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The Leftist Conspiracy Against Orthodox Catholicism

For the most part, 1P5 is a politics-free zone. Our mission lies elsewhere — in the restoration of the Catholic Church and its proper place within the world. Sometimes, though, the two areas overlap, and never in recent memory has this been so apparent as in the revelation of an actual leftist conspiracy against the Catholic Church in America.

The ongoing dump of emails from Wikileaks has laid bare a campaign to infiltrate the Catholic Church here in the United States and to undermine her teachings. A campaign that would make Saul Alinsky (with whom Hillary Clinton had a well-documented relationship) incredibly proud.

From the Wikileaks website, we see this 2012 email exchange between Sandy Newman, President of “Voices for Progress” to John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s current campaign chairman (click the image to enlarge):

Click to enlarge

The text of the Newman email reads:

Hi, John,

This whole controversy with the bishops opposing contraceptive coverage even though 98% of Catholic women (and their conjugal partners) have used contraception has me thinking . . . There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church. Is contraceptive coverage an issue around which that could  happen. The Bishops will undoubtedly continue the fight. Does the Catholic Hospital Association support of the Administration’s new policy, together with “the 98%” create an opportunity?

Of course, this idea may just reveal my total lack of understanding of the Catholic church, the economic power it can bring to bear against nuns and priests who count on it for their maintenance, etc. Even if the idea isn’t crazy, I don’t qualify to be involved and I have not thought at all about how one would “plant the seeds of the revolution,” or who would plant them. Just wondering . . .

Hoping you’re well, and getting to focus your time in the ways you want.


Sandy Newman, President
Voices for Progress

Podesta – a Catholic – responds:

We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now. Likewise Catholics United. Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up. I’ll discuss with Tara. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend is the other person to consult.

John Podesta. Image courtesy of the Center for American Progress (Creative Commons)
John Podesta. Image courtesy of the Center for American Progress (Creative Commons)

At LifeSiteNews, Lisa Bourne reports:

The CHA infamously opposed the USCCB in its stand against the controversial Mandate forcing religious employers to provide subsidized birth control and sterilization to its employees in violation of their religious principles, with Barack Obama citing the CHA’s support earlier this year to defend the federal government’s case against the Little sisters of the Poor.

A day earlier, Bourne had reported on another email exchange between key players in the Clinton campaign, including Podesta:

“Conservative Catholics” are the latest Americans to be smeared by members of Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign, leaked emails revealed on Tuesday show.

Catholic beliefs are bashed as “backwards” and conservative Catholics are termed responsible for “an amazing bastardization of the faith” in one of the more than 1,000 hacked emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta released Tuesday afternoon by WikiLeaks.

“I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion,” writes Clinton campaign Director of Communications Jennifer Palmieri.  “Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they became evangelicals.”

The exchange between Palmieri, then president of the leftist Center for American Progress (CAP), John Halpin, a senior fellow for CAP, and Podesta, occurred in April 2011 and was entitled “Conservative Catholicism.”

“They can throw around ‘Thomistic’ thought and ‘subsidiarity’ and sound sophisticated because no one knows what the hell they’re talking about,” Halpin wrote Palmieri and Podesta.

At The American Conservative, Rod Dreher offers commentary:

This is chilling and infuriating — though I suppose not surprising. It’s simply that now it’s undeniable. It shows that at the senior level of the Democratic Party’s brain trust, a Clinton political operative — a Catholic! — created front groups specifically to undermine the authority of the Catholic bishops, and to separate the bishops from the people, as well as to secretly undermine Catholic teaching to make it more friendly to the Democratic Party’s agenda. Podesta ought to be excommunicated.

So now we know what’s coming under a Hillary Clinton presidency: a war on the Catholic Church and any other church that stands in the way of progressives in power. At an international conference last year, Hillary Clinton said that the fight for global abortion rights must never end:

Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed. As I have said and as I believe, the advancement of the full participation of women and girls in every aspect of their societies is the great unfinished business of the 21st century and not just for women but for everyone — and not just in far away countries but right here in the United States.

