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Chicago Candlelight Procession to Honor 100 Years of Fatima

Yesterday, I received an email from Father Joshua Caswell at St. John Cantius parish in Chicago. They have an event coming up this weekend and they want to “fill the streets of Chicago” in honor of Our Lady.

“This Saturday, May 13th,” he writes, “in the streets of Chicago, thousands will peacefully walk one mile praying for an end to violence—following Mary’s request to pray for peace, forgiveness, and conversion.”

A video trailer for the event shows the powerful witness of an outdoor Marian procession through the streets of Chicago:

The text of the event announcement follows:

CHICAGO—On Saturday, May 13th , celebrations begin in Chicago for the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal.

While Pope Francis will be in Fatima to commemorate the centennial, events here in Chicago will include a presentation at St. John Cantius Church followed by a one mile candlelight procession along city streets to St. Stanislaus Kostka Church.

In this first of six events from May to October, Rev. James Presta, Professor of Mariology for the Archdiocese of Chicago will speak about the May 13th apparition and its relevance for the lives of the faithful—“Heaven’s Plan for your Happiness.”

After the 7:00 pm presentation, over 1,000 faithful will process along Milwaukee Avenue led by Rev. Anthony Bus, C.R., and members of the local law enforcement community as they escort a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. The procession will move along Milwaukee Avenue passing Holy Trinity Polish Mission and will arrive at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church for a concluding prayer service.

“We hope that this peaceful candlelight procession will be a striking counterpoint to the violence so often seen in our streets,” say organizers, “Far from being any sort of protest, this is a procession invoking divine aid, shining light in the darkness too often experienced in our city.”

Pope Francis has granted to the faithful a special Plenary Indulgence for taking part in the Centennial Celebrations around the globe. The events are being sponsored by the World Apostolate of Fatima, USA and Relevant Radio.

Those who would like more information should visit or the St. John Cantius Facebook page.

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