Freemasonry.

In two separate stories in the MPA upon the occasion of his election, we were given yet another glimpse of the odd acceptance of the secret society for Pope Francis. In one, we learn:

Grand Lodge of Argentina officially welcomed the election of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio as the Pope of the Catholic Church and Sovereign of the Vatican. Argentinian Grand Master Angel Jorge Clavero considers that this appointment brought recognition to Argentine nation.

In the last week several Grand Lodges in Latin America, Europe and Asia (Lebanon) welcomed the election of the new Catholic Pope.

In the other, a stronger but more cryptic statement:

The Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy expressed his joy regarding the election of Pope Francis. Raffi stated that: “With the election of Pope Francis nothing will ever be the same again.” [emphasis in original]

A truer statement has likely not been issued by a Freemason since the publication of the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita. Maybe they got their man after all.


Correction: We originally reported Pio Vito Vinto’s title as “Father”; as Dean of the Roman Rota, his proper title is His Excellency, the Most Reverend Monsignor Pio Vito Pinto. We have corrected the story to reflect his proper title of “Monsignor”.

289 thoughts on “Staunch Dubia Opponent Msgr. Pinto on Famous List of Freemasons”

    • He gets a pass from the media because the approve of his every move. He’s a walking mouthpiece of the political leanings of the New York Times.

      Whether or not he’s a freemason is irrelevant for this point.

      • It is extremely important, whether he is a Freemason or not. The Catholic Church and the occult are incompatible, and until recently no Catholic was permitted to join Freemasonry. Freemasonry targets the Catholic Church as its arch-enemy to be destroyed.
        Of course, The New York Times and Bergoglio serve the save master, the one behind staffing decisions in both – the Vatican and the main stream media. Whether someone serves him knowingly or is just a useful idiot, he serves him nonetheless.
        If Bergoglio is a Freemason, he is most likely one of high degree, one engaging in Lucifer worship, and pursuing the establishment of his kingdom on earth, the new world order.

        It is not by coincidence that members of the Luciferian doctrine agree. They are in positions of power in all main religions, all educational institutions, all media. They like to get together and plot one world religion (under the name of peace and justice) via all sorts of Councils of Churches and Councils of World Religions.

        Sodomy and paedophilia serve as blackmailing tool.

        • Wrong about one point: It is STILL not permitted to be a Freemason and be a Catholic. The 1983 Canon law code left out the specific reference to freemasonry but Ratzinger as head of CDF issued a clarification that was, well, for once, CLEAR.

          We THINK it’s OK to be a Freemason and be Catholic because as with so many other aspects of our faith nobody in a position to do anything about it cares.

          • Thank you for the clarification about Church teaching. I saw some photos recently of Freemasons in aprons receiving the Holy Communion at, what was called – a Traditional Mass, and I assumed that it was now permitted.
            However, I never did and I never could think that it is OK to be both, a Freemason and a Catholic. They are mutually exclusive. The claim that Freemasonry is about taking a good a man and making him better is a front for the simple folk, who upon entering the brotherhood, would never be invited to higher levels of this cabal, due to their honest, virtuous character.

          • There are a number of photos of Bishops attending freemasonic functions, circulating on the web. They think they have won, and aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.

          • One of the great evils of Freemasonry is anthropocentrism, the setting up of Man before God. This evil is reflected in Rotary and Kiwanis and Elks and Eagles and the rest of the social clubs; they ALL take the energies and resources of Catholics AWAY from Holy Mother Church and rob Our Lord and Savior of the credit for any of the good that comes of those efforts.

            Thus Man takes the place of God.

            Now read paragraphs 161 of Evangelii Gaudium and Gaudium et Spes 24 and see what you think about them vis a vis this point.

            One wonders how vast is the apostasy of the upper echelons of the Church…

            Does apostasy have to be accompanied by fire and brimstone and blaring trumpets or rather, is is subtle…? I seem to remember a subtle Creature in the Garden of Eden…

          • Bergoglio teaches that atheists go to heaven, provided that they do good works, according to their own understanding of good.
            Followers of Jesus Christ look to God for definitions. Once they know, what God defines as good, they do good – they do His will.

            These Freemasons within the Church are not subtle any more in their denial of God’s Revelation to men. They see themselves as gods, co-creators of an evolving universe, where the only good worth pursuing is “moving forward” as part of this impersonal force, this oneness of everything.

            Jesus Christ is divisive, and needs to be re-interpreted first, to be rejected next. He is an obstacle to unity, which, as we can see, can be defined as the lowest common denominator among sinners, who increasingly “evolve” toward a life of mindless instinctual behaviour and conformity with deranged satanic architects of acceptable public opinion.

          • Oh, I remember Bergoglio’s homily delivered less than a year ago, in which he reinterpreted the narrow gate to mean exactly this conformity with the lowest common denominator.
            He calls good evil and evil good.

          • Steve it’s time for you and Dr. Sirilla to release 2nd podcast on limits of papal authority with a focus on the “war game”

          • i attended a conference in Nov.Cardinal Burke was the main speaker but to my joy another speaker(I dont remember his name)he was an ex-angelican priest now catholic priest, the subject of his talk was “The authority that the pope Doesnt Have. It was the most heart warming talk at the entire conference.

  1. Yeah, very difficult to put all this out of mind. Bugnini’s biog is particularly troubling, whenever I hear his name a feeling of utter regret and sadness sweeps across my mind.

      • Too funny.

        A personal anecdote:

        Being a little older than most here, I had first seen that list not too long after it became public, but aside from a couple of the “biggies” on the list, I didn’t have them all memorized.

        Back in 1994, when Pope John Paul II caved in regarding altar girls, I was so disgusted that I called the office of the Apostolic Pro-Nuncio here in the U.S., Agostino Cacciavillan (later became a cardinal), to register my disgust.

        (As an aside, that name always intrigued me, “Catch a villain.” What the heck?)

        Anyway, to my great surprise, the archbishop himself answered the phone, or at least someone claiming to be him. He had the accent; that’s for sure.