As Peters points out, the Clintonistas have long been conspiring to do exactly that to Catholicism in America. I use the word “conspiring,” because Podesta, in the text of his e-mail, says that “we” created these two Catholic fronts “to organize for a moment like this” — that is, to exploit a perceived weakness in the Catholic church.Here’s more.

It’s clear now that believing Christians are going to have to fight these powerful, deceptive, amoral progressives for the rest of our lives. Dark days ahead. A Catholic friend e-mails to say, “So we knew the KGB infiltrated the Russian Orthodox Church, but who knew the Democrats were sponsoring activists inside the US Catholic Church? Wow.”

That last point bears further reflection. We have periodically discussed Bella Dodd and the Communist infiltration of the Catholic Church in these pages. We also reported the testimony of Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa — the highest ranking defector in the history of the Soviet intelligence services — who said that Liberation Theology was a KGB construct designed to loosen the hold of the Catholic Church on Latin America:

The movement was born in the KGB, and it had a KGB-invented name: Liberation Theology. During those years, the KGB had a penchant for “liberation” movements. The National Liberation Army of Columbia (FARC), created by the KGB with help from Fidel Castro; the “National Liberation Army of Bolivia, created by the KGB with help from “Che” Guevara; and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), created by the KGB with help from Yasser Arafat are just a few additional “liberation” movements born at the Lubyanka — the headquarters of the KGB.

The birth of Liberation Theology was the intent of a 1960 super-secret “Party-State Dezinformatsiya Program” approved by Aleksandr Shelepin, the chairman of the KGB, and by Politburo member Aleksey Kirichenko, who coordinated the Communist Party’s international policies. This program demanded that the KGB take secret control of the World Council of Churches (WCC), based in Geneva, Switzerland, and use it as cover for converting Liberation Theology into a South American revolutionary tool. The WCC was the largest international ecumenical organization after the Vatican, representing some 550 million Christians of various denominations throughout 120 countries.

Sounds strikingly similar, doesn’t it? It seems that when one finds a playbook against Catholic belief and culture that works (Gramscian thought and the Frankfurt School certainly come to mind here) there’s no reason to fix what isn’t broken.

Alinsky was fond of Trojan Horse tactics – infiltration was preferable, in his mind, to protest. In an online excerpt I found from his biography, this example of his tactical preference was illustrative:

“…in the spring of 1972, at Tulane University…students asked Alinsky to help plan a protest of a scheduled speech by George H. W. Bush, then U.S. representative to the United Nations – a speech likely to include a defense of the Nixon administration’s Vietnam War policies. The students told Alinsky they were thinking about picketing or disrupting Bush’s address. That’s the wrong approach, he rejoined, not very creative – and besides causing a disruption might get them thrown out of school. He told them, instead, to go to hear the speech dressed as members of the Ku Klux Klan, and whenever Bush said something in defense of the Vietnam War, they should cheer and wave placards reading, ‘The KKK supports Bush.’ And that is what they did, with very successful, attention-getting results.”

Leftist infiltrators creating and heading up “Catholic” organizations is taken from the same manual. The goal this time, of course, was not to discredit the Church herself in the eyes of non-Catholics, but to discredit her teachings in the eyes of Catholics.

I posted an image earlier today drawn from Sunday’s epistle, which was Ephesians 6:10-17. Again, we are reminded of the stakes — and the players — in this battle:

Finally, brethren, be strengthened in the Lord, and in the might of his power. Put you on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places. Therefore take unto you the armour of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and to stand in all things perfect. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of justice, And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace: In all things taking the shield of faith, wherewith you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the most wicked one. And take unto you the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit (which is the word of God).

58 thoughts on “The Leftist Conspiracy Against Orthodox Catholicism”

  1. Podesta is a first class creep. All democrats are Marxists. My biggest fear is that Clinton/Kaine will get “elected” with 57-58%+ of the Catholic vote. I am aware of only one Catholic bishop (Aquila of Denver) who has a clear understanding of the truth and is not afraid to proclaim it. He said voting for a democrat is a betrayal of God. But then there’s this: every other person at Sunday mass voted for Obama….twice

    • >Every other person at Sunday mass voted for Obama….twice

      In modern america, Obama beeing black was heavily used by the media to tug on people heartstrings. The public is programed through hollywood movies like Django unchained and Twelve years a slave, and TV programing like Roots. To idolize the blacks who make it through university, in some belief that it is their fault so many of them are incapable of it.

