New Reports Deny Existence of anti-TLM Document
These poor heretics are fighting against Almighty God.
These poor heretics are fighting against Almighty God.
Above: The Visitation by Flemish painter Willem Vrelant (d. 1481). Today, July 2, is the usus antiquior feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This feast was instituted in 1389 by, in a way, two popes—Pope Urban VI as the one who intended to institute it, in hopes of obtaining the end of…
It is bound up with the cause for political Christianity.
On this 6th Sunday after Pentecost, we return to Epistle readings from the letters of Paul. Last week we had a reading from a letter of Peter, historically brought in on that Sunday because of the gravitational pull of the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. From now on we continue in the time after…
Let's all make a commitment to double this output next year, especially public acts of reparation and billboards.
Amid swirling rumors of another Vatican crackdown, the organizers of Missae pro Missa (“Masses for the Mass”) have announced a second worldwide spiritual bouquet for the preservation of the Traditional Latin Mass. Similar to the first campaign launched for Lent 2023, there are four ways to participate: Please submit your spiritual offerings via the website form. The worldwide totals are…
This connection between music and painting underscores the importance of synesthesia in Renaissance art.
The document "would also prohibit bishops from themselves celebrating or authorizing" the TLM.
The Nativity of St John, like that of Our Lord, was celebrated by three Masses.
The 20th century liturgical commentator Pius Parsch thought that the 2nd and 3rd Sundays after Pentecost showed God’s love inviting us (the Parable of the Supper) and His seeking us (Parable of the Lost Sheep). On the 4th Sunday, God revealed in the calling of Peter and the Apostles the instruments of administering His love…
His music is distinguished by an eclectic fusion of diverse cultural influences.