        I introduced myself and then told him I was disgusted with the pope’s decision regarding altar girls and wanted to register a strong complaint.

        He told me that he was at peace with the decision because it came from the pope.

        I told him, “Well, I’m not. And besides, it’s a well known fact that the Vatican is riddled with Freemasons.”

        He began yelling at me, “You can’t say that! You can’t say that!”

        I yelled back and said, “Yes, I can, and I am!”

        The call did not end amicably.

        Anyway, sometime afterwards (don’t recall the exact circumstances) I was again looking at the famous “List.”

        Scanning it once again out of curiosity, I came across the entry: Cacciavillan, Agostino. Secretariat of State. 11660; # 13154.

        I told myself, “Well, well. Isn’t that special?”

        The General Judgment is going to be amazing.


          • There’s a little more to the story.

            Not being pleased… at all… after speaking with “Catch a Villain,” I made another phone call, this time directly to Rome.

            I don’t remember who I called, but I do remember speaking with someone who identified himself as a cleric. He seemed to be a nice enough chap, spoke English but was obviously Italian.

            I registered with him my strong opposition to the pope’s change in policy regarding girl altar boys… but then the priest said something that made me wince.

            You see, I am on the East Coast, and it was later in the evening here. What I had sort of forgotten was that Italy is not on EST.

            The poor soul.

            I had awakened him in the middle of the night (how did I get his number, and why did he answer the phone?) to crab about altar girls.

            He must have thought I was crazy, although he seemed sympathetic.

            That call ended amicably, but I have to admit that I was a little embarrassed.

            I bet he never again picked up the phone in the middle of the night.

          • Waking up in the wee hours of the morning to answer a serious phone is the ordinary life of a priest. And the Lord in His infinite wisdom makes sure it happens when the priest is over tired; because the Priest needs to remember always that Love and Salvation are far more important than his physical rest in his all too comfortable bed!

            Too heck with all the damnable 9-5 priests and their BS self-love encapsulated comfortability!!! Ok, rant over. Back to the regularly scheduled program.

            St. John Marie Vianney, patron saint of Parish Priests, pray for us. Amen.

        • Marranos and Masons- I hope Jesus lets me kick some in the teeth into the abyss…please, please, please Jesus or at least George Soros….

    • Stop bothering me with all these stupid questions. I am pope, a busy man, I have a brotherhood meeting to attend, just after the daily celebrity audience.

      I have already said that most Catholic marriages are invalid, and I have stated more than once each day that we encounter and accompany and celebrate everyone. What part of everyone don’t you understand?

      • He might not have been one, but he sure didn’t help Catholicism out, any, with all of his disgraceful ecumenical gatherings, circus Papal Masses.

        • Of course. All that is wrong with the Catholic Church can be traced back to John Paul II. Better that the Nazis would have gassed him, yes? Then we could have had another Italian like Montini or a Bergoglio type back in 1978….and then what would people like you have to bitch about?

          • That really is a wretched thing to say about anyone no matter how disappointed or angry you may be with John Paul II. Please realize that thousands of people, some looking for Truth, will read your words – and be disappointed to see such lack of charity among us.

          • I have had it with internet experts who are always moaning and groaning about John Paul II. They need it thrown back in their face.

          • Just pointing out facts. I didn’t say anything really nasty about him. Bottom line, he promoted lots of bad bishops and Cardinals (Bergoglio, for one), and while it’s possible he was misinformed about some of the then candidates for those positions, how could he have made so many erroneous judgement calls with guys like Mahoney, for instance? Why did he continually heap praise upon and trust Marcial Macial (founder of Legion of Christ), as blatantly horrible as that man was. When looking at our present situation here in the Church, it was more than just one or two bad eggs in the hierarchy leading us to this point ( we bear heavy responsibility, as well). I’m simply stating that we have often overlooked a lot of the very bad damage caused by these Popes, if we were drawn to some of their likeable personal traits. These Popes often threw a few bones out to Traditional Catholics to cover the criticism of their destructive actions, that’s all I’m bringing forth.

          • Yeah, so did Pope Paul VI. He made Weakland an archbishop. Fact is he has faced judgment and not here on earth anymore. So, what do you do now? Complain about John Paul II some more?

  2. I look forward to the day when the Lord our Justice smashes the little plans of our Masonic enemies. Inevitably, this will happen. It must.

  3. That would explain an awful lot. It would even explain the massive upsurge of hyper-ultramontanism within the hierarchy which was virtually non-existent in the last 2 papacies. They are rallying round to defend their brother in the craft. Satan must be laughing his head off.

    • It was non-existent amongst the hierarchy then because the last two Popes prior to Pope Francis, despite their personal weaknesses, tried to hold sway against the rising tide of ultra-Modernism. Ultimately they failed to quench the wick of wickedness within the Church because they were unwilling to directly confront the cause of the problem: Vatican II’s ambiguity and the ever present innovators of that spirit.

      I personally love both Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, but that does not mean that I didn’t see the errors of their ways (and that they didn’t, and still do, cause me great suffering.) They both tried to hold the Barque of Peter together as best they could, given the mindsets that they possessed, but the Schism was already deep in the heart of the Church. The only cure would have been and is to lance the puss filled boil.

      Unfortunately, neither of them did. They ended up promoting the very men who are the Deadly Puss oozing throughout the Church. Dialoging with the sons of the devil only furthers their unholy cause. One must lance the boil and allow the puss to flow where it may.

  4. Steve:

    Possibly you have done this but a really good read is to start at the beginning and go through all the Papal encyclicals condemning Freemasonry. It is quite fascinating and…prophetic. They are easily found on-line.

    Also, for those who may have friends who are Freemasons, forget about talking to them about these issues. Most Freemasons I know legitimately do not know much about the underpinnings of Freemasonry. As for the Church and Freemasonry, even in the face of Ratinger’s clarification condemning the communing of Freemasons after the 1983 Canon Law eliminated the specific citation, I doubt many Freemasons are barred communion!! The local Ordinary Form, “good orthodox” priest here communes a Freemason every weekend Mass and doesn’t care and he has told me that when he was at the monastery they even rented out their facilities to the local Masonic Lodge for the annual Masonic Lodge FUNDRAISER!

