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In Memoriam: Maria Klump

Editor’s note: this poem was submitted to us by Jeffrey Klump, a 1P5 reader whose wife Maria passed away in April, 2016 from complications arising from multiple myeloma cancer. Today would have been her 52nd birthday. Please, in your kindness, offer a prayer for the repose of Maria’s soul and the consolation and intentions of her family.

A Birthday Poem, of Sorts, to my Best Friend and Wife, Maria Klump, who would have been 52 Years Old Today


You taught me what love really is, and, that, love wasn’t meant in your heart to stay, love isn’t love, until you give it away.

I know your time here seemed very brief, but right now, all I feel, is sorrow and grief.

Although our separation will be for only awhile, my sadness is, Nonna and I, will never reconcile.

So I ask Our Lord, once again, to crush my pride, and extend my hand, before Nonna leaves us, for the promise land.

I still bear the pain of lifting you, two days before you left us to, go onto your eternal reward, with Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

I know I failed you at the end, this may have been God’s original plan, for me to see, how weak, I really am.

I promised myself, after you died, to raise our girls, and I’ve tried, although that road, seems difficult now, I know you’re there, to see us through.

I told you, we will see you soon, when I kissed your lips, and your soul, left the room.

And so now, here we are, to say happy birthday, from afar.

Be at peace, forever more, I pray that, you are waiting, at Heaven’s door.

This is where, this poem will end, and I’ll see you, when Christ, comes again.



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