      This programing, alongisde a far higher trust in the medias endless shilling for the man. Made people view Obama as some kind of underpriviliged (couldn’t be further from the truth) avatar of racial healing whom they were obligated to vote for.

      There is none of this sympathy toward Hillary, who if anything is the embodiment of privilige and political nepotism. Every time they say “first female president” it becomes more obvious that it is the only good-faith argument they can present as to why anyone should vote for Clinton.

      The media and democrat hubris, thinking they could leverage feminism to elect hillary the same way they leveraged white guilt to elect Obama. Will go down in history as a massive over-reach.

      The funniest part is that it was allready tried in Sweden ten years ago, and failed misserably over here as well.

    • Bishop Tobin of Rhode Island, Archbishop Lori of Baltimore, Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia…all are men of conviction. I started following Bishop Tobin on Facebook after reading the statements he has published. Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco is another strong voice.

  2. The Catholic Church in America has been the in bed with the Democratic Party for decades. It has already been undermined a long time ago, especially by Irish Catholic Democrats. This stuff is simply a mopping up operation.

    I’ll give a little example: When I was in the Diocese of Worcester Massachusetts, during the time Obamacare was being rammed down our throats, the “Catholic Free Press” diocesan newspaper began to run all kinds of articles declaring how we needed a “single-payer system” (government controlled of course) and presented as a “Catholic” thing to do. Magically all of a sudden they were interested in the issue.
    Every time there were new Democratic talking points, the newspaper was sure to propagate them throughout the diocese. They never opposed the “gay marriage” farce, never said a word of support to a referendum campaign to stop it. The paper never made a peep when the referendum was shitcanned by the Democrat controlled State government, like the good little soldiers they are. The entire governing staff of that paper are in-the bag-Democrats and they use the diocesan newspaper to push the Democrat agenda no matter what it is.
    Just a random peek at a recent article by Tanya Connor of The Catholic Free Press ” NORTHBOROUGH – The word “Islam” is derived from the word “peace,” a Muslim woman told more than 100 people gathered at St. Rose of Lima Parish Sunday. …”
    So one can see how the paper distributes and promotes the lies of a false religion ( Islam’s “peace” means is more like submission by the way) just like a certain Islamic educated Democrat President. How convenient.

    • “Locals await changes in immigration law
      December 4, 2014 | 5:19 pm | Featured Article #1
      By Tanya Connor Some local Catholics are praising President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration, calling for more action and seeking ways the Church might help.”

      hmmm I do sense a pattern here …

    • There can be no doubt the Church has been infiltrated and co opted by leftists. Just as the American people have been dumbed down by government schools (I know; I used to teach in one) and atrocious television, so people in the pews have been robbed of authentic faith and fed Democrat Party propaganda, especially in places like Massachusetts, RI, etc. We all have to fight this subversion in our own minds. (Our bishops’ skulls will help pave a much longer stretch of that road to Hell purportedly mentioned by St. John Chrysostom.)

  3. Thank God for allowing Wikileaks to lift the veil covering, albeit very thinly, the campaign of this dangerous and amoral woman. If such a group had somehow existed in Germany in the 30s to report on the internal workings of the NSDAP, who can tell the sufferings the world might have been spared?

    I support Trump because he is single-handedly taking on the corrupt bipartisan establishment ensconced in Washington since the days of JFK. Between them, the two officially permitted parties and their allies in the media have planted on the Potomac a regime reminiscent of Sodom and Gomorrah blown large. Even if I didn’t support Trump positively, though, I would be compelled to do so at least negatively, i.e. to stop Hillary Clinton from ever occupying the presidency. It escapes me how many Catholics can be so blind as not to see what this woman stands for, the evil she proposes; she has not been reticent about proclaiming it. Sadly we must count among these blind Catholics many men who should be opening the eyes of their flocks, our bishops.

