“The Importance of the Heart”: Pope Francis’s New Encyclical
“The heart is devious above all else; it is perverse, who can understand it?”
“The heart is devious above all else; it is perverse, who can understand it?”
I kept a poker face because this was obvious to everyone else at this gathering.
With Our Lady as our Intercessor, we will not fail.
The Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima is an apostolate co-founded in 2020 by Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Christopher Wendt.
Pope St. John XXIII exhorted the faithful to fervently cultivate this devotion, but after the Council it was viewed as another "medieval accretion."
Patriarch Sviatoslav is the Head of the largest Byzantine Church in Communion with Rome. He was elected when he was only forty years old, making him one of the youngest primates in the Catholic Church to lead a sui iuris Church at that time.
Now, what I am going to say will likely offend some traditionalists, which is nothing new if you are familiar with my work, but I believe it must be said.
Editor’s note: today we offer this Novena to the faithful as part of our efforts to spread Fatima devotion under the Russian Icon of the Theotokos of Fatima (“By Thee Unity”). We will be praying this Novena (shared on social) beginning today for the one year anniversary of the 2022 Consecration of Russia and Ukraine…
Above: Coronation celebrations. Entrance of Nicholas II to the Kremlin. May 9, 1896. In this third and last installment, we tackle the real errors of Russia as they led to the deadly Revolution that masked and obscured her and the parallels with the other revolutionary event mid-century known as the Second Vatican Council. In addition,…
Above: St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Kiev. It is providential that Mr. Carter should use the term ‘myopic’ to describe some American Traditionalist views on Russia, as it unintentionally led me to see the greater depth and magnitude of the issue, cutting across decades and centuries from both Russia’s defenders and critics. My goal is simple but wrought…
Editor’s note: in the midst of the Ukraine crisis, OnePeterFive has been promoting devotion to the Russian icon of Our Lady of Fatima on every podcast. We promote this devotion not only for our brethren in Ukraine and Russia, but yet more for the intentions of our patroness, Our Lady of Fatima and the conversion…