Surrendering to Islam in America

(Image: National Cathedral – Source: DaKohlmeyer) November 14, 2014, marked a dubious development regarding Islam’s rise in America. On that day, for the first time, Musilms were allowed to hold prayer inside of the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.: Washington National Cathedral and five Muslim groups announced today the first celebration of Muslim Friday prayers (Jumaa) at the Cathedral…

A Serious Omission in the Translation of the Final Synod Relatio

As if the synod itself didn’t create enough confusion, news broke this week that the English translation of the final synod relatio left out something very significant. LifeSiteNews Rome Correspondent and 1P5 Contributor Hilary White reports: Just at first glance, and without looking it up on Google Translate, what is the difference between these two passages…

Cruciform Catholicism

In Chesterton’s [easyazon_link asin=”1493508075″ locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”onep073-20″]Orthodoxy[/easyazon_link], he describes the modern mind as a sort of mental illness, and he notes how modern science approaches those with mental illness: “It does not seek to argue with it like a heresy but simply to snap it like a spell.” To a hypothetical man who thinks himself…

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