    • Disgusting. These people who support Clinton, and Democrats as a whole, may proclaim to be Catholic but they’re not……they’re anything but. At least one Bishop (I believe on the east coast) told his people, that a vote for evil is a sure ticket to hell. At least we have ONE. I also don’t think it will fly to stay home, or write someone in, or vote 3rd party. Those people are just rationalizing their prideful indignation. Trump is no ‘Choir Boy’, but………….have we ever elected a saint to run the country? That would be a big resounding NO!

      • You sum it up well. The bishop you cite (I’m not sure who he is) has it right: if an adult Catholic, aware of Mrs. Clinton’s positions and intentions or aware of the official policies of the Democrat Party, decides to vote for her anyway, it’s very hard to see how he avoids serious sin. Clinton has proven herself inured to sin, a hypocrite and scofflaw of historic proportions. Trump has done a lot of evil things himself, but he hasn’t made the fundamental error of pretending those things are somehow righteous as Clinton most certainly has.

          • I know how it is because I lived in Spain & France for years. The distance distorts everything (the reverse is true, naturally, and Americans regularly misinterpret events in Europe and elsewhere). Clinton is morally and physically unfit for just about any job I can think of.

          • I think she is demonic. She should be required to take undergo a vigorous independent health examination as there appears to be something quite important happening there which could have tremendous repercussions.

          • We all know she has serious health problems she is hiding from the voting public; no one collapses totally as she did in NYC on 9/11 “just because.” There have been several other episodes of strange behavior in public and e-mails that indicate odd behavior in private. We all have to understand that, should she be incapacitated, bad Catholic T Kaine would become president. It’s hard to think of anyone less qualified for office than this failed former governor.

          • Thank you Johnny, for example the kids at school in France are taught that obama has class and Putin is bad. What concerns me is for some reason Putin is now suggesting that we are going to enter a nuclear war but if you look for why the Russians are ready to launch there is nothing on the internet. Something is very wrong here.

          • Chris, the real warmongers are sitting at the head table of the Democrat
            Party. Some of the Wiki docs make it clear that, like her old friend W
            Bush, Mrs. Clinton likes wars, or at least is willing to do the bidding
            of bellicose elements in the Middle East who’ve funded her campaign
            handsomely. Obama is so inept and naive that he could easily blunder
            into one. Then today we read that, in cooperation with Saudi Arabia,
            Obama is spiriting some 10,000 ISIS fighters out of Mosul ahead of
            Russian & Syrian attacks there. As the old labor union song goes,
            “Whose side are you on, boys, whose side are you on?” With regards to
            the Democrat Party, the answer has to be, “Certainly not OURS!”

            not surprising that flunkies in the government-run school system of
            François Hollande, a president even worse that Mitterrand, would like
            Obama and despise Putin. Hollande’s taste run clearly toward the
            epicene, and Putin, whatever else you can say about him, is definitely
            of another persuasion. I can’t write here the moniker Putin and most
            Russians apply to the Chicago four-flusher, I think quite appropriately.

          • Thanks Johnny, Can I ask you and everyone else here, Do you think that Russia has converted? It’s apparent to me that the evil of communism has spread across the western world, but I’m curious as to whether Russia are in fact leading the conversion back towards a Christ centered society.

          • I don’t know. Russia suffered tremendously under the Communists; millions of innocent victims died, millions of others were led into serious sin by official policies, and misery was widespread. I believe suffering on that scale can be salvific, and I remember that Putin, a long-time functionary of the terrible Communist KGB, has talked very positively about Christianity, a rather surprising occurrence. So, there could be something afoot that we aren’t fully aware of, that only future generations will understand. I have a working theory that no generation of humans ever really understands what is going on during its own time. Read contemporary accounts of events, say, in the late 19th or early 20th centuries and you encounter bizarre notions or totally false interpretations concerning them. To cite just one, the US war with Spain over Cuba is a good example of widespread acceptance of a totally false narrative.

  4. Read Msgr George Dillon’s work, War of Anti-Christ with the Church and Christian Civilization, and you’ll see just how deep the roots of this conspiracy against the Catholic Church go. Hillary Clinton et al are just the tip of the iceberg. If you don’t read anything else, READ THIS!

  5. Thank you. Powerful, and I will share it.

    Minor point: you might want to take a closer look at that otherwise stunning armor image. There is a naked woman front and center. I have an oversized computer screen, so it was quite clear.