    The foundational precepts of Freemasonry and the related tenets of socialism {see Quod Apostolici Muneris, 1878} are part and parcel of modern Western society today. Integral and embedded constructs. We tend to look at socialism as an economic system when in fact that is only one side of the coin. The other side is a social reconstruction allied with Freemasonry eliminating hierarchy, emphasizing socialist “equality”, diminishing marriage as an institution {that has led to the sexual revolution and leading to gender theory}, and acceptance of the idea of all religions without the affirmation of ANY of their doctrines. In this sense we ALL must realize that in the USA, we are living in a wholly socialist {and Masonic} culture. Though our economic system may exist at variance with the doctrines of socialism, our social mores are 100% spot on an adoption of the Freemason/socialist agenda.

    As for whether the Pope, this or that prelate or anyone else is a card-carrying member of the Freemasons, IT DOESN’T MATTER. The tenets of Freemasonry/socialism have become so widespread and accepted that one questions whether the Masons have any need of a membership roster anymore. The whole culture is a de facto “member”!

    As for those who think this really IS all nonsense and conspiracy mumbojumbo and who cannot see or hear the religious indifferentism, socialist “equality”, pacifism, moral relativism and denial of the Kingship of Jesus Christ raging in the current pontificate, well, I really don’t know what to say. I can point out a pig in the living room but if you insist on staying in the kitchen, at least sniff hard and listen closely, because the evidence is abundant.

    • We have a Masonic Temple here in the town where I am and most people think of them as the guys who make a good fish fry (ugh!) and help the kids with scholarships. I was able to persuade one local mason that the lodge was much more than that and he quit, praise God!

      • Good job.

        An old friend of mine was a Mason. I linked him up with a Catholic priest in his area for prayer to abolish the oaths he had taken. The priest is very knowledgeable about Freemasonry and the occult it involves.

        • I have prayed prayers of deliverance and oath breaking against Masonry over several people who had relatives deep in their Satanic occult practices. The difference in their personalities and the spiritual attacks they used to endure are night and day. Masonry is Satanic in it’s root and is directly accountable for the possession, oppression and infestation of many localities and souls.

          If you don’t mind, what area was your friend in? I bet he and I have similar training from a common source.

          PS: I prayed the breaking prayers over the former lodge member as well, though I had to ad hock it given the local we were in and not having the Ritual before me. But he is free none the less.

          • The place that does the training that I am thinking of does training for priests all over the world. Does he have a binder with specific prayers against the oaths of Masonry in them?

            PS: I have a priest friend who got out of Iowa because of the modernist BS that was the norm there.

          • That sounds about right but I don’t know. Clearly he has been trained in how to deal with Freemasonry.

            It’s a crazy story how I found him. My friend lives there. I live 2000 miles away!

            When I recommend to a friend to go to a Catholic Church I research ahead of time to make sure it isn’t some Luthero-Agnostic social club. I have a system: 1} first look for FSSP/ICKSP parishes and if not available 2} look for parish that prays the Latin Mass.

            If the latter and/or if I can’t find a parish that prays the EF Mass, I call the priest and start asking questions. Anyhow, this priest is awesome.

          • Sounds like a good methodology to me. But, just so you know, there are actually several regular Diocesan priests who have been trained in this regard as well and spend much of their priesthood doing this work. Many of my priest friends/associates have undergone the same training and take it most seriously. If you go to confession to them and they smell a rat you will know…that’s where most of the work begins.

          • My husband and I always glean so much from your posts Fr.. Thank you.
            I was wondering if you could recommend a priest for these types of prayers in Michigan? My paternal grandparents were very much involved in the Masons and Eastern Stars and I know my father took vows in the Order of Demolay. My grandmother would have been very pleased to have me in Jobs Daughters. Thankfully,this did not happen. Unfortunately, I did become very deeply involved in neo-paganism, and the like, for many years before my conversion in 2009. I have often wondered if there may be a connection to my families involvement and the paths I regrettably chose. I also suffer now with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which at times I have wondered if there is a spiritual aspect to. Considering my own personal involvement in the nature of things listed above and my family history, I feel it would be helpful to have a knowledgeable, faithful priest to speak with.
            Thank you in advance for any direction you may be able to give.
            May God Bless You!

          • I will check into this. Does anyone else here know of a good priest in Michigan who can deal with Masonic oaths etc…?

          • Dear Tina,
            Please email Steve Skojec with your contact info. I have a lead and am waiting for the contact info of a Priest in Michigan. When I get it, should be later today, I will forward it on to Steve.
            May God Bless you.

          • You’re welcome. May the Lord Bless you and give you the assistance that you need to follow him more perfectly. Amen.

          • Any suggestions on how to locate a priest in or near a given city who could provide this type of prayer for a former Masonic lodge member? I have a couple of people in mind who need it.

          • Where are you referring to? I can try and locate a priest in the area through my contacts if I know where you are referring to.

          • Mater Dei is a great parish. I have their Advent-Christmas CD in my vehicle. Been there a good handful of times when visiting family members in the Metroplex. Prefer Mater Dei over the Novus Ordo suburban parish of my sibling.

          • I have heard that it should be prayed by one if they joined “Order of The Arrow” of Boy Scouts…that the order requires a masonic like oath be taken. Do you know that to be true, Father?

          • I achieved the highest honor in the Order of the Arrow. I can tell you that the OA does not required any oaths beyond the basic Boy Scout Oath, which is really just a promise to “do my duty to God and my country, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight”

          • Satanism in the enetertainment industry also. Lady Gaga can’t sleep alone and some do not have mirrors in their homes.
            Reminds me of the OT warning God gave to the children of Israel, that if they went after false gods, he would throw them out of his land, into a foreign land and there they would serve other gods day and night [Cf. Jer 16:10-13]. Hell on earth.

          • Are you aware that the National Religious Vocations Magazine called Vision actually tried to use Lady Gaga, a few years back, as a draw to the religious life? They profiled her because she credited religious sisters as part of her inspiration for her life.

