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President Macron, Jacques Attali and the Influence of Hidden Oligarchies

In the wake of the election of the new French President Emmanuel Macron at the beginning of May, there has been a tweet circulating which has a deep meaning: “France beheaded their king and queen so that they could be ruled by a banker in a suit.” The picture that attends that verbal message (see above) was just the perfect fit.

This tweet came not long after OnePeterFive itself was able to publish a letter written in 1918 by a German Archbishop who warned the Vatican about Freemasonic plans to remove the European monarchs and to prepare for the Freemasonic World Republic, with the help of Bolshevism, and explicitly with the help of the “Big Capital” of the United States. Thus Socialism and High Finance seem to be recurrently connected in these revolutionary plans.

Is there a deeper connection here? One hundred years later, France is now to be ruled by a banker who once was a member of the Socialist Party and who also has worked for the Rothschild Bank in France – a dynastic international banking family, indeed.

Macron, however, has not only a connection to high finance, he also has a close relationship to the prominent Socialist, Jaques Attali (b. 1943), for whose Government Commission on financial matters Macron himself had worked in 2007. We owe it, once more, to the tireless research of Giuseppe Nardi at Katholisches.Info that we are now aware of the close bond between Macron and Attali. Nardi even calls Jacques Attali Macron’s “great supporter” who has himself publicly said: “I presented him [Macron] to [President] Hollande so that he would call him to work at the Élysée Palace [the residence of the French President].”

Since Attali appears to have such an influence over the new French President, I propose in the following to quote some excerpts from an article written and published in 2003 by my husband, Dr. Robert Hickson. The essay, entitled “Setting Limits to New Weapons of War and Sophistry,” was published by our dear friend, Anthony S. Fraser, in Scotland, in his journal Apropos (n. 21, Lent 2003) and it is now not easily available in the Internet. What Robert Hickson is able to show is the recurrent connection between Revolutionary Socialism and Financial Capitalism, i.e., between revolutionary movements and high finance – and he does this with an explicit reference to the case of Jacques Attali, himself the author of a 1985 biography of Siegmund G. Warburg (1902-1982), entitled A Man of Influence: The Story of the Warburg Dynasty and of the Banking Genius Who Changed the Face of Modern International Finance.

The Deception of Modern Democracy

The Leftist intellectual historian and Member of the French Academy, François Furet, moreover, has made a very candid statement about modern Western democracies, a statement which has not only become a classic formulation in itself, but also a further confirmation of Nesta Webster’s earlier insight about “the Secret Power” of the “occult Oligarchies.” In Furet’s own book on the French Revolution, Penser la Révolution française, he says:

There is in all democratic power, a fortiori in all pure democratic power, a hidden oligarchy [oligarchie cachée], which is at the same time contrary to its principles yet indispensable to its functioning.1

In other words, modern democracy is based upon a deception. My French friend, Arnaud de Lassus, who first showed me Furet’s forthright book, made a very important addition to Furet’s candid insight, namely: “While François Furet mentions one oligarchy – one hidden oligarchy – experience tells us that it might be better to speak of several oligarchies.”2 And, these oligarchies do indeed struggle amongst themselves. There are, indeed, “civil wars within the Revolution” – within the destructive “dialectic” of the Revolution! As is the case with the Mafia influence on certain foreign “States” (or “Narco-Kleptocracies”) that themselves often resemble a “Criminal Syndicate,” it is also more pervasively true that “organized crime” is “protected crime” – i.e., protected by powerful political and financial elites! If it were not protected, it would not be organized for long! And when does toleration itself become a complicity?! Do we agree?

Arnaud de Lassus is also very appreciative of “Augustin Cochin’s analysis of the [occult] apparatus of the French Revolution” and his “theory of Jacobinism,” or of “Jacobin democracy.”3 “Born in 1876, he [Cochin] died in battle in 1916,” in World War I, and “he was a philosopher and Catholic historian,” whose views [the Leftist] François Furet himself analyzes and trenchantly summarizes in the last forty pages of his own book on the French Revolution, which was cited above.

Furthermore, when dealing with the hidden pressures influencing the modern State, we must also candidly face the “money-power” of oligarchies, or, “more exactly, the power of those who possess money otherwise known as the power of financial dynasties.”4 Arnaud de Lassus then further says:

For an explanation of the political role of these dynasties one need go no further than the recent book by [Leftist Socialist] Jacques Attali, entitled Siegmund G. Warburg, a Man of Influence [and a “Super-Capitalist”!], which is adequately supported by historical references.5

Attali, the Socialist, writes about this Financial Capitalist, as follows:

In the last two centuries it is the financier far more than the artist or industrialist whose influence has been unquestionable: the man who directly or indirectly finances princes.6

Speaking of their organization, Attali then describes how financiers are:

