Third Monthly Rosary Rally for the Latin Mass in Chicago
Please join us for the third monthly Rosary Rally outside of Holy Name Cathedral on Sunday, April 3rd from 11AM – Noon. This third Rosary rally will be important: in addition to banning the Latin Mass on the first Sunday of the month, Cardinal Cupich has also banned the ancient rite during the Sacred Triduum…
Second Chicago Rosary Rally Faces Cathedral Security and Touches Hearts
The holy season of Lent has taken on a new meaning for Catholics in the Archdiocese of Chicago, as they continue to be denied the Traditional Latin Mass on the first Sunday of the month in archdiocesan churches per directives from Cardinal Blase Cupich. But, in typical Chicago fashion, they aren’t taking the Cardinal’s bullying…
Monthly Rosary Rally for the Latin Mass in Chicago Continues on March 6th
Editor’s Note: in Chicago, our brethren are setting an example for Catholics worldwide. Consider joining them in Chicago or starting your own monthly Rosary Rally to peacefully and piously make your hearts known to your bishop (and the rest of your brethren in your diocese – Novus Ordo Catholics will support you too). Remember the…
What Happens in Chicago Will Affect the Whole Church
From the organizers: Rosary Rally for the Latin Mass in Chicago this Sunday, February 6th A Rosary Rally for the Traditional Latin Mass will take place on Sunday, February 6th from 11:00AM – Noon outside of Holy Name Cathedral (735 N. State Street, Chicago, 60654). February 6th is the day Cardinal Cupich’s new restrictions on…
The Victorious Martyrdom of St. Ignatius of Antioch
Editor’s note: without a doubt, it is spirit of the martyrs that must be rekindled in the hearts of the faithful in our age. Hence our serialization of St. Alphonsus’ great devotional work before Advent last year (which we hope to resume again soon, God willing). It is here that we find the great militant…
Integralism is Christendom – Pt. I
Perhaps no term in modern Catholic political discourse is so poorly understood—deliberately or innocently—as “integralism.” The term is bandied about without second thought both by scornful opponents who deride it as “Catholic sharia law” and by wishful utopians who define it as nothing more or less than whatever vaguely traditional throne-and-altar political project they personally…
Integralism is Christendom – Pt. II
Read part I here. Editor’s note: this is part of the postliberal conversation at OnePeterFive, in which we discuss and debate how to rebuild Christendom against the Liberal disorder. If you would like to add a submission to this conversation, please email us at editor [at] Integralism is care for the common good… In…
The Continuation of the Mystery of Christmas
By Dom Prosper Guéranger The Feast of the Epiphany is the continuation of the mystery of Christmas; but it appears on the Calendar of the Church with its own special character. Its very name, which signifies Manifestation, implies that it celebrates the apparition of God to his creatures. For several centuries, the Nativity of our Lord was…
The Arians Tried to take His Church by Force and Impose Heretical Liturgy
Editor’s note: as a follow up to “It’s Time to Occupy the Churches” and “Catholic Fathers: a Call to Arms,” we present this excerpt from R. Thornton, St. Ambrose: His Life, Times, and Teachings (1897), (public domain). Right now we are attacked by Marxist governments from without the Church and heretics from within. Yet Christ…
Garrigou-Lagrange: The Religion of Science and Our Times
From The Three Ages of the Interior Life Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. — The Question of the One Thing Necessary at the Present Time What we have just said is true at all times; but the question of the interior life is being more sharply raised today than in several periods less troubled than ours.…