            I’m not kidding. That’s how clueless these so called ‘Religious’ vocation directors are. They profiled a few other unsavory pop stars as well.

    • “…[G]o through all the Papal encyclicals condemning Freemasonry.” Specifically, look at Humanum Genus, Leo XIII, 1884. Summarizing, the greatest complaints against Freemasonry were that the Freemasons supported the following (which even in 1884 were not all that new, especially for Europe): (1) No State recognition of Church; (2) Religious tolerance–in other words, treat all religions as equal; (3) Separation of the Church and State; and (4) Promotion of public education (i.e., education paid for and operated by the State, not by the Church). Now, one reading these today, most especially if they are not identified with any association with Freemasonry, could easily conclude that these points are each AMERICAN ideals. Which leads to your proper conclusion: “… [W]e ALL must realize that in the USA, we are living in a wholly… Masonic… culture.” And therein lies the rub, and is why you are absolutely correct in further concluding that actual membership in a Masonic Lodge is at least irrelevant, or at best, superfluous. With nearly every point brought up Pope Leo XIII in Humanum Genus, one can easily substitute the words “Freemason” or “Masonic” with the word “American” and the points raised by the Pontiff would be just as applicable. Simply put, the words “Masonic” and “American” are synonymous.

      But where are such complaints from the Vatican with respect to Americanism?

  5. Freemasonry was very active in Buenos Aires on the Bergoglian times as Archbishop. French priest Fr Jean Yves Calvez SJ (a name to remember for anyone interested on the matter) gave some speeches at the Lodge, with the obvious permission. Many religious were there, with the obvious permission. There were always a masonic halo around Cardinal Bergoglio, but I have some comments from a quite reliable source that he was not involved directly as a brother. Not sure, though.

    • I cannot imagine that the Pope who, in the very infancy of his Papacy, said that Good Catholics need to work with atheists for a better world would ever condemn Freemasons. Can you?

      • Father, PF also told an atheist “I will meet you in the good!” , and I thought Jesus said “only God is good!” so that means that God alone determines what is good and not any atheist.

          • Maybe you can see PF’s vision clearer than most Father. I think PF is concerned with this world only. I think he believes the Church should be a tent for spiritual people but perhaps he has only hinted at that so far. Freemasons want to do away with doctrines and deny objective truth. So that means denying Revelation because Revelation is certainly objective truth. Whatever you see Father, is always gratefully read.

    • The Franciscans of the Immaculate–true Franciscans, lover of Our Lady, prayer powerhouses, missionaries, lovers of poverty: the modernists cannot stand that! But the Immaculate will have the final say on all that.

  6. A good example of how the teachings of Freemasonry have been swallowed hook line and sinker by Catholics is the popularity of the Rotary Club among Catholics. In the ’50’s Rotary was banned as well!

    Today? MANY Catholics are members, giving their time and money in the service of mankind WITH CREDIT GOING TO MANKIND AND NOT TO OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH.

  7. Steve, I don’t want you to ban me for repeating myself in your comboxes, but doesn’t it seem like the name Maximilian Kolbe just keeps coming up in conversation? Father not only perceived what was happening, both societally and spiritually; he showed us how to combat and conquer rather than simply analyze and lament these diabolical developments. I keep reading, here and elsewhere, that we all need to wait for God to intervene. What if God is (so to speak) “waiting” for us to make a Total Consecration to Mary Immaculate, and to live it out without any limitation whatsoever? MI, MI, MI!

  8. One of the things that lead me to the Catholic Faith is coming to understand the Evil that Freemasonry is to mankind. Being convinced of evil at work, through men dedicated to the work of Satan in the world for the subjection of mankind, is the open door that the Lord took to convert me from atheism to Catholicism. That, combined with the ardent prayers of my mother, may God give eternal rest to her, and all of the convents and monastery’s that my mother enlisted to pray for my endarkened soul led me to the Eternal Light.

    May Jesus Christ be Praised both now and forever amen. Alleluia!

    • Dear Fr. RP,

      Please consider alleged end time messages –
      Book of Truth – interpretation of Book of Rev.
      Seal of the Living God – Message 2/20/12

      God bless your work.

  9. Does anyone remember the late and exceedingly horrible, Joseph Cardinal Bernadin? He of the notorious infamy of being accused of pedophilia and homosexual rape before it was all the rage? Here is an interesting anecdote about his funeral:

    Joseph, Cardinal, Bernardin died on November 14, 1996, and Roger, Cardinal, Mahony (who was delighted to votr for Jorge and make it known to all) was the principle celebrant at his funeral Mass. Cardinal Bernardin was awarded, posthumously, the Fraternal Order of Masons: The Masonic Order of Galilei Award. The Masons said that the award was given to Bernardin (which had been requested by the Chicago Grandmaster three months prior to his death) because he was “a man who removed barriers and built bridges of understanding and tolerance.” Before he died, Bernadine agreed to accept the award as a sign of his “commitment to dialogue.” The Windy City Gay Men’s Choir sang at his funeral: at the late Cardinal’s personal request. The Masons, and the Gay Choir, escorted his body through the streets of Chicago during the funeral procession.

      • Read Dante. Perhaps use Anthony Esolen’s translation. I was blessed in College Seminary to take a semester’s course on the Divine Comedy: a most excellent poetic work of History and Political/Ecclesial commentary relying on solid Thomistic Philosophy and Theology.

        • The responsibility of the clergy to live holy lives and be true shepherds is more than words can express. And I sometimes wonder how can they continue on in sin and evil and heresy. But then I think of St. Paul writing to Romans: Senseless minds become darkened and they become vain in their reasoning. This is what sin does.

          • Hence the need to take seriously our filial duty to pray, sacrifice for them, and yes, even correcting them.
            Gospel 2nd Sunday of Advent also apt.
            My prayers and readings today all had to do with shepherds. From my reading:

            Restoration after Exile
            23 “Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!” says the Lord. 2 Therefore thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, concerning the shepherds who care for my people: “You have scattered my flock, and have driven them away, and you have not attended to them. Behold, I will attend to you for your evil doings, says the Lord. 3 Then I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them, and I will bring them back to their fold, and they shall be fruitful and multiply. 4 I will set shepherds over them who will care for them, and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall any be missing, says the Lord.


