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Is “Contemporary” Church Music a Good Example of Inculturation?

In our year-long course on music at Wyoming Catholic College, students read and discuss a chapter from Joseph Ratzinger’s book A New Song for the Lord, “The Image of the World and of Human Beings in the Liturgy and Its Expression in Church Music,”1 In Joseph Ratzinger, A New Song for the Lord, trans. Martha…

Sacred Music vs. “Praise & Worship” – Does it Matter? (Pt. II)

Part I | Part II The fundamental problem with Praise & Worship  In the first part of this essay, I offered a critique of the profane stylistic traits of Praise & Worship music, whether “soft” or “hard.”[1] Praise & Worship music is not suitable for liturgical use. Its style reinforces a false conception of the…

Sacred Music vs. “Praise & Worship” – Does it Matter? (Pt. I)

Part I | Part II Whenever the popes speak about sacred (i.e., liturgical) music, the very first quality they put forward is holiness or sanctity, which they describe as a certain worthiness of or suitability for the celebration of the sacred mysteries of Christ, and freedom from worldliness or even that which is suggestive of…

Focus vs. Blur: Multi-Sensory Learning, Motivated Focus, & The Mass: Pt. III

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 In Part 1 of this series, we explored how, in a parish committed to the full Catholic paradigm, even something as simple as entering the church can become an exercise in multi-sensory learning, and therefore a highly effective means to help the people become recollected before Mass. In…

Focus vs. Blur: Multi-Sensory Learning, Motivated Focus, & The Mass: Pt. II

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 How Does the Complete Mass Build Motivated Focus? How Does the Minimal Mass Induce Blur? Motivated vs. Coerced Focus In order to clarify the reasons why the “complete Mass”[1] is highly beneficial to the people, but the “minimal Mass”[2] is much less so, it will be helpful…

Focus vs. Blur: Multi-Sensory Learning, Motivated Focus, & The Mass: Pt. I

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 How Does Multi-sensory Learning Theory Help Us Understand the Difference Between a “Complete” Mass and a “Minimal” Mass? Reasoning by analogy can open up new and helpful ways of thinking.  The Holy Mass may be viewed as a school for souls, an instructional method, similar to the methods skillful…

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