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Monthly Rosary Rally for the Latin Mass in Chicago Continues on March 6th

Editor’s Note: in Chicago, our brethren are setting an example for Catholics worldwide. Consider joining them in Chicago or starting your own monthly Rosary Rally to peacefully and piously make your hearts known to your bishop (and the rest of your brethren in your diocese – Novus Ordo Catholics will support you too). Remember the parable of the unjust judge. This method of pious resistance may be an effective means to imitate in many dioceses across the world. Yet further, as the organizers know, what happens in Chicago will affect the whole Church


Catholics will gather for a second monthly Rosary rally on Sunday as they continue to pray for the full freedom for the Traditional Latin Mass in the Archdiocese of Chicago. The event will take place on Sunday, March 6th from 11:00AM – Noon outside of Holy Name Cathedral (735 N. State Street, Chicago, 60654).

Catholics of the Archdiocese continue to be denied the Traditional Latin Mass on the first Sundays of the month by Cardinal Cupich. They unite themselves to the sufferings of Our Lord when he stood before the Pharisees:

And when he had said these things, one of the servants standing by, gave Jesus a blow, saying: Answerest thou the high priest so? Jesus answered him: If I have spoken evil, give testimony of the evil; but if well, why strikest thou me? (St. John 18:22-23).

Last month’s Rosary Rally brought over two hundred supporters who prayed and witnessed in the bitter Chicago cold. You can read about it here. 

“We respectfully ask Cardinal Cupich – why do you strike us? Why are you depriving us of the Traditional Latin Mass on the first Sunday of every month? What have we done to deserve such a punishment?” said organizer Danniel Pribble.

Visit the Facebook Page “Chicago Rosary Rally for the Latin Mass” for additional information or contact Danniel Pribble at

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