            False Prophets of Hope Denounced
            9 Concerning the prophets:

            My heart is broken within me,
            all my bones shake;
            I am like a drunken man,
            like a man overcome by wine,
            because of the Lord
            and because of his holy words.
            10 For the land is full of adulterers;
            because of the curse the land mourns,
            and the pastures of the wilderness are dried up.
            Their course is evil,
            and their might is not right.
            11 “Both prophet and priest are ungodly;
            even in my house I have found their wickedness,
            says the Lord.

            12 Therefore their way shall be to them
            like slippery paths in the darkness,
            into which they shall be driven and fall;
            for I will bring evil upon them
            in the year of their punishment,
            says the Lord.
            14 But in the prophets of Jerusalem
            I have seen a horrible thing:
            they commit adultery and walk in lies;
            they strengthen the hands of evildoers,
            so that no one turns from his wickedness;
            all of them have become like Sodom to me,
            and its inhabitants like Gomor′rah.”
            (My emphasis)
            – Jeremiah 23 (RSVCE)

            Isn’t this applicable to our day?

            Jerusalem is the type and image of the Church, that means those shepherds inside of the Church behave more horribly and with more depraved wickedness than those outside. And are we not suspecting that some our shepherds are sodomites and are clearly religiously unfaithful [the first meaning of adultery in the passages]?
            I am connected to Prophet St. Jeremiah –

    • Does anyone remember the late and exceedingly horrible, Joseph Cardinal Bernadin?

      Who could forget?

      Remember when Fr. Greeley had his tipsy little expose about the “conspiracy”?

      In vino veritas, as they say.

        • From what I remember, Father Greeley had gotten a little tipsy one night and made a recording, I believe, about how “our conspiracy” was now basically being implemented.

          There were lots of things alleged to be going on in Chicago at the time.

          There’s at least one unsolved murder that is alleged to be connected to the Chicago crowd: Fr. Kunz.

          • Yes, a murder that involved Cardinal Bernadin showing up at the crime scene unannounced and as it was being investigated (the morning of the discovery of the body without and reports having gone out to the public)…something to do with the victim and a ‘gay boys club’ run out of the Archdiocesan headquarters…

            Boys literally meaning boys

            Oops we appear to be referring to different murders, what a surprise. I was referring to the hideous murder of Frank Pellegrini, the organist and choir director for All Saints.

            Here is a link to get people up to speed:

          • Yeah, I remember reading about that one, too.

            It was difficult to believe some of these things because they were just unconscionable, until the scandals started breaking big time.

            Then we starting hearing about things like the priest in Toledo who killed a nun in a Satanic ceremony.


          • Very chilling. And Keys of This Blood.

            The friend that I mentioned above who was friendly with Fr. O’Connor was also on friendly terms with Fr. Malachi Martin, although I don’t believe they had ever actually met. She used to call him and chat for awhile, and he would tell her various things.

            That’s how I actually got to talk to him once, was through her.

            Father sent my friend a box full of copies of Keys of This Blood to distribute to her friends gratis. That’s how I received a free copy of that book.

          • Personally, it was difficult for me to believe some of the things I was hearing in those years because they were so overwhelmingly evil.

            A good friend of mine was a friend to Father John O’Connor, O.P.

            One day she invited my wife and me to her house to have dinner and listen to a clandestinely produced audiotape that was sent to her by Father.

            At the time, I thought it was one of the weirdest things I ever heard.

            Father made the tape while on his bed, under the covers, and whispered into the tape recorder to make the recording. He snuck it out and sent it to my friend. I think I may still have a copy of it.

            On that tape, he goes into details about how the place where he lived, a Dominican house in Chicago, had basically been taken over by homosexuals to be used as a brothel.

            I just couldn’t wrap my head around the things he was saying. It was just too surreal.

            Of course, we’re all the wiser now.

          • Yes, and of course he was vilified and ran out on a rail. There are still videos of him preaching about it on YouTube. God has certainly vouchsafed his eternal reward.

          • I can’t believe this stuff and how bad our church is and cardinal O’Malley included in the last line. My poor priests that I am good friends with have to put up with this diocese. The evil, how can we help the world if we as a church are so corrupted? My husband says to me, I think the Pope is gay, and I said no don’t say that, he wouldn’t be the Pope if he was. Now who knows what? The only thing I am comforted by is Holy priests like you and the ones I know and the prelates and the good ones in Courage too, that are fighting these evils, but it seems like there are so many more bad guys than good in our church. Again I say to you Father, if I didn’t know that was my Lord in that tabernacle, I would be gone. How he must be suffering with so many Judases. We must keep offering these sufferings with him. God please come soon to stop this filth!

          • If it were not for Our Blessed Lord abiding in the Tabernacle and promising that the gates of Hell would not prevail over His Church I would be gone too. But let us remember that He is abiding in the Tabernacle and He did promise that the gates of hell would not prevail over His Church, so we abide where he abides:

            John 12:26: “If any one serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there shall my servant be also; if any one serves me, the Father will honor him.

          • Words of Encouragement (sorry for the delay)

            28 “From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. 29 So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that he is near, at the very gates. 30 Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away before all these things take place. – Mk 13:28-30 (RSVCE)

            Suffering as a Christian
            12 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal which comes upon you to prove you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice in so far as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. – 1 Pt 4:12-13 (RSVCE)

            “All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” – Julian of Norwich

            “Do not, I beseech you, be troubled about the increase of forces already in dissolution. You have mistaken the hour of the night; it is already morning.” – Hilaire Belloc

            The Church is a perpetually defeated thing that always outlives her conquerers. – Hilaire Belloc

            I lament it deeply, because I foresee that it may be the ruin of many souls; but I have no fear at all that it really can do aught of serious harm to the Word of God, to Holy Church, to our Almighty King, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, Faithful and True, or to His Vicar on earth. Christianity has been too often in what seemed deadly peril, that we should fear for it any new, trial now. So far is certain; on the other hand, what is uncertain, and in these great contests commonly is uncertain, and what is commonly a great surprise, when it is witnessed, is the particular mode by which, in the event, Providence rescues and saves His elect inheritance. Sometimes our enemy is turned into a friend; sometimes he is despoiled of that special virulence of evil which was so threatening; sometimes he falls to pieces of himself; sometimes he does just so much as is beneficial, and then is removed.

