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Marco Tosatti on the Pope’s Secret Plans to Potentially Modify Humanae Vitae

Our Italian colleague and friend, Marco Tosatti, has once more been able to detect some important developments in Rome. On 11 May, Tosatti posted an article entitled “Humanae Vitae: Voices on a Vatican Study Committee to Examine the Encyclical of Paul VI.” (Giuseppe Nardi of in Germany has already diligently reported on this piece of news.)

Tosatti reports, as follows (translation kindly provided by Andrew Guernsey):

In the Vatican, unconfirmed reports from good sources have leaked that the Pontiff is on the verge of appointing – or even might have already formed – a secret commission to examine and potentially study changes to the Church’s position on the issue of contraception, as it was laid down in 1968 by Paul VI in the encyclical Humanae Vitae. That was the last document signed by Pope Montini, and it was the formalization of what the Second Vatican Council had developed on this issue.

We have so far no official confirmation of the existence and composition of this entity; but a request for confirmation, or for denial, which was put forward to the competent authorities, has so far not been answered – which could be a signal in itself – in the sense that, if the report was completely unfounded, it wouldn’t take much to say so. As to who could be involved, there are only hypotheses; perhaps Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, who was recently put in charge of what concerns this kind of activity; perhaps the rector of the Catholic University of Buenos Aires [Msgr. Víctor Manuel “Tucho” Fernandez], the great theological “right hand man” of this pontificate. But these are just speculations.

As of today, Marco Tosatti still has not yet received either an official denial or a confirmation of the story from the Vatican.

In our own research, we have been able to confirm the story. A well-informed source in Rome has confirmed Tosatti’s account without however being able to give specific names of the members of that commission.

This development, however, does not come to us as a surprise. Pope Francis has shown repeatedly his disregard for the traditional Catholic teaching on contraception (hence modern abortifacients). We remember his claim in 2015 that Catholics do not need to breed “like rabbits” and his proposal that contraceptives might be used in the case of the Zika virus – a claim that caused the National Catholic Bioethics Center to issue a polite correction of that papal statement.

Most stunningly, under Francis’ pontificate, there have been strong open promoters of abortion itself welcomed to give speeches at Vatican conferences. Here we only mention Paul Ehrlich, the promoter of population control, as well as pro-abortionists Jeffrey Sachs and Naomi Klein.

Naomi Klein herself, after participating at a July 2015 Vatican conference concerning Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si, was interviewed and said the following:

[Question:] You’ve been criticized by Katha Pollitt for not seeing the Pope’s “blind spot”—the church’s embrace of gender inequality and its opposition to contraception, even as overpopulation is certainly not making it easier to address the problem of climate change. Isn’t the Catholic Church part of the problem?

Klein: First of all, it’s not true that I don’t see the blind spot. I very deliberately introduced myself as a feminist when I was at the Vatican. When I was writing my book, I debated whether to make the argument that women’s reproductive freedoms were part of the battle against climate change. […]

So I strongly believe in women’s right to choose, and in the right to contraception. But I don’t believe in it because of climate change; I believe in it because I believe in it. I think these rights should be championed on their own merits.

Cardinal Raymond Burke recently made some critical remarks about the presence of such speakers in the Vatican when he said the following:

I think too the terms for choosing those who are invited officially to come and to speak to the conferences at the Holy See have to be clear. I don’t understand how people who have openly opposed the Church and her teachings can be invited to this kind of conference.

[Question:] Like Paul Ehrlich…

Exactly, Paul Ehrlich…A prime example. [my emphasis]

Let us also remember, in this context, that, at the end of 2016, Pope Francis removed all active members the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAL). As of today, the PAL still has not received any new members.

As we reported in March of 2017, John-Henry Westen, editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews recently described the change of atmosphere in Rome with regard to questions of life. He spoke at the Bringing America Back to Life Convention on the topic: “After 2000 Years, Is the Catholic Church Altering Its Stance on Life and Family?” As we then put it:

With this challenging topic, Westen addressed the serious problem that the Catholic Church — which was heretofore at the forefront of the protection of innocent and vulnerable life and of moral standards with regard to marriage and the family — seems now to be drifting away from that vocation and orientation under Pope Francis. This continued weakening of the Catholic Church’s doctrinal and moral resistance will inevitably affect all people in the world who fight for the defense of human life, since what is arguably the most powerful moral voice seems now be withdrawing, or at the very least, quieting down.

In spite of the resistance of many well-respected and disciplined Catholic scholars throughout the world, it thus seems that Pope Francis is not willing to stop his dialectically ongoing revolutionary agenda.


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