Linked to each other in a close and almost dynastic network” and constitute a “parallel aristocracy lodged at the heart of every regime.” “A dynastic elite based on culture as well as money.” (page 48). “As pioneers of capitalist rationalism and founding witnesses of the merchant order, they are essential links in our history…. They eventually organized themselves into a strange aristocracy, a kind of austere order, with implacable moral laws and savage rituals” (page 6).7 [emphasis added]

Arnaud de Lassus says that, although “financial dynasties are evidently not the only pressure groups attempting to colonize [or enfeoff!] the democratic state,” they are very potent:

Describing the influence that these financiers exercise over men in power, Attali shows that they can constitute “a power over the power” [“pouvoir sur le pouvoir”]. Does this last phrase mean that the financial dynasties discreetly dominate the political power? That occurs particularly when the regime is democratic. One can therefore state that the modern state has sold or leased its soul to the bankers. This becomes even more true when the State itself completely abandons to them the power to mint money.8 [emphasis added]

Let us in this context recall that very potent “private consortium of banks” in the United States, which is euphemistically known as “the Federal Reserve System”! Who really sets limits to this financial power and to these networked financial dynasties – and for how long? To what extent are they at all accountable to the public, and what sanctions are ever effectively applied to them? (Pope Pius XI, in his 1931 Encyclical, Quadragessimo Anno, warned us about the selfish financial oligarchies and their destructive intractability.)

As Catholics, it is important to understand the world we are living in. In this context of revolutionary changes and high finance, it might be worth recalling what Dr. Michael Hesemann, a German Church historian, has recently had to say about the revolutionary changes occurring in Europe due to the current massive immigration:

Of course the Freemasons use Islam today just as they made use of Bolshevism in 1917 [in order to destroy Christianity]. The mass immigration in Europe is, after all, clearly politically steered – among others by the high-grade Freemason George Soros and his political puppets. What they were not able to achieve with Communism, shall now be implemented with the help of Islam!

Moreover, as Roberto de Mattei has just pointed out in his talk at the 2017 Rome Life Forum, the current pressure to follow the gender ideology has its roots in Socialist writings one hundred years ago. Just as left-wing authors then worked to destroy the family, President Macron’s supporter and friend, Jacques Attali, works for the same moral relativism. Giuseppe Nardi, in his above-mentioned article, quotes from different books written by Attali, in which the French Socialist criticizes the longevity of man and points to the extremely high medical costs incurred at the end of life. Attali also went into writing – in 2007 – with his claim that there might come a time where people want to have multiple partners, surrogate mothers, produce their children with the help of cloning, and even wish to change their sex. He even approvingly speaks of lesbian families which know only “grandmothers, but no grandfathers.”

Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, in his own 20 May talk at the Rome Life Forum, pointed to abortion and homosexuality as the two pillars with which Satan builds in order to fight against God’s own creation and salvific plan. Cardinal Caffara said:

In summary. There are two pillars of creation: the human person in its irreducibility to the material universe, and the conjugal union between a man and woman, the place in which God creates new human persons “in His image and likeness”. The axiological elevation of abortion to a subjective right is the demolition of the first pillar. The ennoblement of a homosexual relationship, when equated to marriage, is the destruction of the second pillar.

At the root of this is the work of Satan, who wants to build an actual anti-creation. This is the ultimate and terrible challenge which Satan is hurling at God. “I am demonstrating to you that I am capable of constructing an alternative to your creation. And man will say: it is better in the alternative creation than in your creation”.

It was through Cardinal Caffarra himself that we learned of Sister Lucia’s words according to which “the final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family.” And in a 19 May interview, this beloved Italian cardinal said: “What Sr. Lucia wrote to me is being fulfilled today.” High Finance and Socialism may well have their combined functions here, as well.



1 François Furet, Penser la Révolution française (Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1978), p. 241.

2 See Arnaud de Lassus and Michel Berger, Fundamentals of Democracy–an English translation of the Original French Study, in Apropos (Inverness, Scotland, Pentecost 1999), pp. 182-288.

3 Ibid., p. 228.

4 Ibid., p. 201

5 Ibid., p. 202

6 Ibid., p. 202. These quoted lines are from page 5 of Attali’s 1987 book Siegmund G. Warburg, a Man of Influence: The Extraordinary Career of S.G. Warburg: The Story of the Warburg Dynasty and of the Banking Genius Who Changed the Face of Modern International Finance. (This book was first published in French in 1985.)

7 Ibid., p. 202

8 Ibid.

24 thoughts on “President Macron, Jacques Attali and the Influence of Hidden Oligarchies”

  1. Dr. Hesemann cannot be cited with any credibility at all. On an earlier thread, Hesemann claims that Anglicans ” … separated from Rome for political, not doctrinal reasons and still are in Apostolic succession.”