            Commonly the Church has nothing more to do than to go on in her own proper duties, in confidence and peace; to stand still and to see the salvation of God. “The meek shall inherit the land and delight themselves in abundant peace” (Ps 37:11). – Biglietto Speech | Cardinal John Henry Newman

          • Fr. Kunz got too close to the wicked truth and so he was assassinated. These wicked ones, deep into sin, are capable of planning murder as well. And, of course, there is the spiritual murder of countless souls.

    • The infiltration of not only communists (as Bella Dodd revealed) but of masons and sodomites has been deep into the Church. Did not Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich predict this?

  10. There are lots of real coincidences around everyday.

    But when there are this many in one subject, the chances of them being real coincidence are dramatically reduced.

  11. Wow, just wow, woke up a tad early to pay my medical bills to be mailed this morning, hopped onto Facebook and first thing I see is this excellent but also sad post regarding everything that is weird and crazy inside the Vatican, I just shared it on Facebook, Twitter and that new type of Twitter So I hope more will read and share this as far as it can be shared.


    It makes little difference whether Pope Francis is a Freemason or not. What does matter is that he subscribes to their thinking which he apparently does. The really good part about Pope Francis is that under him all the bad stuff is coming to the surface. Christ is using him as a winnowing fork to purify his flock, i.e, those who follow Pope Francis are not in it.

  13. To know about Freemasonary is to know why the Church is where it’s at now. I personally have read every English translation from Father Luigi Villa’s site and have communicated with the present administrator since the death of Fr. Villa. Please take the time to visit the site that Steve mentions to fully understand exactly the crisis we are in. We are all called to defend Holy Mother Church to the point of martyrdom, yet since Vatican II not one single pope has done that to the degree that their office calls for. They have all been complicit in appointing men to the bishopric that have slowly eroded the faith and morals of our Beloved Church. Our Lady warned us at Fatima, LaSalette, and Quito, Ecuador. We need to be educated and this is the start needed…..
    May Our Blessed Mother show us the way to the truth.

  14. On June 28th of 1914 16+ freemasons conspired in the murder of the crown prince of the Austro-Hungarian empire, Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The conspirators attempted suicide by cyanide pill, I recollect, but the pills did not work. They were captured, investigated and tried. Investigation uncovered their Masonic affiliations and the conspiratorial direction of a much larger organizaiton. All the defendents had terminal tuberculosis. The reward for their participation in the conspiracy was to be death benefits applied to descendents. While the Austro-Hungarian empire could not be strictly considered a Catholic confessional state, nevertheless the Catholic faith was the faith of the Monarchy. The treaty connections of European nations assured that war would be inevitable.
    On August 20th, 1914, Pope Pius X died supposedly of a broken heart. Not 24 hours before, the Superior General of the Jesuits , Father Wernz, a German, died, also, allegedly of a broken heart. Pius X was frantically attempting a reapprochment between the disputing parties, to no avail, when he suddenly, unexpectedly, died.

    The rules of the conclaves (the meetings that elect the popes) are set by the previous reigning pope. Pius X’s rules for the next conclave were set in January of 1905 — and most unusually were to be held in secret until the death of Pius X. As my husband put it, rules made in secret can be changed in secret. Never before had the proceedings of a papal conclave been proposed to be held forever in secret. And that I believe is exaclty what happened. Catholics have an obligation to follow a true and validly elected pope. The proceedings of the conclaves prior to 1914 were publiclly known, before, during and after the conclaves. Beginning with the 1914 conclave, all the proceedings, before, during and after the conclaves were supposed to be held in strict secrecy. Pius X crafted several oaths in order to maintain Catholic loyalty to the faith. One of those oaths was the oath of a cardinal. No where in that oath is any mention made of maintaining secrecy during a conclave. If secrecy had been of paramount importance to Pius X he would have mentioned it in his Cardinal’s oath. Freemasons live by secrecy, especially at their meetings. Faithful Catholics cannot possibly know whether the canonical rules were follwed at the conclave of 1914 to elect a true and valid pope. This invalid election effected all subsequent elections, to this very day.

    Msgr. Jouin is said to have been the investigator who approached Emperor Franz Joseph of the Austro-Hungarian empire to veto the nomination of Cardinal Mariano Rampolla to the papacy , at the conclave of 1903, due to his discovery of Rampolla’s freemasonic connections. Cardinal Rampolla died in December 1913. His understudy, Giacomo della Chiesa, became Pope Benedict XV in September of 1914, at a conclave whose secrets will forever be held by the participants but unknown to the people for whom the knowledge is most necessary – the Catholic faithful.

    • This is next level Sedevacantism! I know most Sedes hold Pius XII to be the last validly elected pope. I had no idea some believe it was Pius X!

      • This information was drawn from history as recorded in the archives of the New York Times, a paper of record. Yes, they get their facts wrong, yes they are biased but if any facts here can be refuted then show me your evidence. Smug judgments do not an argument make.

        • I was not making an argument one way or another. I was just expressing my shock that Sedevacantism in some cases goes back even further

          If you want an argument, I do not dispute your evidence. I am skeptical of your conclusions

    • It is irrelevant whether the conclave of 1914 followed the canonical rules or not. The universal acceptance of a particular person as pope is an infallible sign that he is indeed the pope. If Benedict XV was invalidly elected, his universal acceptance made him pope. The validity of Benedict XV’s papacy is what theologians call a “dogmatic fact.”

