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Send down, ye heavens from above, your rain Let righteousness rain down on mortal plains Forget Thy wrath, O Lord, be not enraged And our iniquities remember not Forever, for behold a desert made Is our holy city, to us lost Sion Mount deserted is, and bare A barren waste upon a barren plain Jerusalem…

In Memoriam: Maria Klump

Editor’s note: this poem was submitted to us by Jeffrey Klump, a 1P5 reader whose wife Maria passed away in April, 2016 from complications arising from multiple myeloma cancer. Today would have been her 52nd birthday. Please, in your kindness, offer a prayer for the repose of Maria’s soul and the consolation and intentions of her…


With tread unsteady Breaking winter’s grasp, we thirst. Calvary looms blood red Felix culpa Joyful torments of this death. Shouldering cruel beams Wood of destruction and rebirth Heaving steps Faltering, falls What drives Him on Drinking to the dregs? This intersection Of real and ethereal Nature and grace Visceral and Divine A thunderous collision of…

A Godforsaken Mind

Do you wish to know the mystery of a godforsaken mind? To wander through the crimson light to see what you may find? Amidst the walls of crumbling stone and pages that are tattered; amidst the long forgotten dreams and sorrows that are scattered – like so many old photos strewn across the floor –…

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