  6. These people who would ‘crush the Catholics’ as Voltaire put it, will lie, deceive and devote their entire lives to the cause. I say the prayer to St. Michael often, but obviously not often enough.

  7. “The goal this time, of course, was not to discredit the Church herself in the eyes of non-Catholics, but to discredit her teachings in the eyes of Catholics”

    Well, under Pope Francis this mission is being rapidly accomplished. As for Hillary smearing the Church and saying it’s beliefs must change, evidently she doesn’t know this has already happened for the most part. Hillary and Pope Francis are on the same team–the devil’s team. Now she and Pope Francis can root out Catholic dissidents. Orthodox Catholics will become the victims of a secular inquisition directed by the Catholic Church itself. I don’t think this scenario is that far fetched. Lord have mercy. .

  8. Excellent review of this disgraceful condition we find ourselves in. The other day, I was rereading Tocqueville and came across the following well-known passage. It’s useful to reread it not as it provides a novel thought for today, but to help us recall that over 150 years ago Tocqueville observed the revolutionary approach to the Church. Many Catholics today are either complicit in this revolution or oblivious to it. To be oblivious to it today is to have buried one’s head so deep in the sand that the whole body has been engulfed, such that rational reason disappears along with the sunlight:

    “That point established, the question presents itself in another form. It is not, What were the faults of the Church of that day as a religious institution? but, Wherein was it an obstacle to the progress of the Revolution, and an inconvenience to the writers who were its chief leaders?

    The fundamental principles of the Church were at war with those which they desired to see prevail in the civil government of the country. The Church was founded on traditions: they professed the greatest contempt for all institutions claiming respect in virtue of their antiquity. It recognized a higher authority than individual reason; they allowed of no appeal from reason. It clung to the notion of a hierarchy; they insisted on leveling all ranks. The two could never come to an understanding, unless both admitted that political and religious societies, being essentially different, can not be governed by like principles; and as they were far from any admission of this kind, it seemed to the reformers absolutely necessary to destroy the religious institutions of the time in order to reach the civil institutions, which were constructed on their basis and model.”

    • Yes that’s it! The rebellion even began right in the Garden of Eden, and the battle has been raging with key revolutions (oddly enough a lot occurring in October(s)) since then. But men are continually being born with a love for the truth, because that’s God’s work. However because the whole enterprise is fed demonically, we know what we can do about it – the Rosary!

  9. “in my opinion”: The vast majority of American Catholics (by name anyway, which is the vast majority of American Catholics) are liberal progressive democrats: A.K.A. enemies of the Faith. You could show them irrefutable evidence that the Democratic Party intended to outlaw Catholicism in the United States and incarcerate all who professed Catholicism and most of them would vote Democrat anyway. Heck, many of them would vote Democrat for that specific reason, because they have serious ‘issues’ with the Church and are filled with spirits of idolatry, immorality of every perversion and wrath against the Good.

  10. We are certainly witnessing the unfolding of many worldwide events foretold at Fatima, Akita and others. Makes one wonder if the elevation of progressives like Cupich to the cardinalate aren’t somehow connected considering this infiltration of the Church goes beyond American borders. Pray, pray, pray! The devil’s time is short and they’re pulling out all the stops to advance their hellish agenda.

  11. Yes finally, although we know that we as practising or observant Catholics are under attack. Thankfully the veil between good and evil is now very thin. Thank you God for revealing the reality, that we are confronting the biggest spiritual battle ever. 99 years since Fatima one last year before Our Blessed Mother crushes the head of the serpent. The evil one is getting more and more desperate as each day passes. Please God protect us.

  12. In reality the dicks in high places think that the True Roman Catholics are going to cave in and oblige to the values of the day. They do not understand the fundamental difference between values and morals. Values change morals do not. For one bring it on at the and at the same time we in our family are begging for the grace of God to remain firm, to fight the good fight, to love the Catholic life.

  13. Can any Americans tell me how much coverage the WikiLeaks on this issue is getting in the American mainstream media?? Or is this issue being buried or being given minimal coverage?