    This is well beyond incredible from a man who claims to be a Church historian. Given that his statement flatly contradicts the entire history of the Anglican communion, its own doctrinal statements and numerous statements of the Magisterium (Hesemann appears never to have heard of either the Church of England’s Thirty-Nine Articles, nor of Leo XIII’s “Apostolicae Curae” of 1896), let alone the witness of the thousands of Catholic martyrs of the British Isles at the hands of the protestant heretics, its has to be stated clearly that Hesemann has no credibility whatsoever as a historian or even as a Catholic intellectual. Has he never actually heard of Martin Luther, Bucer, Melancthon, Zwingli, Cranmer or Calvin?

    His views on not only Fatima but on anything else are rendered worthless given that his knowledge of Church history is so poor that he doesn’t even know the most basic facts, known to the humblest Catholic, about the nature of Lutheranism and its sister heresy, Anglicanism.

    I wouldn’t take Hesemann seriously on the subject of which breakfast cereal to eat, let alone anything else.

    • Joe, my memory fading, do I recall that Thomas Cranmer deliberately “fiddled” with bishop appointments and ordinations to insure Apostolic Succession was interrupted in the Church of England — insuring the break with Rome? I can’t remember where I picked that up?

      • Haven’t heard that one before. Anglican Orders are null and void (and were deemed to be so from the beginning – Reginald Cardinal Pole under Queen Mary ordained some Anglican ministers who had come to orders in King Edward’s reign. He did not conditionally ordain them) for lack of form, matter and intention. Apostolicae Curae, not a lengthy document, should be read by those who haven’t done so already.

        When Head of the CDF Cardinal Ratzinger officially stated in writing that there are some teachings – the nullity of Anglican Orders and the impossibiity of women priests were listed – that are so proximate to dogmas that they themselves are infallible decisions and cannot be amended.

        The likes of Kung, Kasper, perhaps Bergoglio, do want to overturn these – which makes them what? The deliberate doubting of a dogma or other infallible ruling constitutes heresy, does it not? Perhaps Hesemann is a Kung / Kasper supporter, who knows?

        • Very good points.

          But then, Bergoglio might not want to overturn those teachings since he is reported to have advised Anglicans not even to bother to convert.

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  2. Sorry, I’m just not following the argument presented in the article. Maybe my economics education is lacking or something, but who exactly are these “financiers”? Banks are owned by shareholders, who are essentially ordinary people with their retirement savings invested somewhere, like in mutual funds. How exactly are (say) the shareholders of the Bank of Nova Scotia dictating anything at all to the Government of Canada? What exactly is the mechanism by which this is being done?

    • Well, for one thing it is the banks who switch on (or off) the flow of credit on which all modern economies are built. They supply the blood that keeps the system alive. Their decisions – at least those made by the great investment banks of the world – have very little to do with the shareholders I imagine.

    • Just look at George Soros, who has never been elected into office, yet has so much political influence by funding organizations and lobby groups. Look at this article:
      Here you will see how he even funded groups that tried to influence the Catholic Church’s position concerning immigration and other issues. If it weren’t for Wikileaks, we might have never found out – so he might be called one of these “hidden oligarchs” who influence politics without ever being elected into office.
      Financiers lend money to government and thus have influence over them. Financiers also finance parties and foundations with enormous influence. Just look at the Rockefeller Foundation which is heavily involved in funding pro-abortion initiatives. (
      Have they ever been elected to thus influence the politics of a country?
      As it seems, many a times these “capitalists” are funding revolutionary movements and developments, thus High Finance and Revolution seem to go together hand in hand.

    • First, do not believe that the Canadian bank system is the image of what is done in the rest of the world. The legislation there forbids anyone to own more than a limited percentage of voting shares in the major banks, so your reference to the shareholders of the Bank of Nova Scotia does not mean there are no banks controlled by certain groups in other countries. Secondly, there is no void in nature, and the fact that in Canada, there can be no controlling shareholder in a bank, only makes more powerful the class of bank administrators at the top who can pursue this path as a career without being fully accountable.

  3. Great article. I’d suggest watching some videos of Attali on YouTube to get the full picture of who Attali is. Attali is interesting because he is extremely arrogant and outspoken about who he is, his objectives and who he serves. Maike did, understandably, omit some key elements about the character which help give a better picture.

  4. Look no further than our Blessed Lord’s parable about the wicked husbandmen . What do they say “here’s the heir we’ll kill him and the vineyard will be ours “. Make no mistake the husbandmen and these financiers are one and the same (even ethnically, if I may be so bold). They are actually attempting to erase and replace Christ as their ancestors in the Sanhedrin did.

  5. Dear Great Stalin,

    thank thank you thank you…

    I wanted to make the same comment regarding Dr Heseman and Anglican orders.

    How can such an obvious error be overlooked by so many here?



  6. Dear Great Stalin,

    Since I was a little boy I have said a prayer, after my rosary, that I may have found in a Bishop Fulton Sheen book
    “savior of the world save Russia”

    In today’s climate, I suppose I should say savior of the world save Russia and America.

    Will you translate to Russian please.

    [email protected]

  7. Pingback: 1lattice

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