Trad Carmelite Nuns Need Your Help!
All we want is to live a quiet, simple, and private life of prayer and solitude, to participate in the Mass of the Ages.
All we want is to live a quiet, simple, and private life of prayer and solitude, to participate in the Mass of the Ages.
Some Pontiffs were illegitimately elected or took possession of the Pontificate by fraud, yet they are valid.
I have some concerns about certain aspects of his current position.
What is the point of a religion that changes from time to time depending on who is pope?
Often in the Gospels, when Christ associates Himself with the Father in such a way that He suggests that He, too, is divine, some scribe or Pharisee, that is, an expert on the Law and Prophets, get up in His face and interrogates Him. This is what happens in the Gospel reading from Luke 10:23-37…
Unfortunately, this divorce has a high probability due to different experiences of East and West with the Second Vatican Council.
Will that ‘ad orientem’ alliance between Western Traditionalists and those who belong to Eastern Traditions split?
They inhabited a mystical world whose spell could not be broken by even the most relentless logician.
Bl. Idefonso Schuster (+1954) wrote about this 11th Sunday after Pentecost, “now the heavy clusters are taking on luscious color upon the smiling hills of the Roman Campagna.” In our northern hemisphere, however you calculate their duration, we are deep into the Dog Days, the dies caniculares, when serious heat imposes on the terrestrial with…