    • The media are minimizing the importance of the Wikileaks revelations.
      Instead they are concentrating on ruining Mr Trump with apparently
      false allegations of mistreating women. These allegations appear to be
      coming from Republicans who oppose Mr Trump with the help of Dems.
      We Catholics here in America are praying and sending money to Trump
      because the RNC will not support his campaign.

    • To affirm conspiracy theorists, there has been none, to little, to little with a rationalization. We need to, and Trump must wake these people up to the lies, manipulations, distortions and crimes she and the left do on a daily basis. Oh don’t let me forget hypocrisy in all its forms and manifestations as well.

  14. I saw a segment on the Mexican morning show “Hoy” where neo-nazi’s were participating in the march for the family. The first thing I thought was “bull, they’re infiltrators trying to tarnish the march for the family”. This is the same program where a “debate” was held on same sex “marriage”. Six for and one against. the “moderators” were so biased it was almost laughable.

  15. What immediately jumped out at me on this article is recognising these infiltration tactics in the pro life movement. I have long believed the movement has been infiltrated not just with the “creative” tactic to misdirect and discredit short term (like the KKK example), but next level trojan horses like sleepers at the highest levels that only activate when real opportunities at change in the Prolife movement present themselves. How else do you explain the fact that whenever a real opportunity presents itself to the Prolife cause (for example the Trump comments months ago) the so called prolife “leaders” sabotage themselves and the movement to maintain the current (losing) status quo. Satan plays us like chess and although we (practicing Catholics in a state of Grace) can all recognise Satans pawns at work on the field of battle, it is rare we recognise when his more powerful pieces make a move. Our enemy knows that remaining hidden is his greatest strength and will only move his most powerful agents at the most critical points in order not to arouse suspicion. Too smart and subtle is our enemy….
    Too anecdotal for some perhaps, but i was recently banned from Lifesite News for making this exact point (amongst other points admittedly). Not only was i banned and blocked, but it was done in a sneaky and underhand way mid debate making it look like i had just lost the argument giving the co founder and writer the last word.

    We have been given a deeper insight into how Satan operates through his agents with these Wikileaks but i believe there are a few more inner circles yet to unfold before we have completely unfolded the mystery of iniquity.

    I have not posted on any Catholic websites for quite a long while now after having perfectly reasonable posts deleted on the Remnant and then being mocked by their moderator. Getting banned on such an otherwise excellent and wholesome site like Lifesite and the Remnant too really makes you wonder if these comment sections are worth spending any time on. I will say this though, i write this post believing that OnePeterFive is perhaps the only site left where i might get a fair hearing. Reading the recent hit piece on Steve @ AKACatholic was depressing.This post is something of test piece though as even you Steve, i have noticed, cant resist the temptation to delete comments from those you disagree with. In areas where we are free to disagree as Catholics that is……

    May God help us all….i believe 2017 will be the year the tribulations really start for us all (Authentic Catholics particularly but mankind generally also). We need to unite not cut each other throats. We clearly have not suffered enough to learn that lesson yet, however that suffering, that purification, i believe is incoming imminently….

  16. Please no more “springs” from this current administration or (heaven forbid) a Hillary administration. We all know how those turn out, and its not good.

  17. Seems to me that Catholics have been apostatizing for decades with little help from the Democrats. Although, obviously this is still sickening.

    “Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth”

  18. Sorry I’m late to this piece.

    I recommend every Catholic begins a study of Papal bulls and encyclicals on Freemasonry and socialism and the family. Reading this material has radically altered by view of what is and has been going on in the Catholic Church since V2.

    I’m not kidding when I say theses writings condemning these evil philosophies and pseudo-religions are shocking in their description of…the Church today.

    When you are reading a warning and condemnation of Freemasonry from a Pope from over a hundred years ago and the first thing that pops in your mind is the fact that the teaching of the current Pope sounds exactly what is damned in the old Papal encyclical, well, it wakes you right up and sets your jaw tight.

    This is it, folks. I cannot see how it is possible for us not to be deeply into the days of CCC 675.

  19. Hillary Clinton is possessed by Satan in my opinion or at least some very powerful demons, problem with getting old is your insides become your outside and you can’t hide it.


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