      • Okay, sooo, Some of my female relatives truly hate mother Catholic Church and would like nothing better than to see it emptied of all moral authority so that it is no longer recognizable as the One, Holy, Catholic church of Jesus Christ. If one of them were to transgender to a man, bribe maybe 200 cardinals, conspire with a Catholic hating organization, say the freemasons, arrange to poison the pope with a deadly herb than clears out of the body in 5 days, and is elected in a conclave that acknowledges and accepts him/her as pope. Question: Is this gender bending apostate and hater of Jesus Christ a true pope, simply because he/she is universally accepted? The validity of a canonical election requires that a Catholic man be elected. Females, transgenders, heretics, apostates and schismatics don’t fill the qualifications, no matter how manyCatholic laity accept it.

        • The scenario you describe cannot occur because God would never let it happen. This is precisely what infallibility means: God has promised to prevent errors from being taught in such a manner that the conditions of infallibility would be fulfilled.

          If you argument were correct, one could also argue as follows: “If the pope were to declare ex cathedra that there are thirteen divine Persons, there would still be only three. Therefore, the doctrine of papal infallibility is false.”

          Since universal recognition of a papal claimant is an infallible sign that he is the pope, it logically follows that it is also an infallible sign that he he has none of the characteristics which would prevent him from being pope (such as notorious heresy or being a woman).

          By universal recognition, I mean recognition by all Catholic bishops, not merely by all cardinals, since it is the bishops who can teach infallibly via the ordinary and universal magisterium.

          • Papal infallibility presumes a valid canonical election. The cardinal electors have the task of testing the eligibility qualifications of the papal claimant, among them his sex and his Catholicity, in addition to his natural human virtues, knowledge and skills.
            Mt 16: 18-19:
            “And I say to thee: that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church. And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: And whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven.”
            No where, no where has God almighty promised impecability in a valid canonically elected Pope. Jesus did promise to be with His church founded on the Rock of Peter. He did promise that the gates of hell would not prevail over THE CHURCH. Jesus did not promise that the papacy would never be breached, infiltrated, persecuted or suppressed. The Douay-Rheims footnote for this passage says, “By this promise we are fully assured, that neither idolatry, heresy nor any pernicious error whatsoever shall at any time prevail over the Church of Christ.”
            This is best illustrated by set theory, namely, The Papacy does not equal The Church of Christ. The Church of Christ = { Jesus-the foundation, Pope-the Rock, bishops, Cardinals, priests, lay married, brothers, monks, nuns, etc.} Only Jesus is impeccable. Only a valid caononical pope is infallible. The rest of us need oceans of grace to remain faithful members of Christ’s church.
            The scenario I describe absolutely could happen and in the past, one of the eligibility qualifications for the papacy was violated, that is, for heresy. In 1130 Anacletus II was the 2nd claimant to the papal throne. He was unqualified by virtue of his gross immorality, which included allegations of incest, a completely insincere faith as evidenced by members of his entourage melting down gold chalices for money and by his brazen open bribing of cardinal electors. He was very popular. Most of the Italian and French bishops were with him. St. Bernard, St. Norbert and the Cardinal of Ostia were not. They promoted Innocent II, a pious, loyal Catholic, elected in secret by 6 Cardinals immediately after the death of Honorious II. In the end it required the preaching of St. Bernard and St. Norbert and a military invasion by Emperor Lothair to change the dynamics of the situation so that ultimately after antipope Anacletus II died, Innocent II prevailed.
            Universal recognition even by all the bishops of a nation is not sufficient to ensure infallibility, only a valid canonical election can assure that result. While reliance on the Holy Spirit is important, the Cardinal electors have to work with the Holy Spirit to choose the best candidate. If this job rests solely with the Holy Spirit, then why have a conclave at all? The cardinal electors could all go in the Sistine Chapel, pray to the Holy Spirit and wait for the pope elected by Him to walk through the door.
            In conclusion, I want to add that any pope invalidly elected with the collusion of freemasons is not his own man. The masons maintain tight control and obedience over their charges. Any pope so elected is a mere sock-puppet for his controllers.
            Since I started researching the importance of canonical election, and the modern abuse of such by secrecy requirements, I have been unrelentingly attacked by every “Catholic” website moderator, all of whom consider the subject arcane trivia. I very much appreciate the mischief that can be wrought by secrecy and invalid papal elections. Only a mason or an apostate Catholic would fail to acknowledge the importance of these issues.

          • St. Alphonsus de’ Liguori wrote:

            “It is of no importance that in past centuries some Pontiff was illegitimately elected or took possession of the Pontificate by fraud; it is enough that he was accepted afterwards by the whole Church as Pope, since by such acceptance he would have become the true Pontiff.” (“Verita della Fede,” in Opera de S. Alfonso Maria de Liguori, Marietti [Torino, 1887], vol. VIII., p. 720, n. 9)

            I don’t know why you are talking about “universal recognition even by all the bishops of a nation.” The issue is universal recognition by all the bishops of the entire Church.

            The story of Anacletus II is irrelevant since he was never universally recognized.

  15. Just saying – *retweeting* the well-known – that Argentina was also a terminus of the post-war ratlines burrowed from Nazi Germany, whose links to occultism, homosexualism, let alone Freemasonary, is well documented.

  16. He only needs to believe and be imbued with Freemasonry’s dogmas to carry out the work of satan. He does not need to be a card carrying member. Not for nothing but Malachi Martin described the Enthronment of Lucifer in the Vatican in “Windswept House” which apparently was just after the election of Paul VI in 1963. The story goes that Lucifer was invited to take control of the “citadel” no later than 50 years, which brings us to 2013. Martin was adamant that the ritual took place but had to disguise the event in fiction. Certainly given the satanic origins of Freemasonry and the warning of Our Lady that Her Immaculate Heart needed to be invoked in a consecration of Russia, I don’t think such a reality is far fetched at all.

    • Don’t be fooled by Martin.

