On the Modes of Exercise of the Magisterium – Part I

Editor’s note: As we continue our exploration of the Church’s magisterium in light of some more recently troubling papal documents, we are pleased to introduce this work from Dr. des. John P. Joy. Joy wrote his doctoral dissertation in dogmatic theology “On the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium from Joseph Kleutgen to the Second Vatican Council” … Read more

The Magisterium: A Cheat Sheet

Image: Sistine Hall of the Vatican Library – by Michael Osmanda (CC) Over the past few days, as I’ve worked on this piece, I’ve learned a lot about the Church’s magisterial office. Perhaps it would be better to say I learned how much I don’t know. As I mentioned in the article linked above. I’m … Read more

New Papal Interview Addresses Cardinal Burke, Married Priests

(Image: Screenshot of the papal interview as it appears [with Google translation] in Zeit Online) Today, 8 March, the German newspaper Die Zeit published an interview with Pope Francis which was conducted at the end of February at the pope’s residence Casa Santa Marta in Rome. In this somewhat lengthy interview, the pope speaks about … Read more

Pope Francis Dismisses Entire Membership of Pontifical Academy for Life

A shocking new piece of information comes to us from Germany, from the website Katholisches.info, which is principally run by the well-informed Vatican expert and loyal Catholic layman, Giuseppe Nardi. He reported on 18 November – the day before the controversial “non-existent” Consistory of Cardinals in Rome – that Pope Francis has decided to re-write the … Read more

The Urgent Call of the Cross

Many of us are suffering right now. It’s recent and sudden, and happening in ways we never anticipated or imagined. Steve Skojec has heroically shared with us his incomprehensible crosses. The family discord, this falling away between family members and among otherwise close friends, the many cancers, diseases, catastrophic accidents and job losses, the persecutions, both … Read more

Vatican’s New Sexual Education Program Threatens Youth

On 2 September, LifeSiteNews published a trenchant critique of the new Vatican Sexual Education Program. The author of this critique, Dr. Rick Fitzgibbons, the director of the Institute for Marital Healing outside Philadelphia, strongly opposes this new program which he calls “pornographic” and a “threat to the youth.” He goes so far as to claim that … Read more

German Journalist Questions Francis’ Remarks on Marriage

While it was Pope Francis’ 17 May 2016 interview with the French journal La Croix that led to a strong critique of the pope as a “relativizer” by German journalist Dr. Alexander Kissler, it was Francis’ recent comments about the invalidity of a vast majority of Catholic marriages that provoked another well-known German journalist – Christian Geyer – to write his … Read more

Video: Pope Francis’ Comments on Sacraments for Divorced & Remarried – “I Can Say Yes. Period.”

Yesterday, we broke the story that Pope Francis had made comments on his plane presser (returning from Greece) indicating with a simple, emphatic affirmative that yes, there were concrete changes to the way the Church is going to deal with the divorced and remarried following the exhortation. Some have (predictably) disputed those claims. There is … Read more

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