Help Us Help the Faithful Keep Hanging On!


We received an email not long ago that said, “Those who recognize the seriousness of the battle are in the minority. That’s where your publication provides a great sanity check and assurance that we’re not alone in our assessment of what’s happening to our Church. So take heart and know that so many of your readers are strengthened by your words. They have power and we need them, especially at this time.”

A note we received from a supporter echoed the sentiment: “Thank you for your efforts and great work! Not a day goes by that I don’t visit 1P5 (multiple times a day!) You have benefited my family and me greatly in these difficult times.”

It’s this kind of encouragement that keeps us going when the waters get rough. For some Catholics, the work we do here is a lifeline that keeps them tethered to each other and the Church as the Barque of St. Peter navigates this dangerous storm.

This is one of the reasons why we provide our content — the work of many long hours — for free. It allows us to reach the greatest number of people possible with the truths of our faith — truths that people are hungry for in these times. Our website is viewed hundreds of thousands of times each month — over seven million times last year alone. We’re among the loudest voices leading the fight against the corruption of Catholicism while at the same time reminding people of the beauty and joys of our Faith.

And we need your help. 

We are at less than 40% of our fundraising goal for March, and the month is already more than half way over. As you probably already know, 1P5 is a 501(c)(3) — a tax-exempt organization dedicated to educating the public about the Catholic faith and the events that shape its application in the world. As such, donations to 1P5 are tax-deductible as permitted by law.

As a reader and listener-supported organization, we literally can’t do this work without you. We don’t sell a product or service. We haven’t turned to a subscription model like some other publications. Our daily work relies on the free-will generosity of our audience to keep us afloat. If you believe that what we do here is important, I’m asking you to stop what you’re doing right now, and make a contribution to show your support. If you’re able, please consider making a monthly recurring gift. Just select the “monthly” option in the form below, or check the box next to “Create Recurring Transaction” on the checkout page via our standard donation screen.

No donation is too large or too small. Every bit helps us to advance our mission of rebuilding Catholic Culture and restoring Catholic Tradition.

For those who have already given generously in support of the cause, we offer our sincere gratitude: thank you for all your prayers and support.

In Christ,

Steve Skojec
Publisher & Executive Director

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