Diebus Saltem Dominicis – 11th Sunday after Pentecost: Dog Days

Bl. Idefonso Schuster (+1954) wrote about this 11th Sunday after Pentecost, “now the heavy clusters are taking on luscious color upon the smiling hills of the Roman Campagna.” In our northern hemisphere, however you calculate their duration, we are deep into the Dog Days, the dies caniculares, when serious heat imposes on the terrestrial with…

Diebus Saltem Dominicis – 10th Sunday after Pentecost: Varieties of Gifts

Last year, when we were working mostly on the Epistle readings for Sunday Masses in the Usus Antiquior, the Gregorian Rite, the Pian Rite, the Tridentine Rite, the Traditional Latin Mass – the Vetus Ordo, the 10th Sunday after Pentecost was supplanted by the Feast of the Transfiguration.  Therefore, let’s circle back and fill in…

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