      “One of the big deficiencies in Christianity is there is no theology of women at all. Although the one thing Jesus needed, the one thing he needed, having decided to become human, the only thing he needed was a woman, and logically all priests should have been female, you know. But male chauvinists got in the way. And as some theologian said, you know –and this is a sideline but let me finish it. As you know it’s theologically possible for God to have become a cow if he decided. He could be incarnated as a cow. But even if he had been incarnated in a cow, we men would have taken over, that’s the extent. But we’ve no theology of woman and no theology of love, really human love, because it involves the essence of woman and I don’t think we know that theologically.”
      -Malachi Martin, December 7, 1973, Firing Line, interviewed by Bill Buckley

      • Im not sure what your point is. I was talking about what he alleged in “Windswept House” not a discussion of the theology of women or lake thereof. If you are trying to say that earlier in his life he had liberal-leaning ideas I would agree with you. John Vennari said as much to the late Father Gruner regarding a conversation he had with Fr Martin about his early years in The Vatican. Apparently Father admitted that for some time he had been captured by the liberal thought sweeping through the Chruch. Be that as it may I don’t see it as a reason to dismiss his far more substantial body of work later in life which was most certainly in accord with Catholic tradition and practice. Apart from his high profile books you can find his interviews with Bernard Janzen at Triumph Communications. Take a look and judge for yourself.

  17. If you ever wondered how the Secret Societies’ All-Seeing Eye [above the Masonic Square and Compasses in the picture with this article] works:

    Now, it is not only Catholic scholars like the eminent philosopher Robert Spaemann who in 2015 recognized that “This pope is one of the most autocratic [popes] that we have had in a long time.” In a recent Reuters article, “Pope Francis the manager – surprising, secretive, shrewd,” Philip Puella argues that Pope Francis, whom he admires and strongly supports, is more like an autocrat than a typical, saintly pontiff. For instance, Puella says “Francis likes to break rules and then change them once the shock has died down.” And that “after he was elected, he appointed trusted people to lower or mid-level positions in Vatican departments, where they can be his eyes and ears.” (my emphasis) – Dangerous Road of Papal Silence by Fr. Mark A. Pilon, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2016 | The Catholic Thing –
    Now one ought to have a perspective of Snowden’s revelations regarding the NSA.

  18. “The story itself is brief – just two paragraphs long – and it is simply noted without further explanation that his election took place 187 years to the day since Pope Leo XIII issued the papal bull Quo Graviora against Freemasonry.”

    Please emend the above to Leo XII.

  19. “Many of the Argentine forefathers, including Jose de San Martín, Manuel Belgrano and Domingo F. Sarmiento were freemasons, as well as many Argentine presidents.”

    We should pause before giving that too much significance. The same can be said about the United States: “Many of the American forefathers were freemasons, as well as many American presidents.” Imagine a patriotic young Catholic saying that his favorite Founding Fathers were George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. Both of them were Freemasons. Should the thought immediately leap to mind, “Hey, this kid is corrupted by Freemasonry?”

  20. Steve,

    There’s a slight typo in your excellent post. Quo Graviora was issued by Pope Leo XII (1820s). Pope Leo XIII issued Humanum Genus (against Freemasonry also) almost 60 years later in 1884.

    Also, there’s a portion of the Alta Vendita which refers to the corruption of women. If I find my copy of the Alta Vendita, I’ll post it.

  21. The following doctrinal pushes of Francis fit perfectly with freemasonic beliefs

    No rigid dogma
    No conversion to the true faith needed
    Praise of false man made religions like Lutheranism
    Defense of Islam (it’s not violent)
    Promotion of environmentalism
    Support of mortal sin adultery and the like
    Support of sodomy thru photo ops

    These are just off the top of my head

  22. 26 November 1983


    It has been asked whether there has been any change in the Church’s decision in regard to Masonic associations since the new Code of Canon Law does not mention them expressly, unlike the previous Code.

    This Sacred Congregation is in a position to reply that this circumstance in due to an editorial criterion which was followed also in the case of other associations likewise unmentioned inasmuch as they are contained in wider categories.

    Therefore the Church’s negative judgment in regard to Masonic association remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who enrol in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.

    It is not within the competence of local ecclesiastical authorities to give a judgment on the nature of Masonic associations which would imply a derogation from what has been decided above, and this in line with the Declaration of this Sacred Congregation issued on 17 February 1981 (cf. AAS 73 1981 pp. 240-241; English language edition of L’Osservatore Romano, 9 March 1981).

    In an audience granted to the undersigned Cardinal Prefect, the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II approved and ordered the publication of this Declaration which had been decided in an ordinary meeting of this Sacred Congregation.

    Rome, from the Office of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 26 November 1983.

    Joseph Card. RATZINGER

    + Fr. Jerome Hamer, O.P.
    Titular Archbishop of Lorium

  23. Today the appointment of a “Pro-Dean” of the Rota was announced.
    I am not clear whether (as asserted by this means that Pinto has been retired from the office of Dean.

  24. I have no doubt that Freemasonry has long infiltrated, and taken over the Church since VII, but: “…with that list, he [Pecorelli] had just invited the scarcely elected Pope Luciani to
    a rigorous control, with the intention of offering a valid contribution
    to the transparency of the Catholic Church Herself.” Why would Pecorelli, a member of P2 and therefore a mortal enemy of the Church, want to offer help to John Paul I? (Unless that “help” was a poison pill to hasten JPI’s investigation of Freemasons in the hierarchy, knowing that such an investigation would, in turn, hasten his murder) (speaking of poison…)

  25. Nice post. Good job. There is no reason we couldn’t demand and implement as part of a background security check use of a polygraph screening for membership in freemasonry. The police and security services have long used it to clear suspects and prospective employees, just not about being a mason. You can’t just ask Masons about membership, most will just lie, especially to those that they suspect are not favourable to their career rackets. Of course Masonry is rife in the police and military commands. Media. Business favoured. Political Parties. That is what we are up against. They support each other and constantly work to silence those who try to oppose them. A real Satanic power. The Conservative Mason is an irresponsible Christian. They are unthinking about how they form the network that the leftist Masons swim in. They look the other way then raise their hands with a shrug. They’ll put their arm around you and tell you don’t worry. Worry.


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